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Posts posted by Tricky

  1. Jeff's history of working with other strong minded people is not good. Robson although not flavour of the month at the moment was a good operator at Hawthorn and helped turn the club around with Dicker, moved to Essendon mid season under Jeff. Pelchan, who was the architect of their list moved on less then happy. You do the sums.

    Specific personality conflicts will always exist. Doesn't mean we can automatically preempt that conclusion in this case. That said, your concerns have merit.

    If there was a choice to be made, I would be keeping PJ.

  2. Are you on drugs?

    I simply expressed my opinion, sorry about that. Does that make me biased?

    PS. What if PJ won't work with JK?

    I'm with B59 in that I would entertain JK's proposition at least until there is more detail. I think that's fairly sensible.

    FWIW I am leaning against the idea. Political persuasions aside, as you say, he is a bit of a loose cannon and is coming off more & more eccentric these days.

    Is the PJ thing purely hypothetical?

  3. Please keep your politics out of this. I expect many of the 'leftists' you see all about you would prefer Stockdale to Kennett even though Stockdale is more of a silvertail than Kennett. Why? Because he is a successful man who supports the Demons and hasn't called for our merger with North within the last 13 months.

    Kennett may be the dynamo to save us as some here argue, but I still say, why take the risk of trusting him. If there is any doubt, find someone else with the right skills, eg Stockdale perhaps, though I expect there are plenty out there we just don't know about. We didn't know the names of president's of many top sides before they took the job. So the MFC may have similar potential presidents in the wings.


    Save the Hun style debate for the Andrew Bolt Column.

  4. A quick poll of my Melbourne member friends. Not one was against the idea of Jeff becoming President.

    I believe that if Jeff announced a ticket and forced a EGM he would win.

    I call on Jeff to do just that. A support group will be quickly mobilised.

    Same here man.

    Asked my MFC member friends and they are all supportive of Kennett led ticket.

    I reckon he would comfortably win the vote.

    Sample size?

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  5. For the first time in my life, I have no enthusiasm for our club, and even worse, I don't care if win or lose. Completely apathetic.

    Unless the neeld is replaced, aswell as the board that selected him, we can't begin to heal the wounds and spirit destroying attitude that the current powers have imprinted on the club. More than ever, we need a firebrand president and coach to get back to basics and re-ignite our spirit. Schwarz would be the perfect president with any proven premiership coach to instill belief back into the players.

    Really, it's not neelds fault for applying and getting the job, it's our elected leaders fault for picking him. They must be replaced.

    Secondly, if neeld was a good bloke, he would walk out on the club and refuse to accept a pay cheque for 2014. Let's see if he really gives a toss about the club.

    Really sorry to hear you have lost interest in the MFC.

    Things always turn around and when that does happen it will be exciting to be around the MFC.

    Don't let the current coach get you down, he does have a family to support and he not particularly a MFC person other than he was employed by us. Hes a professional coach and as our President just said the MFC is a business.

    Too right TBF.

    Chin up Tonatopia - this [censored] is character building.

  6. It is funny how Kevin Sheedy has been coaching GWS for the same amount of time as Neeld and has less wins and are losing by similar margins but no one wants him sacked mid season. GWS have not improved at all this year.

    The fact that they already have a succession plan in place for 2014 probably helps.

    Maybe cause GWS are 2 days old S.

    GC did the same thing in their 2nd yr but are now miles ahead of us.

    This is true, GWS are not rebuilding a rebuild remember - not Neeld's fault, but a factor...

  7. I am a Foundation Hero and remain proud of my contribution and would, if called upon, contribute again.

    The basic premise of the OP is flawed and underlines why the club is in such desperate straits at the present time.

    There is little doubt that the Stynes/McLardy boards must bear a measure of responsibility for the mess but it is wrong to suggest they promised us a rose garden, nor did they ever give undertakings about the success of the football team or the ongoing financial viability of the fiscal and on field train wreck they took over in 2008.

    At that time the Board went to its supporters and appealed to business people, professionals and rank and file supporters for funding to help get us in the black so that we could compete with the stronger clubs in terms of facilities and amenities available for the football department to sustain improvement and betterment in that fundamental core area of its functions.

    Those to who the club appealed are well aware that even the application of the most sophisticated and elaborate business models does not necessarily guarantee success and this is particularly the case with sporting models where success on the field can be so elusive and dependent on a diverse range of factors.

