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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. i am feeling like Old Dee at the moment, waiting for the game on TV and not really caring less. Expecting to see another thrashing and the beginning of another week or rubbishing or pity from my mates. The usual scenario is that we lose a good player early in the game and players back in the side, or down on form for the opposition, star. Therefore I predict great games for Buddy, Hale and Birchall.
  2. It was a bad day. He is an accurate kick based on the day I saw him.
  3. Given we have no other relevant kick in strategy, I agree. If he kicks to a contest with 10 meters of the goal square the ball could be about 70 meters out. That is better than a chip out and then back to the goal square and then the obligatory turnover. If the ball is near the centre, a knock on and you have a chance to drive it deep in one possession and also have more chance of a one on one contest in the forward 50. That has to be better than our suicide play at the moment. It doesn't rule out a passed kick in, if players are prepared to work and get clear by about 20 meters, as that is needed due to our poor kicking skills.
  4. Mark Williams also qualifies under your guidelines. PS. He also coached a team to an AFL flag.
  5. There is a lot to be said for that position. I am sure at the moment we have a lovely bunch of boys at the club. We have Flash, who is married,a father and a leader of our indigenous boys and who I am sure could be a good mentor for a boy like Garlett. I recall the problems being espoused with Darling. Do I need say any more. Personally as I said in another post, if this boy is that talented, we should approach the AFL now, to take him now as a concession for a non competitive side. I know they would deny us but it is worth asking the question. You could couple it with asking for Hogan to be allowed to play the second half of the year. Which club would argue that request.? Remember that every club passed on Dayle, so I don't think there would be an outcry. We should trust ourself to get our culture right end ensure that we help a boy like Dayle to achieve to his potential both in football and the outside world. PS. In addition to a truckload of good midfielders the glaring omission in our list is a quality smart, quick forward.
  6. Deanox, I think people need to stop bringing up Junior's retirement, as at best he would have played one more year with us and that would have been in Bailey's last year. We are now under a new Coach and Junior has no relevance to this situation. PS. I agreed at the time with Junior retiring as he was 34 and constantly injured.
  7. Better than most footy journos. The book is full of facts unlike most footy articles. It also doesn't call for half of the participants in racing to resign or be sacked.
  8. Agree the first two lines. As to the third line, are you advocating interference in football matters by the CEO?
  9. $35-$40k, are you getting all your teeth replaced with gold dentures?
  10. Happy to come now. Let me get my row boat out, the streets are flooded. Where do I row to? Anyway, I can now finish reading my copy of the the Black Caviar story, which I am half way through.
  11. This sums up my sporting life at the moment..........meeting abandoned due to heavy track.
  12. That is as good a summary as one can make about the list. What you haven't addressed is the lack of effort in many games, that is not dependent on quality but rather attitude.
  13. I know what you are saying. Too many people are nice on the way up and then change when they get there. That is so of many types of situations. Not all fall into this category. Mick Coghlin and some of his fellow directors were very easily approachable and were happy to mingle and explain where they could. I recall a candidate for the VRC Board who was so far up my clacker to get my vote and once elected she barely noticed me. That happens. You make a good point though, the membership is vital and Directors should find ways to mingle where possible and interact with the membership to explain what we are doing and to empower the membership by that feeling of truly belonging. There have been initiatives in the past such as the forum but I know they are not easy to run successfully.
  14. He is not receiving any salary from the club this year.
  15. My grand daughters also arrive in about an hour for friday dinner with Nana and Pop. I am off to Sandown tomorrow to see my horse Briefed hopefully win the 7th race. Can't bring myself to go to the footy until there is some change or we play a non top four side.
  16. BB I am saddened to admit this, but I now accept that this Board, like many others before it, made some terrible decisions. I agree with you that PJ is the lifeline and clearly the conduit to help via the AFL. If we play our cards right from here and limit mistakes, we can recover pretty quickly IMO, with the help of the AFL.
  17. Sorry I misunderstood. Then I agree with your support.
  18. Do you honestly believe that we were fined because of the loose lips of CC's vault joke? You would have to know that the AFL didn't want to be seen as stupid and lose face after a 6 month persecution and find nothing. So it fined us $500k for a joke, get real ! You also know that the Inquiry was dead on it's feet in about October, until a rat dogged on us and restarted it, he is the loose lips. I suppose I shouldn't forget that CC was a friend of Jim Stynes and that clearly has a bearing on your view of him. Don't bother replying/lecturing me on this subject, I don't need it and we will never agree on this topic. Anyway this issue is over as far as I am concerned. PS. I do agree with you on some other matters, especially that this administation has been less than brilliant.
  19. Let me state my position again before I post, CC is a mate of mine. That said let me state the following: Chris bore the brunt of the tanking punishment and we all know he is not the only one who had to be involved. He did so without recrimination. He has lost a year's salary as a result. He has a family to support. He has been removed from the football side. He is now in the marketing/membership/fundraising side. He is good at his role. He also does a lot of the community work and he is good at that as well. He is great with people and getting them involved with the MFC. He is a former player who cares a lot about this club. He wants to see this club successful again and has suffered like few others as a result of the last few years. I would be more likely to donate again if asked by Chris, someone who knows me and how I feel about the MFC, than some new kid I have never met before and who will leave as soon as he is offered a new job. You want to build culture, you don't burn the CC's of this world. You use them to the best of their ability as part of the rebuild of this fractured club.
  20. Let me state my position again before I post, CC is a mate of mine. That said let me state the following: Chris bore the brunt of the tanking punishment and we all know he is not the only one who had to be involved. He did so without recrimination. He has lost a year's salary as a result. He has a family to support. He has been removed from the football side. He is now in the marketing/membership/fundraising side. He is good at his role. He also does a lot of the community work and he is good at that as well. He is great with people and getting them involved with the MFC. He is a former player who cares a lot about this club. He wants to see this club successful again and has suffered like few others as a result of the last few years. I would be more likely to donate again if asked by Chris, someone who knows me and how I feel about the MFC, than some new kid I have never met before and who will leave as soon as he is offered a new job. You want to build culture, you don't burn the CC's of this world. You use them to the best of their ability as part of the rebuild of this fractured club.
  21. Agree. Perhaps that should read 4-5 imports.
  22. I understand that, but I was referring to the actual players we got as PP's. It has been suggested in the media that because we stuffed up our PP's we shouldn't get more. I was demonstrating that we actually haven't.
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