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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. With Danners getting the final call. I remember hearing an interview with him last year where he said the final decision rests with him.
  2. At least we are going to the scoring end in the 2nd !
  3. Fair enough. I just don't see 3 players (fair players as well) plus a draft pick for Judd.......just too much IMO.
  4. Sorry Occo....you are off track. Bell....they are in need of a small defender.......so Bell goes, and who replaces him? Brown, Wheatley, Bizzell, Ward ????? I think we'll keep Bell! Miller.....easily replaced by Dunn.....not really.....Dunn still has a lot of development to go, and with Neitz not too far from retiring, Dunn isn't going to hold the forward line together by himself. Bruce.....easily replaced by Judd.......yeah......in a straight swap, they would be, but we lose out in too many other areas just to get him, not to mention a draft pick. As good as Judd is, he isn't worth all that! Take the draft pick, and develop the player.....Judd isn't worth ripping a hole in the playing list for!
  5. Now I know why you call yourself Madness !
  6. You're always a chance in a two horse race, and I seriously don't believe we can play much worse than last week, so you never know. I think Geelong are a tad overrated as well........Carlton had been up for a little while.....they were due for a shocker. Go Dees !!!!!!!!
  7. Yeah......it's hard not to like Daniher isn't it? He seems like such a top bloke! Easy to lynch him on a website, but I feel for Gardner or whoever it is that has to swing the axe should it eventuate.
  8. If correct......selectors.......not fit, don't play him!
  9. I reckon some of them would love to post, but when you are canned every five minutes, why bother?
  10. I'll ignore the stupid comment. Planning is critical........I couldn't agree more. I don't subscibe to turning the list over in an attempt to bring success. I do think we can get a lot more out of the players we have, and with some fine tuning, could be a very strong team.
  11. Green had a fantastic year last year, and his consistency as part of the midfield group was critical to us playing finals. I've been to both games this year, and I believe he is a bit below his best at the minute, but he has 21 other mates in the same boat, so he doesn't deserve to be singled out.
  12. I will always support the club, and very rarely have a crack at the players and coach, but there is NO excuse for how we have played for the first two games. It isn't the losses, but the way we lost. Just garbage football in both games. How can a team like Adelaide, after getting rolled by the Bombers at home, back up interstate and take down the in form, full strength Bulldogs? It's attitude / coaching / pride / culture all rolled into one! Adelaide........no Riciutto (Captain), Hentschel, Biglands, McGregor, Johncock (injured early in game).....all the excuses in the world not to play well........and they come out and win, and win well! Somehow, we always need the stars to align for us to win!
  13. Couldn't have said it any better! Neitz is a genuine champion! The guy has been a true star for our club, and his performances have hardly waned the longer his career has gone on. I have no problem with criticism when it's due.......but David Neitz.........come on guys be sensible!
  14. It has to be Bruce as stand in captain........he is the only realistic option besides McLean, and he is the one who will be vying for the job with McLean when Neitz hands over the mantle. This is his chance to show what he's got!
  15. Cannot agree! You are throwing the baby out with the bath water there! Don't underestimate the ability of a new coach to come in and bring in new tactics / ideas / methods that can turn players once considered as simply expendable as key ingredients of a winning team. Do you think Cameron Bruce or Brad Green would be the players we know them as now if they were both running around for Sydney ? How much better does Steve Armstrong look now he is playing within a system where he understands his role? You can't tear the heart out of the playing list and expect improvement........you can however make changes to maximize what you have.
  16. Can people please think before they completely shoot down certain players! Daniel Bell...........how anyone can bag this bloke is beyond me! Here is a kid finally getting his chance to play regular seniors footy after having to wait his turn to play half back while players like Brown, Wheatley, Bizzell, Walsh, Ward have been in his way over the previous seasons. He has played 25-30 odd games, and I have see him improving in each one of them. Let's not forget his broken ankle he had at the end of 2005, and a hamstring problem early last season before coming back into the team and being one of our most consistent in the run into the finals last year. Players like Bell are a part of our teams future! What do supporters want to do.....scrap the whole list and start from scratch ???? Cut the guy some slack!!!!!!
  17. I honestly think that this is the year of reckoning for more than just Danners at the club.......I really don't see a lot of light at the end of the tunnel this season.....and yes I know we are only two games in. If we have a change in coach, I would expect some pretty critical assessment of where the list is at.......and with previous reputations not so critical to a new coach, non performing players will be moved on! We don't need a clean out, and we have some real positives at the club at present, but we definitely need some fine tuning to certain areas!
  18. I hate to say it, but I tend to agree with you! I don't want to see us bottom out, but long term, it's for the best. Scraping into the finals for the fourth straight year does nothing but mask the teams deficiencies. It is good for the clubs financial stability, and from that point the last 3 years have been a benefit.....but are we any closer to a flag now than 3 years ago?
  19. Give me a break! To start with Bate was pick 13, and take a look at the list from that draft after pick 13......nothing special after pick 15 IMO.....Lynden Dunn. Bate will be a very good player.........he made a difference when he came into the team last year with his hard running and long goals. Bate has struggled along with 21 other teammates in the first 2 games this year! He has made no more errors or mistakes than experienced players who have played 10 times the amount of footy he has. Give the kid a chance!
  20. The funniest thing is who is now being considered to come in for an injured Bartram. Godfrey or Bizzell ! Sorry.......give me an Yze (in or out of form) anyday!
  21. Can't help thinking this whole Yze thing has just been one big witch hunt! No way known he has been our worst player over the past 6-12 whatever games. Question is now.......who will the supporters wrath be turned to now????? Miller??? Bruce ????? Green ???? Bell ?????
  22. I think Brock is spot on! I continue to be impressed with a player who is still only 21, and shows leadership and maturity beyond his years. I just hope he is strong enough to ensure the current culture doesn't drag him down. It just shows you that leaders are born, not made!
  23. I agree.....Friday night was bloody damn frustrating! It isn't so much the loss, but more the manner in which we lost. We truly can't play much worse!
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