    Further, it's a complete and utter fallacy to claim that the elimination of debt was the "the single achievement of the Stynes/McLardy Board".

    That Board also established better and closer relations with the MCC and AFL, strengthened our relationship with the Casey which is a long term venture aimed at expanding our supporter base. What they have failed to do so far is bring success on the field and in fact, we have gone backwards in this area in the past two - three years.

    However, I don't believe for one second that our current plight is due alone to any one factor be it the current board, Cameron Schwab, Garry Lyon, Mark Neeld or, for that matter, the playing group and some of the suggestions I've read here are disingenuous to say the least.

    The cancer at the club began long before Stynes took over in 2008 although reading this and many other threads you would hardly know it. Some of the worst "culprits" in causing the situation were brought into the club by previous boards. Neale Daniher was kept on as coach for far too long. Bailey was a poor choice as coach. The records of Craig Cameron and Barry Prendergast as recruiters speak for themselves.

    Cameron Schwab did not get sacked because he was "no good or because of tanking". He took the fall because the team's performance in the opening rounds of the season was abysmal and, as the CEO, he had to accept responsibility.

    The team we now have is the result of a decade of second and third rate coaching, recruiting, list management and player development and financial decay. You heard it this week from Cale Morton how he was amazed at how much harder and how more intense the Eagles train compared to us. That comment reflects not only on the current coach but on previous coaches Daniher and Bailey who set poor standards during their tenures.

    Then there are the negative and destructive elements around the club who had the current board in their sights from day one. I have no problem with critics (but prefer them to be constructive). The termites were boring away at the Stynes board and everything it did from the start and undermining its foundations (note that word). When times get tough, people at most clubs close ranks. Countries at war have national unity governments.

    But when our club was under fire during the tanking investigation, we had a former president at the forefront condemning us for tanking, we had disgruntled former employees coming forward and giving their jaundiced versions of what happened. Mark Neeld was undermined in the same way in his first weeks. So called supporters went to the media with stories calculated to undermine the club, falsely describing Cameron Schwab as looking "ashen faced", others telling convoluted tales about what the coach's moves during games like the Swans game at Manuka so that they could be blown out of all proportion. Others just praised Caroline Wilson urging her to keep up the good job when what she was doing was sniping at and undermining our club.

    I find that reprehensible. When Caroline Wilson bags Brayshaw the whole of the North community gets behind him. The Carlton people close ranks around their club when Libba called the club for tanking and even Libba himself was forced to recant under pressure. We have supporters who like to open the wound and let it fester but are nowhere to be seen at an AGM where they can get the message across to the membership and the board.

    Ultimately, if we want to see the club succeed, we are all responsible and therefore, if we're able to give then I consider it a duty to do so and I'm not concerned about those on board, particularly with the changes that will undeniably come following the recent interventions.

    As one great philosopher said, "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

    Too much of what's going on around the club and too much talk among the supporters is all about negativity and looking backwards. We need to take on board the mistakes of the past and then look forward and act together to rebuild our foundations. That's what being a Foundation Hero means to me.


  8. I just don't like that there is a can be a degree of influence from the AFL.

    I understand clubs didn't like the old system but at least it was transparent...

    But back to the original statement - its definately not "locked in"

    You're right on all counts of course...

    Shall we meet half way and say highly probable based on the components of the formula?


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  9. Unless you have the AFL formula then no can do.

    It's not a prescribed win-loss ratio/amount any more.

    Given the circumstances/past seasons performance we should get one - but definately not locked in.

    The new formula for 2012 and beyond takes into account premiership points, percentage, finals appearances and injury rates for a club over several seasons.

    I think it's safe to say we have all the variables covered...

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  10. The guy is coming off a limited preseason and had 20 possessions @ 93% and 2 goals. Was far from our worst. In fact if a player at another club did that there would be a thread as to why we didnt draft them. People need to get a clue.

    Well said BRFE.

  11. I haven't been one to criticise your contributions to date but this one is a disgrace. The context the expression "lurking" was used was entirely appropriate and a reasonable discussion could have ensued. Instead you've chosen to flame another poster and another thread will get cluttered with crap.

    Now, credit where credit's due. I'm not one of RRs biggest fans but be has succicntly stated why the OP is a bad idea and provided a more useful forum for supporter interraction with the board

    Your post further validates his argument. Read. Absorb.

    ^^what he said, about everything...

    E25 was my all time least favourite Demonland poster.

    Looks like there is a new contender for that honour...

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