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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Just saw some of his facebook rants on the news, it was even worse than I thought. Disgraceful.
  2. Just viewed the press conference with Cam and I feel proud to be a Demon. He was outstanding.
  3. You may wish to send that to Greg Denham, the author of the statement.
  4. Still think he can be a very good player.
  5. I will try again at home and see what happens, because it is happening to my office computer.
  6. Is anyone else having trouble when posting, in that the font size and style of writing changes all of the time?
  7. Imagine if you were the FOJ sponsor right now. The publicity you would have received would be priceless.
  8. I meant , with all the crap we have had lately, it would be nice to win a game for a change.
  9. What's next for our club? Winning a game might be nice.
  10. Not sure if anyone has posted this already, but what I found totally offensive is the line from Thomas that " my informant who was only second hand has gone to ground and Neeld has denied it, so I guess I will have to take him at face value" . Since when was Thomas the Judge of what was said and what is right and wrong. That is a grossly offensive comment, to say to someone who has flatly denied doing something and without any other reliable evidence to the contrary, that " I will have to take him at face vaule." What about being a man and saying "I believe what Mark told me, my information was wrong and I apologize". [censored] weak and probably defamatory in the first instance.
  11. And on and on it goes. Most of the new threads could easily have been a post on the Postmatch thread. Perhaps it would be helpful if mods explained that only completely new topics need a new thread.
  12. Wow. One match in and everybody starts a new topic. 200 new topics. It is making me dizzy going up and down the front page.
  13. If I knew we could get an O'Meara type, Coniglio type, Viney and another good player at 11, I would gladly lose every game for the year. We need a major infusion of midfield, speed, skill and talent if we are to be a good side. The trouble is with the new side in New Zealand and South Africa we would lose all of them and end up with a bag of chips.
  14. They could have worn red and blue jumpers, they performed that badly.
  15. Old Dee this might make you feel better. I think we will make several changes and play better next week.
  16. Redleg


    That concerned me too. Any under 9 coach would have had someone on Black driving him mad and negating his effectiveness. He was alone for large chunks of the game as he destroyed us.
  17. Try and do a bit of analysis here. I know I shouldn't write so soon after a loss but I feel pretty calm at the moment. 1. Our midfield is slow, both in leg speed and reaction. 2. Our disposal as I have been banging on about for many years is the worst in the AFL. Can't kick to a player or handball to a player. 3. Our general handling skill is poor at best. 4. We allow match winners ( like Black ) to go unstopped while they are killing us. 5. Any game plan that relies on entry into the forward line, being by bombing the ball from 40 metres in the air is doomed to fail. 6. Our players don't run to position and create space. 7. Our first touch of the football is a fumble. 8. We have senior players who shouldn't be in the side and I will name some Flash, MacDonald and maybe even B & F Beamer and soon Green. 9. Too many players get the ball and without looking just kick it to the opposition. 10. There was no game plan in evidence today but I am prepared to give that time. 11. We allow flooding in our forward line and then one on one in the opposition's. 12. We show no passion in our play or anger towards the opposition or the situation. ( I am not suggesting violence ). 13. Our drafting and development of players appears poor so far over the last few years. 14. We are slow in too many positions. 15. We allow 33000 supporters to come along on a nice day at our home ground against an interstate side and play a game of crap football that is nothing short of disgraceful. BTW I can accept defeat as I have followed the club for 55 years but today was shameful. At least 186 was Geelong at Geelong with nothing really to play for. It just seems to me that other sides have drafted no name players who have speed and skill and play to the team ethic, while we seem to have not developed players or picked badly at the draft in the first place. We needed quality mids and we went tall for several picks over the last couple of years. Scully was a mid but I am not sure Trengove is. He will be a good player but not a quick mid. Surely Magner highlights the problem when from the VFL he is our best mid on the day and our second best is our number 1 key forward draft pick. Why do we fumble nearly every possession? Why do we pass 40 metres up in the air? These are major problems. Feel free to disagree.
  18. I think the weather has turned in our favour.
  19. Agree. Cotchin is class, Beamer is a bull.
  20. Eddie's large shorts are the only thing I like about his club. Have hated them since my childhood.
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