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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. That may not be accurate. It is rumoured that he will slip past the Dogs and that puts him at 7 at best and maybe lower. I think everyone from us down would take Toumpas if he was available.
  2. You could be right. I can see the excuses now: the grass was too green, it wasn't green enough, the umpires killed them, the sky was too blue, it was too hot, it was too cold, too dry, too wet, the goal posts were not white enough, the goal posts were too thick, the goal posts were too thin, the ball was flat, the ball was too hard, their jumpers were too tight, their jumpers were too loose, it was too noisy, they missed Meatloaf, they over trained, they under trained, they were missing their 37th best player, they couldn't get tickets for all their mates, the MFC cheer squad were being nasty, they didn't enjoy lunch, the goal umpire missed a goal, the video umpire was wrong, they had stops instead of screw ins, they weren't allowed to train on the G that week, their rooms didn't have enough decorations, it was too windy, it was too still, there were too many seagulls, there were not enough seagulls, etc, etc, etc, feel free to add to this non exhaustive list.
  3. Good hands, quick, evasive, good disposal, sets up play and can score. Nice highlights reel. Wouldn't worry about his height at all if they think he is up to AFL. Seems to possess a number of attributes we are looking for. Gets it in tight and can then get out and give it off to set up scoring chances. Me personally, I would rather someone like him as a rookie, than Couch.
  4. You would want it well publicised in other media, what we are doing and why. I could see them slagging off much more, rather than looking for a slice of banana bread. Something along the lines of " due to constant unfair editorializing, rather than reporting and blatant attacks on the MFC and some of its staff, the MFC at this time has no faith in the named personnel acting in a fair and reasonable manner towards the club and its staff". "The club is ready and willing to discuss the situation with the named media memebers if they wish to do so. A failure to do so will be regarded as an acknowledgement by them of their unwillingness and inability to treat the club and its staff fairly and impartially." PS. If it is good enough for KB to refuse to speak to CS despite his media position because he feels hurt at his sacking as the Tiger's Coach, then it is good enough for the MFC to refuse to speak to him over his treatment of CS and the club.
  5. The AFL have agreed. You are right that it may help lessen the overall penalty and either way, this year they only lose a late first and third round picks, so not too heavy at the moment. They will still lose picks next year and maybe even the year after plus a fine of about the same amount as the breach. They also will lose Tippett for nothing. It will end up a heavy penalty.
  6. When what we do is criticised and then when another for exactly the same is praised, I say to myself that the reviewer is either a fool or has an agenda. Having heard Barrett and even spoken to him, I would assume the former. However, we seem to get that reaction from several in the media and I wonder if it is because we have alienated them by our conduct. Clearly Wilson and Bartlett dislike CS and that is obvious by their behaviour. KB won't even be in the same room as CS and in fact walked out of an interview with him and another SEN colleague. It may behove us to repair some relationships in the media.
  7. No shock to see in today's Herald Sun, that since 2000, we are regarded as being the second worst performed side in the Draft. We are just slightly ahead of Freo. Hopefully from now on we can turn that around.
  8. I see this as a reaction to Oliver riding through the carnival and then Racing Victoria coming under fire for letting him.
  9. So do I. I have had him last year ( unfortunately injured ) and again this year as my boy to watch. I could see him fitting into our midfield, unlike Magner, who I see at best as a fill in when there are a lot of injuries.
  10. Someone posted that it is not entirely impossible to argue that Toumpas and Viney could both have been in the top 3 of this draft and Toumpas maybe even 1. If we do get Jimmy, then for 4 and 28 we have done brilliantly. For the ex player we have got Hogan, Dawes and Barry. You would have to say that is brilliant as well, especially in light of his first season with GWS. Then to add Pedersen, Rodan, Byrnes and another couple tonight is a really good turn around of our list.
  11. This boy could arguably be number 1 in this draft and now looks like he might slip to our pick at 4.
  12. Quite smart actually. Could well be a negotiated position.
  13. I would count down from April Fools Day 2013. Therefore 132.
  14. They said we got Maric because of his elite kicking. He was terrible.
  15. I think there is a rule that AFL licenced personnel, players, coaches, officials etc, must co-operate with an investigation. Co-operation doesn't mean putting up with threats and intimidation though. Disgraceful conduct by the AFL investigators if true.
  16. Agree Sue. You actually only need to ask one question to see if players money should be in the salary cap. To Visy I would ask " how many players from other clubs get the same deal as the 15 Blues players, including the massive amount for Judd from your company? It's the former Carlton President's company and now the Vice President's. Give me a break. Give them as much as they want, but it goes in the salary cap, where it belongs.
  17. Yes. I actually signed up as a GWS member and player sponsor and found that to my surprize, I was already featured being interviewed on a DVD/video, clearly made weeks before my visit, endorsing the club and dressed in my new GWS track suit.
  18. I am getting sick of this "inquisition", which is what it is. Threatening and intimidating of witnesses belongs somewhere else than an AFL investiagation. Computers now confiscated. I think the next step should be forceful injection of truth serum, to any witness who has given a statement the investigators didn't want to hear. Are we now living in Russia? We have had the man who made the famous remark state it was a joke, several players including the captain, who have said they did their best and the Coach admit only to experimentation and list management. Why then if this is the case is this this still an ongoing investigation? Why also are we the only club being investigated when the Tigers Coach has admitted a breach of Rule 19A to get Cotchin, he admitted doing nothing which is a clear breach of not performing on his merits and the Blues with Fevola and Libba both saying they tanked. Yet on the word of a former player with a less than perfect reputation who has never used the words "tank" or "deliberately lost", we are being subjected to the most intense AFL Investigation ever. All of this after the AFL CEO has cleared and endorsed our behaviour. I am sorry but this is now a bloody joke and a major embarrassment to the game and the AFL running it.
  19. My project players are Evans and Fitzpatrick. Could throw Maxie in as well.
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