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Everything posted by tez

  1. Just in case you have foxtel and have not seen also Scotty Chisholm was on and not too happy, sure to be a few replays this week with the programming.
  2. Whats that got to do with this thread ????
  3. Looks very lazy to me, nothing to enthuse me about
  4. Wallace chopped a good dozen or so on arrival with richmond, Dont think we need to be that drastic with at least 4 going Neitz def poss Holland, White and Yze Plenty of youth already to build with how much can we really handle and keep in mind we have to pay a percentage of the salary cap do we go all out youth and have some on inflated salaries All in all am waiting with anticipation to see what the powers to be do
  5. By the way, for what it's worth if we are offered a second round pick for either CJ or PJ, say, pick 26, do you want the club to take it. I think this was basically the point of this thread.
  6. Would run rings around that three for pace, Alot better than he has shown in his short stint the raves will come when he finds his feet I felt he was close to our best today
  7. tez

    Addam Maric

    Seriously hope you are joking moved well found good space and silvia had the shot when he was clear could have easily recieved a handball and was great standing in the packs trying to get players over him to miss judge the ball, pitty he dropped what looked like an easy chest mark but then again who didnt Interesting to see what Bailey will do with him and the rest of the small young guys
  8. How can this bloke say he wanted to go for Chris Judd and then on the other hand bag Paul Mac for wanting to get big Jonathon Brown, come on get serious he would never have played in a finals team with us not our time yet. Stick to the youth policy and please no bending over trade week, this mighty club has been around for 150 yrs let's build on the future. Go Dees.
  9. Coud not give a toss about who takes boomer, a team effort all over will determine how we go not i player. Good luck Maric on the start of your senior career
  10. I am sure that the AFL has a mailing house that controls all clubs send outs of memberships and there goodies ect so i doubt it would waste staff hours
  11. what gets me is the way it has been leaked to the media goes to show leopards dont change their spots, i realy do hope this stops and now otherwise the ship won't just leak it will start to list. POOR FORM
  12. Cale played good first quater then got totally lost like most, not the worst but definately not in top 6 players as voted on player of year
  13. might get down there for a few ambers who else is going
  14. Firstly great first post hope to see more from the west like that, enjoy your day i got to go to the rooms pre game aginst Richmond but didn't get the opportunity to do what you are so envious Good luck enjoy, GO DEE'S
  15. Cam is finishing of the year rather well, so i voted other given the injuries to brock and green
  16. always watched Cam on match day and if anyone else has noticed that he wears his track suit bottoms till the last minute and has done this for a long time and i suspect this maybe the reason he has done so. Always had me wondering why he did so, just put it down to some sort of superstition.
  17. tez

    My team photo

    Great pic tell us more about how you come about getting it
  18. I think that the looks of whats on offer up forward as in size not quality we definately need to draft a good key tall forward like watts or maybe stef martin (you never know) may get his chance not next season but in time, could really see bailey mould this kid in time as he def has pace for his size and we all know he is still learning. Otherwise too hard in this day and age to pick a solid forward line or backs with so much rotation but only 3 or 4 would be def starters at the front miller ozzie bate and robbo if he gets back hence my worry about height and the lack of
  19. Just wondering who your choice would have been at the time, remembering all the pre season goings on doubt there was much of a choice, players earn the respect of their peers. I truly believe rewards like captain are earned and not just for your or for your football abilities or how much you earn as a player and unless we are privy to the complete goings on at the club. AS for comparing to Neita or Gazz to the current co captains, sorry but we do not have that luxury at present to have a person of those cmplete qualities blind freddy can see that and as for his supposed salary of 500k per year well we have to pay a large percentage of our cap so who else pre season was worth it
  20. Cam bashers getting totaly sick of this type of thread and others alike and whats even funnier when the coaches from both clubs give him votes no one has the balls to maybe even say gee they may know a little bit more than us average joes, shows how much we all know Go back and have a good look at the game i am sure you will see mistakes made nearly every where not just by the man in Q
  21. tez


    Buckley's game i thought was pretty good and got better as the game wore on, loved the way he ran the lines and did over a pretty good job considering the amount of mistakes that were made during the game, his foot skills are getting better each game and i am sure confidence is a big factor. I really can see with more experience in the big league he will definately become a great running half back flanker, would hate to see him play close to goals and nullify his pace just hope he gets enough game time from now on in
  22. Well said, i think some demonlanders need to realise what this guy went through before just burying him as an old hack Good luck whitey
  23. Not sure of my shift time for friday but will try to make it down at some stage. what time is stumps being pulled at the club ????????????
  24. I am surprised the club have not contacted you atleast via mail, each year the club does a ring around with the help of a small hand full of volunteers to ring the many thousand members that have lapsed and believe me its extremely hard ringing people who in truth if they wanted to be a member they would either ring up or even sign up at the ground on home game day, i am not having a go at you but in general i believe we have an enormous amount of people who do follow the mighty red and blue yet fail to support. I have barracked for this club all my life am 45 years old and this is my first year as a member, so i too am guilty of being in the fickle group but intend on being a paid up member from now on, have been to every game this year except Sydney. There will be a thread next year calling for volunteers to help do the ring around i encourage you or anyone to have a go at it and see hard it is to re sign lapsed members.
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