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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Yes, no more sandpaper for us.
  2. Anything happen in the AFL today?
  3. Don't confuse the tanking outcome with the Essendrugs deal, they are poles apart. One is an orchestrated deal on a breach of an AFL rule that was never proved and the other is the biggest scandal to ever hit the sport that compromised the health of players and is admitted.
  4. Looks like the Essendrug saga is about to get more oxygen.
  5. Then our thread would be safe and continue to flourish with all of the brilliant info and dialogue it contains.
  6. That's what got us into this topic, some moron talking to me for 15 minutes about crap.
  7. I am currently working on developing a banana based tinea cream.
  8. See how the conversation deteriorates when we don't discuss bananas.
  9. So they don't need a bicycle at the Gat.
  10. She hang around the Gat as well?
  11. So you don't think I should answer with, " what makes you think I am interested in this at a party or at any time for that matter". Maybe I will just adopt your suggestion, it will be simpler.
  12. I have a new pet hate. On saturday night,at a party I attended, a bloke I know merely in passing, interrupted my conversation with some other guys, to spend about 15 minutes telling me of his latest court case and all the machinations thereof. My only comment to him before this began was "hello". I should have asked him what did I say or do, or what in my body language gave him the idea that I wanted 15 minutes of my life stolen without permission. What is it with people who just blurt out there life to you, without being asked and then reciprocate by asking you nothing of your own life. I have had enough and the next person who does it to me, will get a sharp rebuke and can watch my back as I walk away.
  13. I don't want to get into an argy bargy on this, as I was just passing on someone's opinion. Guess we will find out fairly soon. I am suspicious of the overwhelming confidence of Essendon being publicly displayed. If they knew nothing about the investigation, I don't think we would hear public comments.
  14. Are you sure they haven't already. If he has kept no records or has shredded them and denies illegal supplements, what then?
  15. If my mate is right and there is no evidence of who took what and when, how do you propose infraction notices can be issued? I don't believe WADA or ASADA can sanction without evidence.
  16. Not me, the person who told me and he should know, though it is his personal opinion and he is not in ASADA. We will see.
  17. I can report here, after having an interesting discussion with someone who is in a very strong position to know the whole Bombers story, his view is we will not see any infraction notices for the Bombers. The reason is as many of us have posted, no records, no proof of who took what and when. It would therefore be nearly impossible to make a case stick. You could say , no, I took vitamin C and nothing else. It is going to make the Saads and Lees of this world very angry I would imagine. Also mentioned that the AFL would be very happy if Hird never coached again.
  18. Not yet so i would expect some Demonland confidentiality.
  19. Ok, add some Baileys and Drambuie and maybe some Tia Maria as well.
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