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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. That's a harsh way of putting it, but it does sound like it's mostly mental barriers in the way. Perfectly understandable ones, in my opinion.
  2. The early games missed might cost Hibberd - no doubt he'll be in the top couple though. He set a standard from his first minute on the ground and hasn't gone below it. By seasons end, all our best players will have missed a sizeable chunk of the season. I agree that there's a chance it'll be Clarry or TMac by virtue of being good consistently and playing most games - assuming neither of them fall over between now and then. Definitely one of the more intriguing years. There's a lot of possibilities and the voting always tends to toss up a surprise or two.
  3. Can't understand the logic of playing Hogan in the VFL. He's either ready or he ain't. You'd take the same approach with him as we did with Gawn, surely.
  4. Lol - what's Stevo been sniffing. Hogan not in the LG, has yet to demonstrate any ability as a leader (still only a pup) and might not even play himself.
  5. Strange that people are nominating Jetta since he's not in the leadership group. You can love him all you want (and I do), but it ain't gonna happen. It will come from the 4 players listed in the poll. TMac for mine, but would be happy with any of them.
  6. The only thing it "tells" is that the spots in the VFL sides are listed pretty much at random. He won't play there.
  7. Agreed. Spots up for grabs in the side for sure. These boys should be very hungry - especially Kent, BenKen and JKH. I think they owe the team more than the rest. I'd add Maynard to the list too.
  8. I reckon it's academic anyway. Can't see him pulling on an MFC jumper again personally.
  9. Man, there's always friggin' one, isn't there?
  10. Yep - the group I have lazily come to refer as the foot soldiers. Exactly those players in fact. I thought White in particular looked way in over his head. I hate to single out a rookie listed player in game 3(?) but he just couldn't compete on any level. It's a very tough way to find out that you're not at the standard. I don't begrudge him or blame him, just think it's the harsh reality.
  11. Too many NQR players in this game. I overestimated the ability of the likes of White and Wagner to plug gaps. All the footsoldiers struggled. Bugg, the less said the better. Viney out really hurt, and will hurt. It's disappointing the be so comprehensively outplayed, but we weren't going to go the whole season without losing again. If we were going to have this game, it might as well be against the rampaging Swans, at the end of 4 games in 18 days, with a third of our best side out, including our two skippers and our three best forwards. We dust ourselves off and get on with it I think. And hopefully get a few footballers back soon.
  12. It wouldn't be unreasonable. They keep showing it on TV and it makes me feel sick. On further reflection, @Deestroy All is probably right. 6 and career - how could the coach or his teammates ever trust him again?
  13. 3-4 I'd have thought. Oh well. Can't continue to pick a loose cannon and act all surprised when it fires off.
  14. We will win this. Getting murdered at the contest - I can't see that being allowed to continue to happen. Goodwin knows how to reset the side at half time. Despite the fact that we've hardly had the ball, they haven't buried us.
  15. I reckon our season has been defined. Competitive since the first game, and have gone up a gear in the last month. Notwithstanding our injuries, I'm confident for this game. That doesn't mean I think we're certainties, just that our best is good enough and I know they'll bring it. This is the two form sides of the competition, battling it out at the G in prime time. Can't wait.
  16. Considering the injuries, Casey only lose White from last week (as Wagner went to Perth) and gain Smith which pretty much cancels it out. Still a strong looking VFL side I reckon. Really hope Weid, JKH, Kennedy and Kent can pick up where they left off and continue putting upward pressure on the seniors.
  17. Fair enough. I guess I struggle with booing something that is pretty much outside their control, but each to their own. I'd probably have booed my head off at him if that incident occurred in a Melbourne game, but because of the act, and I wouldn't have carried it beyond the game it happened in. I agree that he has a more appropriate sentence now after that ridiculous tribunal outcome.
  18. No, I genuinely don't understand why people would boo him because he got a lenient sentence. If you said you were going to boo the members of the tribunal then I'd probably be lining up with you. The outcome was ridiculous and he should have got the 4 weeks at least - not his fault that he didn't though. The fact that he got a lenient sentence doesn't add to his sins, that's why I don't get it. Do you boo all players who get rubbed out for stray limbs? Did you give Lewis or Hogan a big old booooooooooo when they returned from their suspensions?
  19. Because he wasn't named as an emergency? Kent won't request a trade at the end of the year.
  20. Just one of those things footy oafs do I guess. Houli wasn't on the tribunal last time I checked. It makes absolutely no sense to boo him.
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