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Everything posted by Mousey

  1. If we get Petracca i vote for him to get number 33. CP33
  2. Everything i have seen and heard from YouTube videos/interviews (admittedly limited) i hope the guy we target is Brayshaw. Good head above the shoulders, seems to really want to be a good player, ball winner, right size for modern day midfielder (187cm). Twomey said it best in his latest phantom draft ranking article "You know what you get with Brayshaw". Believe he spent a week with the Dees last preseason also. Draft Brayshaw and use the other compo pick for similar go as Tyson deal last year= happy days
  3. Yeh like someone above said would be a deal similar to Tyson i would presume. Like i said i have no idea how solid the chance is. Just know him and Tyson are very close and if his contract runs out in 2015 which i think it does (not certain), he may of said look i am leaving once the contract is up, keen for a trade this year if you can get one nutted out with Melbourne. No idea to be honest, but i would love him on the team
  4. Not sure how solid this rumour is at all, but heard on twitter yesterday and thought i would share. Someone said "Dont be surprised if Coniglio is a Demon in 2015" his source was from "word of mouth, from a recruiter".
  5. Agree completely and have thought about this idea for a while trying to contemplate equalization strategies. Doubt it would ever happen but i would like to see this- First 20 picks for teams who miss the 8. So each team who misses the 8 gets two top twenty picks. 2nd round- top 8 chooses two picks, after this a snake order is implemented for the rest 18th- 1,11, 37, 72, 73, 108 17th-2,12, 38,71, 74, 107 16th-3,13, 39,70,75, 106 15th-4,14,40,69,76, 105 14th-5,15,41,68,77, 104 13th-6,16,42,67,78, 103 12th-7,17,43,66,79, 102 11th-8,18,44,65,80, 101 10th- 9,19,45, 64,81, 100 9th- 10,20,46, 63, 82, 99 8th- 21,29,47,62, 83, 98 7th- 22,30,48,61,84, 97 6th-23,31,49,60,85, 96 5th-24,32,50,59, 86, 95 4th-25,33,51,58,87, 94 3rd-26,34,52,57, 88, 93 2nd-27,35,53, 56, 89, 92 1st- 28,36,54, 55, 90, 91
  6. Well said mate, great post
  7. $ 2, 819 , 704 4 days to go! I wouldnt mind if they kept the whole debt demolition thing open for even another month! Why limit it to a month? Saying that i think they have done a fantastic job!
  8. I think the club has done the best you can possibly do without rattling tins infront of peoples faces 24/7
  9. $2, 596, 713 Over half way now. Wonder if the foxtel donation will be going in today? Green on foxtel said that would probably be the case with an announcement today.
  10. Thanks Maj!!!! Great post mate! wish there were more people like yourself out there!!
  11. $2, 147, 289
  12. $ 2,121,020
  13. Sorry bout that lol
  14. 6/8/08 5.12 PM $$$$$$ 2, 102, 005 WAHOO ITS ROLLING LETS KEEP IT GOING GUYS
  15. wow oh wow! hahahahahhahahahahhaha jesus ahahahahahahahah cant stop laughing!
  16. I just read- http://www.melbournefc.com.au/tabid/7415/D...px?newsid=64895 Does this mean Foxtel has not contributed their 100 000 yet? as it has to be from the members and supporters not the event last night?
  17. Thanks sid for the info. Lets go people its all up to us now!
  18. Great result by the club!
  19. $19, 864
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