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Jack Jack

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Posts posted by Jack Jack

  1. Angry Hinkley hopes AFL will relax list concession rules after CAS verdict


    He also expressed frustration that a week after the ruling was made, the Power were no closer to knowing the fine detail of what their two suspended players can or can't do beyond not being able to play or train.

    Hinkley said it was disappointing that contingency plans had not being made to ensure everyone at the affected clubs knew the exact conditions accompanying the suspensions. 

    "We still don't know what we can or can't do with the boys. You would have thought there would be some planning go into what that looked like [and] what the consequences might be to a guilty verdict," Hinkley said.

    "And a week on from today you still can't quite be clear. Yes we know they can't compete. Yes we know they can't train, but we haven't got any further detail from that."

    Depending on the conditions attached to the suspension Ryder might, for example, be involved in the club's indigenous programs.

    So minutes after the verdict was handed down, the AFL announce concession rules for Essendon, but a week later they were yet to advise clubs on the parameters for the banned players.

    If that's not an example of money taking priority over anything and everything, even player welfare, then I don't know what is.

    Integrity in the AFL has been a joke for some time, but it is clear that integrity and AFL are now mutually exclusive.

    • Like 3
  2. A couple from Stone Temple Pilots (from their 2013 album 'High Rise)

    Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) replaced Scott Weiland in lead vocals ... to each his own but I reckon it is still a great sound.

    I've listened to and read a few of their interviews of late. I think that EP that they released was just a bit of a taste as Chester had commitments with LP (I believe they finished the last of the songs just a few hours before Chester had to fly out for a tour). There was also the messy breakup with Weiland at the time, which was still going through the courts, as such that EP had to be labeled STP "with Chester Bennington". They've been working on some new material and all seem pretty pumped about it, new album due out in the next few months (apparently).

    I don't mind the EP, but I'll hold judgment on them until I hear the new album (What am I saying, they'll be awesome). Chester's vocal range is dissimilar to Weiland's and he struggles to really nail the great STP tunes live, but maybe he's the change that the band needs. They all seems to be enjoying each other, the band, and playing music again, so that can't be a bad thing.

    STP & the DeLeo brothers have tried to go without Weiland on a few occasions, without much success. I don't mind either album, but I'm biased.

    Talk Show (STP with Dave Coutts(Ten Inch Men))

    Army of Anyone (DeLeo Brothers with Richard Patrick (Filter))

    Bit strange that the two popular songs are Hello and Goodbye.

  3. New phone and new music player, so I've been listening to all my music as I load it in. I've found myself listening to some albums I haven't heard for years, mostly Scott Weiland stuff.

    The second album from Velvet Revolver is a cracker.

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  4. Well done Froome. He's been pretty dominant from the start.

    The Alpe D'Huez was a pretty amazing stage. Quintana attacking and taking some time off Froome. I think he probably stayed behind his Movistar teammate for too long when he should have been attacking harder and going it alone. But maybe he had started to run out of beans. Also missed an opportunity on Col de la Croix de Fer when Valverde couldn't go with him. If those 2 had got away it would have been a spectacular final climb.

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  5. Quitana into 2nd. Attacked a few times on what was a pretty minor final mountain section. He couldn't shake Froome, but like you said all his rivals are so far back he's going to have to cover a barrage of attacks in the coming mountain stages.

    Still, I think it's down to a 2 man race, with Quintana having to come from a long way back.

  6. The race almost seems over already. I guess you've got to admire Froome for being so dominant, but it doesn't do much for the spectacle of the race. I'm hoping Quintana can give him a run for his money over some of the upcoming mainatin stages (16-18 maybe).

    Nibali has bounced back somewhat after a disappointing start to the tour, but he's too far back to be any threat.

