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Posts posted by Cherrybaby

  1. given the skill level, spectators were running away from the ground today RD , not towards it

    I was at the game and I had more fun looking at the pigeons flying around for most of the game. Seriously, it was a bad game by both teams. I also went to the Saints and Bombers game last night and noticed how much faster both teams were in comparison. We are so slow! I could only look on and think we have such a long way to go to get anywhere near that level!

  2. Melbourne put him up for trade at seasons end or whenever r his contract is up.

    He has no passion for the game or contest, looks like he is in slow motion no urgency as well as this he needs to be selfish and go for it, to many times goes for the team option when it is not needed.

    Has shown nothing since being on our list,.

    Why keep him for another two years hoping he will come good , trade him off while he may be worth something.

    Otherwise we keep him till he even realises he hasn't got what it takes and is totally worthless.

    Before every one starts sprouting rubbish that big guys take longer to develop is aloud of crap,we don't have time.

    He seems like a nice guy and I hope he proves me wrong,but He won't.

    Ridiculous thread! I think you will be mincing your words.

    • Like 2
  3. Looks like Roos and Sheahan liked my question Daisy and McLardy's response was damning. Not his fault, he just didn't want to tell the truth.

    IMO the club has handled the older players so poorly it's no surprise they haven't "bought in". The organization has ostracised the older players and particularly last years leadership group. We all know they had limitations but under Bailey they did as well as their ability allowed and the playing group were united and commited. When McLardy and Stynes interviewed the leadership group leading into the Geelong match the leaders spilled their guts on Schwab, Connolly and one or two others. They supported Bailey. McLardy listened, thanked them and acted. Schwab would not be extendedand Bailey was likely to be. This all changed post 186 and Bailey and a few others who were in the Bailey camp were dumped and in Bailey's case in the worst of ways. The playing group and leadership group in particular felt responsible.

    The players are not "politically savvy". They thought they were doing the right thing. But they have, almost to a man, been dumped and humiliated by the current football department. Their loyalty to the club has counted for nothing. No wonder Moloney, Green, Davey and to a lesser extent Rivers are shadows today and their older mates like Jamar and Sylvia impacted as well.

    You reap what you sow. The FD lost the respect of those players and I can understand why. MFC have a history of treating its older players very poorly. And please don't come back with "but they're professionals". They are humans with all the feelings and reactions that go with it. They've been told they're not wanted. What did you expect?

    I agree with what you're saying but at the end of the day they are paid to do a job and do it properly. Losing by 186 points is unbelievable! They humiliated themselves, the MFC, its supporters and scribbled us into history for all the wrong reasons. If they don't want to play for us, then they can elect to be traded or leave. Gosh, they have enough money at their age! No more excuses. The only person they got it wrong was with Junior. That was their biggest mistake. He was a good leader.

  4. Let's give our club some credit for appointing who they believe is the best candidate. I note Garry has said all along we will get our man. It is easy to go after names but they are not always the best fit. As someone else has posted the last few flags were mainly won by new coaches, eg, Clarkson, Roos, Worsfold, Thompson, Williams etc. Maybe we can add Neeld to that list in the near future. If we add the experience of Craig as is rumoured, all the better. I am going to be excited until I see solid reasons why I shouldn't be. Let's get behind him and support him and our players as a positive vibe always helps.


  5. Sorry, you missed my point. I was responding to the comment above as to why we needed experienced assistants to support Neeld. I agree with what you're saying.

    Sorry..yes I did. I read too quickly. :-)


  6. Because experience counts massively.

    It's very hard for Neeld to make big decisions, whether it be hiring and firing, re-structuring, football related, because being in the big chair is totally different to being an assistant. So if you have a strong assistant who you can use as a sounding board, who has been there and who can do some of the heavy lifting for you due to their credibility, it helps immeasurably.

    Neeld has been a senior assistant for 4 years under Malthouse. At some stage he was going to step up..as everybody does at some point in their career. He is held in high regard by the Pies and by Malthouse. Whilst I would have been happy if were able to snag a top coach like Malthouse, I'm happy that we have Neeld. Negativity will get us nowhere. He has very good experience at a team that is in the finals second year running. Let's not be so dismissive. The MFC know what needs to be done and know that they need the supporters behind them all the way.

  7. I'm glad this is finally over. ! I think the MFC would have been crazy to pay so much money for a player who has yet to prove himself. In the end things will work out one way or another. I hope when we make the finals in a few years time and Scully and his $$ buddies are sitting on the bottom of the ladder, he might look back and see that money doesn't buy you everything!

  8. Strong clubs don't loose number 1 draftees

    Weak clubs loose number 1 draftees

    We can't match the $$. I don't know how the other players would feel playing against someone who has been given so much more to play without proving himself. I'm sure it would leave a bit of sour taste in their mouths.

    The word is 'lose' not 'loose'.

  9. The decision isn't so hard to make and surely he would know by now which direction he wants his career to take. Take the money and play with a team that will struggle for years or stay with the MFC and potentially be playing finals in a few years time. Money can't buy you a premiership. If it is true what they say about Scully being so determined to be a great footballer, then surely going to GWS isn't a great career move. Once you earn a certain amount of money, how much more do you really need to live comfortably? Money does not = quality and a fulfilling life. People who have much less are generally much happier.

  10. At this stage I don't care if he stays or if he goes. The writing on the wall says he's gone but I'm still waiting for him to confront the media and announce it himself. This has dragged on for far too long for anyone's liking. For Scully, it's his reputation that has been damaged throughout all of this and that is hard to earn back. Of course, if he signs with MFC, then I think he'll earn it back but I think most of us feel a little used along the way. He has lost the support of the fans though I know most of us are sitting on the fence...and if he re-signed we would be jumping out of our seats with joy. I'm sure the ending will be an anti-climax! Sheedy and Demetriou will be rubbing their hands together and laughing at how easy it was to poach the No.1 draft pick. However, I still have my fingers crossed!

  11. Aaron was very disappointing today..especially today! He's just not playing with any flair like he used to and he doesn't seem as keen as he once was. Whether it's a loss in confidence, he should still work hard at trying to get the ball!

  12. I'm Melbourne through and through and I ain't going anywhere. All clubs go through their ups and downs. We've had our fair share and unfortunately continue to do so. I'm hoping things will get sorted out very soon. At least our club has seen more than a few premierships and yes, it has been a long time since the last one but I am an optimist. I believe we will see a flag in the next five years. (fingers crossed).

  13. Hi there. My name is Chrissie and I am a music photographer. I have been lurking on this board for a little while and only recently starting posting. I started following Melbourne in 1994 as I was dating a Melbourne supporter. I'm a pretty passionate Dees supporter. I go to the games every week with a few other Melbourne supporters. I sit in the Melbourne reserved area. I am also very optimistic and I think we will see a flag in the next 5 years. I'm single. I'd like to meet fellow Melbourne supporters.

  14. Good luck James, i saw it live, i don't need to ever see it again.

    6 months at best for recovery says Dr. Peter Larkin.

    Strauss was starting to really show a bit.

    The MFC curse rolls on...Hang in there people. We will beat this rotten luck.

    I saw it live too and I felt very sick. Poor bugger. I hope he makes it back to play. He's a talented young fella.

  15. Should be compulsory viewing for all members ! Even an old cynic like me has had an enthusiasm revival. Tell all your depressed Dee mates to watch it !

    I just watched the media conference and I reckon he will sure breathe fire into those boys for Saturday's game. He's exactly what we need even if it's only for the next 5 games!

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