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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. I think we might assume Tomlinson will now be a Saint.
  2. I have 4 comments here. First The Tribunal has found that it was reasonably foreseeable that Moore running towards the ball, would drop to the ground and that Kozzie should have known that and foreseen that as he ran in at speed and that therefore any bump at all could hit Moore in the head. That imo is errant rubbish. Second that The Tribunal allowed an amendment to the charge during the hearing, yet on other hearings refused to allow amendments, like for example Hewett, who was found to have struck a player to the head with his hand, but vision showing they had alleged the wrong hand, but clearly a strike with the other hand. Why was a proven strike simply not just amended to the correct hand. Instead they let him off. Third, how long did The Tribunal take to decide the case and write down the reasons. The findings are lengthy and written down as shown above. It takes time to weigh the evidence and decide on each issue and then more time to write it all down. I am bemused this could be done as quickly as appears, in the time spent on deliberations. Doesn’t sound like a lot of discussion on the issues. Lastly why does the AFL allow a Pies supporting person to chair a Tribunal dealing with Collingwood players?
  3. You would have thought so. I am prepared to have a little wager with myself, that if the Pies were in an Elimination final the next week that maybe things might have been a little different. Moore jumped up and took his kick and stayed on the ground. Gus was knocked out cold and yet that wasn’t rough play but Kozzie’s is after a change in movement at the last second by Moore, give me a break.
  4. I am nearly retired and the club should have plenty of Barristers to select from.
  5. I have said it before, but imo this Chairman makes it up. This is what he said tonight. AFL Tribunal chair Jeff Gleeson KC said that the tribunal did not believe he was contesting the ball and it was “unreasonable” for him to bump given Moore could have lowered his body and been in danger. What he in fact is saying is that you can never bump, or if you take it to its logical conclusion, or for that matter do anything on a football field, as the other player might lower his body, or do something, that leads to him being hurt/concussed and you are therefore guilty of an offence, as it is unreasonable of you not to know that the other player might do something that turns your legal act into a suspension. That is BS. That is not the bloody rule and it never has been. Where does it say in the rules, that if the victim does something at the last second, that causes a legal act to result in an injury, that it is then an illegal act. I am sick to death of this blokes' rulings. Contrast it with what he said when a Pies player is up on knocking out a player. But the AFL tribunal panel of Jeff Gleeson, Scott Stevens and Darren Gaspar found Maynard's actions were "reasonable" in the circumstances. "He committed to the act of smothering when he was ... several metres from Brayshaw," Gleeson said in his findings. "We are not at all satisfied that a reasonable player would have foreseen that violent impact, or impact of the type suffered by Brayshaw, was inevitable or even likely." The MRO Officer a former Pies player didn't even want to charge Maynard in the first place. The AFL revealed later on Wednesday that it won't appeal the decision, despite initially overruling match review officer Michael Christian. AFL bosses sent Maynard directly to the tribunal, despite Christian not wanting to charge him in the first place. Collingwood MRO officer and Collingwood supporter presiding over cases involving Pies players, is an absolute disgrace. APPEAL.
  6. The accused was a Demons player and the victim was a Pies' Captain.
  7. So Gleeson, as I believe a Pies supporter, was allowed again to sit as Tribunal Chairman, on an incident involving a Pies player, in fact the Pies Captain. We should have sought his removal at the start of the hearing due to possible conflict and bias. The old legal maxim of "justice not only has to be done, it has to be seen to be done". This from the Maynard case from Will Schofield. West Coast premiership player Schofield, who had been predicting a ban for Maynard all week, was fuming over the decision. He'd earlier tweeted: "I think this Maynard case is very different if he actually smothers the ball. He didn’t smother the ball. Just jumped in the air and then knocked out an opponent. "In the end, where you sit on this Maynard tribunal decision comes down to whether you like Collingwood or not. Let’s be honest." After the decision he added: "Also while I’m at it. Jeff Gleeson, the chair of the tribunal this evening, is both independent and a Collingwood supporter.
  8. Robbo on 360 agreed with Lyon, Brown, Buckley and Lewis that Kozzie should get off and had no case to answer. Who was the Tribunal Chairman, was it the Pies supporting Gleeson again?
  9. If Moore was in fact drinking beers the next day, that would be very interesting, as it takes 3-5 days for concussion to reach its peak and then start subsiding 7-10 days, hence the 12 day AFL ban after concussion. If he was drinking alcohol the next day, he either didn’t have concussion, was not told to avoid alcohol, or ignored the advice if he was told to abstain from alcohol.
  10. Heading home from GC tomorrow.
  11. The player’s father is CEO of Collingwood and a former team mate of Christian.
  12. You mean the Pies’ supporting Tribunal Chairman. It has been reported somewhere he is a Pies’ fan. Maybe the female alternate Chairman will officiate. Anyway until one second before impact there is absolutely no possible way Moore’s head is involved. While Kozzie is looking down at the ball Moore drops to his knees. That caused the bump. Kozzie’s feet seem to be slightly taken out from under him as well. That is classic exemption of “ circumstances beyond the player’s control” and that is what you run. I would call a biomechanic expert to show when Moore dropped there was nothing Kozzie could do in a split second at the pace he was contesting.
  13. Your personal info is out there anyway, no matter what you allow or disallow. Do you get unwanted/unsolicited emails and calls? I do regularly and there is basically no way to stop them. I regularly block spam callers and emailers and they just use other names and addresses. It should have nothing to do with you stopping MFC membership, that would be the least of the problem in this area.
  14. That’s not what I saw. When he released the ball without pressure, he had the Pies player in front of him and kicked it straight to him.
  15. Dermie’s minute analysis of even the simplest things is tedious and annoying. It seems as though he does it to show his fellow panellists that he is the footy genius.
  16. No I don’t, so we should get the appeal ready, where you run a very legal argument, not a common sense, factual one.
  17. It’s about circumstances beyond your control. One second before impact Moore is standing up straight. He didn’t bend down exposing his head, he actually dropped his knees, putting his head much lower and in line for contact. Kozzie is coming at pace and in one second has to avoid a head that wasn’t there as he ran in. Kozzie is also looking down at the ball at the moment of impact and trying to kick it. The dropping by Moore is a circumstance outside Kozzie’s control and that is what he pleads at the tribunal. There is no head contact if Moore doesn’t drop. Also Moore jumped straight up and took his kick and played on. He was subbed off later at half time. How do we know conclusively what caused the concussion, which is the reason for the suspension?
  18. I have a feeling that it wasn’t Christian, but rather Laura Kane who has decided this and then the Tribunal can deal with a challenge. I think the word concussion, no matter how caused, dictates her thinking, in view of current litigation.
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