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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Pretty sure that is incorrect. Owned by a businessman named Ron Hall. Think he has lost plenty on SEN. Finey may even own a bit.
  2. Jack Watts is my big improver for 2016.
  3. Hulett looks like a bouncer. Anyone think he resembles a bigger Tapscott?
  4. Great photos, well done.
  5. What is it with Doctors and my backside, I have a Prostate examination in February. I need to think about Footy.
  6. Just back from a Colonoscopy, boy would I love a good banana smoothie.
  7. How come my status is a Member, when I used to be a Life member?
  8. I think I tasted Cobalt in my vitamin tablet this morning.
  9. I don't like the new format.
  10. If found guilty they will get that bulk discount for a number of reasons including delay, time served player co- operation etc.
  11. Can we just draw pictures then?
  12. Well done WJ. Have you got any snowballs left?
  13. Gee, it's quiet around here lately.
  14. Well done Tas.
  15. Anyone know anything about him other than 21 years old?
  16. No, Sheedy got us Hogan, with his greed and revenge, on the club that overlooked him.
  17. Possibly, my memory is not as good as it once was. BTW, who are you?
  18. His evasive skills are sensational.
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