    The big news for me so far this tour has been Porte's announcement that he will be leaving Sky at the end of the year to be a team leader. Not sure which team he's heading off to, but that will certainly make the next few years tours more interesting (hopefully)

    The mail stops for no-one (or race)

    On Saturday, during the first stage of this year’s three-week race, a postman in Utrecht went berserk after learning the race route blocked his way. After lifting his own bike and two bags of what he described was full of "80 kilos of post" over the police barricade, he decided to tear the fence down to get by.

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  7. I'm a bit disappointed too. Not so much because of the result, but due to Bogut not really having an impact in the Finals.

    Still, the future is looking bright for Aussie's in the NBA.

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  8. It's going to be a struggle for the Cavs now. Irving out with a fractured knee cap, 1 of the big 3 remain. Of course that means we'll see a lot more of Delly, so silver lining and all.....

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  9. Maybe I've got my rose coloured glasses on (or maybe green and gold coloured would be more appropriate) but I can't help but think that Delly has got a serious role to play defensively against Curry (or Thompson). His defensive pressure has been outstanding so far in the finals.

    If the Warriors get through then it's a no lose situation for Aussies. Bogut or Dellavedova. Patty Mills was vital for the Spurs last championship, so I wonder if either of our 2 will bob up for some game changing performances.

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  10. Classic work. I'm afraid the Minnesota Timberwolves are sheer toilet though. There is a far greater chance of you seeing Melbourne win a premiership than Minnesota winning an NBA championship. The cold (get it?) reality is that people who earn millions of dollars don't want to live in Minneapolis. Heck, even Boston, with its storied history and being in a great city, can't attract big free agents. Don't do it unless you truly hate yourself. It's one thing to choose lame teams as a kid and get stuck with them for life, but you've already got an AFL team to ruin your life - don't add to it.

    I think you're being a bit harsh on the Timberwolves, they did just win the lottery, and they already have Wiggins, last years No. 1 pick and recently crowned rookie of the year. Kevin Garnett coming back home can't hurt their chances of attracting free agents.

    But, like the AFL, there are the have's and the have not's in the NBA, and Minnesota is certainly in the latter group.

    I love the NBA, but it's becoming more and more difficult to pick a team with so many Aussies invading the league (Exum & Ingles at the Jazz, Dellavedova at the Cavs, Mills & Baynes at the Spurs, Bogut at the Warriors and Bairstow at the Bulls) and plenty more likely in the coming years. And with so many regular trades, you never know how long they will stay with the team.

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  11. Houston should push the Dubs, but they've been behind on too many occasions to fill me with any great confidence.

    Hawks and Cavs should be interesting. From all accounts Irving could have come back in game 6, so the injury may not be that serious. If the Cavs can stay healthy then they are surely the favorites, but they're still a relatively inexperienced team. A lot rests on Lebron's shoulders, but that is nothing new.

    I must admit, I haven't followed the Hawks much this season. Who's likely to win it for them, or are they just a good all round team?

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  12. Great game by Matt Dellavedova. Stepped up when Irving went off with an injury. The Bulls wiki page has been updated accordingly.


    Clips would be cursing themselves, they got smashed in the last quarter.

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  13. It's hard to disagree with those predictions Macca.

    The Mavs look good on paper, but it just hasn't come together for them of late. Still should be an interesting series. The Raptors Wizards and Clips Spurs series should also be worth keeping an eye on.

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  14. The finals start tomorrow, a few good matchups for the first round will make things interesting. I guess the big question that everyone will be asking is how will Cleveland fair when 2 of their big 3 have no finals experience?


    Atlanta Hawks vs. Brooklyn Nets

    Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Boston Celtics

    Chicago Bulls vs. Milwaukee Bucks

    Toronto Raptors vs. Washington Wizards


    Golden State Warriors vs. New Orleans Pelicans

    Houston Rockets vs. Dallas Mavericks

    Los Angeles Clippers vs. San Antonio Spurs

    Portland Trail Blazers vs. Memphis Grizzlies
    I think it only fitting that we begin the playoffs with a look at the MVP candidates for the year.
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