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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. How do you smother a ball by hitting a player in the face and when the ball is already in another player's hands. I am getting sick of our players being hit in the face and no penalty handed out, not even a free kick. It's a joke.
  2. Sorry to keep repeating myself but they have not apologised. That is what makes me angrier. The words used were " we made a mistake and it won't happen again. The words we are sorry or we apologise have never been said.
  3. Sorry to harp on about this but to date there has been no apology by the AFL. I have heard the interview a few times and Andersen merely says that the AFL made a mistake and it won't happen again. That is not an apology. Saying sorry we did the wrong thing, or we apologise is an apology. There has been no apology. As I also said earlier the apology should be to the MFC and its supporters for possibly costing the club a game. Something like " to the MFC and its supporters we are sorry or we apologise for the mistake we made, we will do our best to ensure no repetition."
  4. Can absolutely guarantee that the Umpiring department will rule both correct as they know the trouble that will be caused if they admit the error. Agree with your logic. Otherwise from now on every time a claim of touching the ball is made all umpires on the ground should get together for as long as it takes to get a consensus. They can also go to the TV commentators and Radio guys for their input as well. After that they can ring me for my opinion.
  5. I was told he had shin soreness in the first quarter and never returned.
  6. I don't believe the AFL has apologized but rather admitted making a mistake. There should be an apology to the MFC and its supporters.
  7. I heard he had some shin soreness in the first quarter, though that would't generally keep you out of the last three quarters. Luke Tapscott told me today he hoped to start running this week.
  8. I wonder if he has issued an apology to the MFC (for contributing to their loss). A general admission of a mistake is hardly sufficient.
  9. I also find it refreshing when guys like Dermie, Hudson, Harley, McAvaney come out and say we got the raw end of the deal from the umpires and it could have cost us the game.
  10. We got 45000 to last nights game and 36000 to the Lions game against an interstate side. We are now drawing good crowds and will draw more as we improve. What justification can there now be for us playing games at Skilled Stadium where the crowd simply can't fit. One would expect at least a crowd of 45000 plus to a Dees/Cats game in the future and 15000 plus fans can't be denied access. Skilled should be used for games gainst interstate sides and the Roos and Tigers who won't fill the ground. We should now push this very hard with the AFL and we have every justification to do so. Carlton, Collingwood and I think Essendon have not played their in years. With us now on the verge of an exciting era crowds of 60000 plus against the Cats at the G are a reality.
  11. When was the new rule passed that when a goal umpire says it it was not touched and is a goal and the field umpire says he also didn't see it touched, a boundary umpire is called in to get his opinion. This was clearly heard on the Dunn shot on TV through the umpires mikes. If the field and Goal umpires both believe it was a goal what was the need to call in a boundary umpire, who had to sprint to the goals from around the boundary. Why is this not done on every shot where someone may have touched it? Someone can correct me but I thought the boundary umpire said he "thought" it was touched. Since when is that used to overrule the man in charge of the decision who was closest and gave his ruling. Should every decision on a footy field now be a consultation between all umpires. As for the umpires pink shirts, when we also wear pink, nothing less than disgraceful in a professional sport. We should be wringing a favourable position in next year's draw from the AFL as a result. I suggest we don't play at Skilled Stadium for the next 10 years.
  12. I thought they were in red. Agree though,a disgraceful decision. Several time Melbourne players appeared to pass the ball towards an umpire.
  13. McIntosh, Hale, Goldstein. Martin will play.
  14. Don't forget that Travis never wanted to leave the Dees, he was disappointed to be traded. He wanted to finish his career as a Demon.
  15. I'll third it. I am missing the calls for Bailey's sacking though. Record membership here we come. Return to prominence for the MFC here we come.
  16. He was my favourite Demon besides Robbie and I thought he gave his all for the club.
  17. Agree. Not a star game by Stef but one chock full of 1 per centers. He did the hard team work all night.
  18. Correct. As Grimes was falling to the ground with Fev in his back the umpire paid the free. Grimes had just picked up the ball and had not even stood up, he was still hunched down when tackled. Along with the TV commentators who i heard when I got home, I agree it was disgraceful. The umpire was number 24 Jennings. That was one of a number of shockers by him, including taking a great mark off Bennell close to goal. It may have been his first game. He was given the ball to carry off at the end and the two boundary umpires ran to him as soon as the siren sounded. If it was his first game I don't want to destroy his umpiring career, I actually think he did it himself last night. That was the worst display by an umpire in a senior match that I can recall. I am glad it didn't cost us the game. In my opinion he could have been involved in 20 incorrect decisions throughout the night. Anyway, enough of umpire bashing, more importantly we played fantastic footy and we won and the boys were great.
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