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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. 31 minutes ago, Demonsterative said:

    Spoken like a true ABC man. So I gather you will boycott all things Dan the Man or anything that has his grubby hands on? 

    Btw, the Comm games was providing these regional areas the infrastructure they desperately need. Roads, housing, sporting facilities, business etc etc  

    After the Comm Games finish, the shoddy infrastructure would rust out and become overgrown 

    it’s a 2week con. I don’t understand your stance on Andrews. He was an excellent Politician, but I wouldn’t want want to do business with him personally.. but he did bring Melbourne into the 21st Century 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Demonsterative said:

    Andrew’s fooled the public with his constant and consistent lies whilst in office. He is the most corrupt Victorian Premier in history. You should stop watching the news, social media or anything news related with your values on corruption. 

    Regional Victoria are paying the price all because Andrew’s wanted to win an election and buy votes. 

    (now eagerly awaiting a typical SWYL slogan fluff piece response) 

    Wow. That was a response. The biggest problem is that the Victorian Liberals have been totally unelectable for many years. I never said i was a huge Andrews fan. But i am glad he stopped the Commonwealth Games. They are a complete waste of time.


    Do you think “Windscreens O’Brien” would have done a better job?

    Andrews is a shifty bastard, no doubt and i will never forgive him for the 2 years of Lockdown, but he also built a lot of infrastructure around Melbourne, that previous governments of both sides didn’t have the balls to do  and still more needs to be done  


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  3. 19 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    Let’s be honest though.. Dictator Dan never had any intentions for Victoria to host the games. It was purely a strategy to buy votes from Rural towns. 

    Possibly. It is hard to put exact figures on any of these things. But i have no doubt the final figures were a complete blow out. 
    So i am glad we curtailed it. Canada did the same. 
    The Commonwealth Games have no meaning anymore. They peaked in the 1950’s

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  4. On the First Morning of the 2004 Olympics in Greece, there was a Major Drug Scandal, with Athletes riding through the City on Vespa’s evading Officials and Police. 
    I haven’t watched one moment of Olympic Competition since. 

    What a Grotesque waste of money they are…

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Scoop Junior said:

    One thing I will mention is there is something about the Tholstrup boy. The big mop of curly hair that makes his head stand out in a crowd and what appears to be a level of confidence / self-belief. I didn't get the impression that he was a new guy there. He really pushed hard on the run throughs, leading the way when running with Windsor, Brown and McAdam. He then encouraged Windsor and McAdam to beat the required times when they were doing some extra running after he finished. He went and helped up the skipper off the ground after they did push ups. I don't know exactly what it is but there does look to be something a bit different and unique about him. If he can play, he seems the type of player who will be really fun to watch.

    Both of our Draft Picks are expected to play Senior Football next season, so i am not surprised to read about this “attitude”

    I certainly hope the AFL Community get a bit of a shock next season at our newbie’s. 

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  6. 36 minutes ago, Damo said:

    All good WYL. But my point was, Kerry never tried to read the room either. IIRC when KP got in the lift, you got out and waited for another. I met Joe and he treated me ok. Kicked the footy with his kids occasionally down at Alma Park.

    Kerry was very good at reading the Room, don’t fool yourself Damo.

    There was a reason he was so successful and others merely mimmicked him. 

    Joe was an enigma, to this day he has been almost silent. I thank him for donating the money he did, but the problem with that, was, he then ran a one man board. 
    there was no long term projection, there was no supporter participation. 
    We collectively could have taken The Lexus Center, but Joe wouldn’t see it. 
    In 2023, 25 years later we are still fractured as a club in terms of infrastructure. 

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  7. 17 hours ago, Lord Travis said:

    I'd say the opposite. Ladder position is irrelevant. Finals is the real stuff and when the proper season starts. We have a finals system to determine the winners and placers. Minor premiers are meaningless. We have failed to finish top four two seasons running. We've [censored] the bed and are wasting our premiership window.

    If we fail again next year, I expect significant changes to senior coaches and onfield personnel and leaders. Otherwise we become Port Adelaide who keep resigning Hinkley as coach and never achieve any success.

    Spot on. 
    we have finished 6th the last two Seasons 

    Get your ship together Goodwin….

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Redleg said:

    He may have been wrong, but MFC Boards before and after him, got plenty wrong and I was on one of them, which against my vote and argument, sold our admin building in Jolimont Terrace, which today would be worth many millions of dollars.

    Ross Mitchell, a Real Estate agent and brother of 3AW Neil Mitchell and I were totally opposed to the sale, but were outvoted.

    A shocking mistake imo.

    Agreed. I remember that building. Went in there a few times and actually got to speak to Hassa Mann. 
    mistakes were made, by good people. But the Olympic Center was a serious mistake we are still paying for. 
    We were offered it first….

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  9. 3 hours ago, Redleg said:

    With $27m in the bank, from the sale of assets he pushed his Board to acquire and after stopping a merger and tipping in $2.7m of his own, the biggest single donation to the club ever.

    Show a bit of gratitude.

    Gratitude to a point. 
    but talk to any Board Member who was in the Gutnick era. There was no debate or discussion. It was Joe or else. 
    we should have taken the Olympic Center….

    Joe was wrong 

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  10. 42 minutes ago, 58er said:

    Cash Reserves of $10mill approx. is in the article, I am certain.

    Put away your microscope and please delete that ridiculous and shameful Cutoff Hawk that has no place in the Melbourne Club logos. It brings many fans heartache and sadness of a previous era. It is completely irrelevant and adds nothing to your posts. You 

    $10 Million running costs sounds reasonable to me for a year. But Hawk the Troll is not looking for reason 

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  11. 40 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Based on my, admittedly infrequent listening to SEN, I would the rate the ads as more entertaining and informative than the commentators/broadcasters.

    They do have some very strange humans behind the microphone at times.  

    • Haha 1
  12. It’s just sad that his time, was the wrong time. The Club was a mess, searching for an identity. 
    if he was on our list now, he would be a very big and creative cog forward of Centre. 
    i was always sad it just didn’t work out. 

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