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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. That is an interesting point, considering the outrage by the Essendon people when their players' names were published.
  2. That photo is better than Redtube.
  3. According to ASADA rules no difference. All depends on proof of use. Hopefully there is none.
  4. I prefer de udder picture.
  5. Am I going to a transvestite's function?
  6. George Stone will also feature.
  7. It seems to me that several recent AFL rules/decisions have hurt us. The introduction of the 2 new clubs and all their draft picks have slowed any chance of a quick come back. The abolition of the PP has done the same. The refusal of Evans to grant us one despite 7 pathetic seasons has done the same. The abolition of 1 runner has aided the more experienced teams, of which we are not one. The tanking inquiry and its aftermath has also hurt us. Our fixture when looked at in a commercial sense has also hurt us financially. There are probably more that i can't think of ATM.
  8. Should be fun at the lilypond.
  9. If you were going to play him this would be a good week, playing GWS and without Davis, Mohr and Gilham.
  10. Believe the longest estimate and then triple it.
  11. More princesses on there, but I believe most Kings have indulged in the things shown there. I believe a king sized bed often features.
  12. I have some horse shares if you would like to get involved in the sport of kings.
  13. But thank God, that the AFL initially screwed us, by giving him to GWS and then very handsomly compensated us.
  14. Roos will reduce that number over the next couple of years.
  15. The red one could be a bit tight, but the red and blue one is me.
  16. If that was the case he would try and do another Tyson/Salem deal.
  17. Too true. The AFL will support Roos and Jackson as they want the club to be competitive, only for broadcast, attendance. financial drain and ladder percentage advantages to whoever plays us, reasons. I would in the middle of the year, demand 5 PP picks from the AFL. 1 for drafting in the first round and 1 for trading in the first round and say 3 at the beginning of the 2nd round to trade or draft with. That is the way to get an immediate impact. 1 PP is almost meaningless given our current position.
  18. There is no doubt we have improved as the stats have reflected that improvement. What is killing us is the lack of our forward line, ruck backup for Spencer and the poor replacements for our missing players. We are also playing some non AFL standard players ATM and it hurts.
  19. No, we haven't reached the end of the beginning yet.
  20. It is clear that calf injuries aRe far worse than most think, with several players struggling to overcome them. Then again back injuries and foot injuries aren't too good either.
  21. As long as I don't get injured.
  22. No I was a fool to go to the game sunday.
  23. That is a real worry.
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