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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. 1 minute ago, leave it to deever said:

    Anb has been MIA after his goal in the first. Totally.

    When will Sparrow ever play two decent games in a row.

    It's not like Lions have been great ...we have been absolutely disgusting.

    Petty should be ashamed. Hasn't touched it. A bloke his size and license. Stinker.

    No the Bears have been great 

    We have been completely outplayed 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jontee said:

    I hope that isn't why we recruited him as he kicks 2 goals every 3 games (Clarrie kicks a goal every 3 games where as Trac is trending towards a goal a game)

    Don’t get pedantic. We are a man down

    Billings needs to be an important player tonight 

  3. 2 hours ago, Dee*ceiving said:

    Love Hoiney and I really love that the other two just shut up and let him educate them. Cornes in particular should give some thought to the term "you learn more by listening than you do by talking"

    2 Ears and 1 mouth

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  4. On 08/04/2024 at 10:24, Young Blood said:

    As much as I absolutely detest the man, I don't think Maynards action was premeditated before he left the air. He jumped to spoil/smother. Its once he was in the air he decided to turn his body and make full contact with his shoulder with the intention to hurt the player (Gus). I know its a lost cause but it still baffles me as to why old vision of the hundreds of times a similar situation occurred where the player in the air simply put their arms out to brace/push off the kicker was not enough to influence the decision. This is the duty of care we're talking about, not a thug taking advantage of a player in a vulnerable position.

    Unfortunately while the impact is so different, the act is somewhat similar with Kozz. Leaves his feet to intercept/spoil the handball then decides in that split second to clip the players head with elbow. It was a split second but unnecessary. This part was not a football act.

    Any other year he gets off. But not this year 😪

    Maynard left the Ground after the ball had passed. 
    it was premeditated and executed 

    First minute of the game 

    Lest We Forget 

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Engorged Onion said:

    I understand your desire to see Melbourne keep 'building' and attract top talent. It's definitely a key to success, like how Richmond rose to dominance through strong internal development. To be honest though.. I'm not sure explicitly what you mean by' keep building...'

    You  and I both know that winning the premiership every year is impossible and so is the feted dynasty once you've won one.

    Melbourne's been a top 4 team for several years now, building a strong foundation. However, the AFL is cyclical. The draft and equalisation measures ensure a competitive balance, making sustained dominance very challenging. And players and coaches know that... (that' you'll be up for a max of 4 years and then drop)

    With Geelong's (perhaps Sydney and Brisvegas) unique situation, their success isn't solely based on attracting top-tier talent from elsewhere. They've nurtured their own young players brilliantly, similar to what Richmond achieved. Melbourne has a talented young core too. Focusing on their development alongside strategic acquisitions, not just a rigid "build" mentality and keep winning is the path to longer sustained success or at least competitiveness (see Geelong).

    However, the AFL landscape is complex. While recruiting from within the top 4 is ideal, it's not always feasible. Salary caps, player loyalty, and a limited player pool, especially for Melbourne teams, make it tougher. Geelong's position is unique,  their strong culture and geographic location can be very attractive to players, creating a situation most Melbourne teams can't replicate.

    So, essentially, focusing solely on "building" can be restrictive. Sometimes, strategic acquisitions from outside the top tier can be the missing piece. Melbourne should prioritize getting the most value out of their draft picks and develop them. They seem to do that well... and like all clubs, some are hit and miss (and how much falls on the selection policy, vs the player or development structures remains to be seen)...

    Ultimately, the right player will want to be at Melbourne, regardless of their current team's position. Building a strong culture and competitive environment attracts talent (that it exclusive to premierships)


    pps... your demands on the recruitment staff... it's a bit old school don't you think??

    I demand high standards from everyone within the Club. 
    We all know what failure was like. 
    There is no need to bottom out. Particularly with 2 new teams coming in. 
    Good Players have to be traded whilst the still have currency 

    You cannot have all your stars retire at the same time

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, DeeZone said:

    Agree SWYL it was nice to see him walking the full length of AO with Goody and Max on Thursday night and then in the rooms talking casually with the players, he’s doing a great job.

    I didn’t see any coverage after the game.  But i am glad to hear that

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, DeeZone said:

    Agree SWYL it was nice to see him walking the full length of AO with Goody and Max on Thursday night and then in the rooms talking casually with the players, he’s doing a great job.

    He certainly knows what he is doing, Burgess set a very high standard, and Selwyn was there to see it. 
    It’s Roadtrips like this that prove to players why the hard work is so strenuous 

    2 games in 5 days is an incredible amount of  hard contact 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Engorged Onion said:

    I imagine we have already done our 'very best' - general exposure daily to our culture. If he still needs convincing, he is not the right person for the club - and that in of itself - is absoulutely fine when we as a club (or us as people) meet someone where they actually are 'at'.

    I'm a lover of Ange - here is a recent link to a press conference - a few days old,  about the need to make the Champions League (coming at least 4th, potentially 5th overall in the premier league) and how that allows a cash injection, as well as signals to potential athletes that Tottenham are now worthy of being recruited to.

    I'd have the same approach to any athlete pondering coming or not coming (or staying) at the MFC...


    Winning creates opportunities…

    The MFC must keep building every year. 
    You can still recruit top line players from inside the Top 4, we need to pay our recruitment staff a high wage and expect high returns. 
    Look at how many 50 game players Jeelong bring in each year, ready to go

    Tge MFC needs the same mindset 

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