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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. What can you say...........pure disbelief at the effort and performance. What a joke!
  2. Agree completely! I can't see us losing a player we want to keep with Roos on board.
  3. Fair enough, would do the same to if I was him too. I think he will stay, but he has had a tough time growing up at the MFC, and still many unanswered questions regarding new appointments. Over to you PJ!
  4. Just read the article regarding Worsfold was written by Kim Hagdorn.................based on that, and your sighting, he must be heading over to seal the deal!
  5. The West Coast position may become a little clearer over the next week. http://www.perthnow.com.au/sport/afl/west-coast-coach-john-worsfold-is-expected-to-re-sign-with-the-club/story-fniv6fhh-1226683958367 I'm still holding out hope for Roos..............any one else is a B plan in my book.
  6. I liked state of origin in AFL when we had it, but AFL has moved and grown past it now, and I don't miss it. In trying to make it all inclusive, games including The Allies were irrelevant. Zero interest in NRL state of origin...........I couldn't care less if QLD beat NSW.............two states playing each other.......for what???? It says a lot about where NRL is as a sport that they hang their hat on a two state rivalry. They simply have no idea how to build a national code.
  7. Not really.............Gerard asked him tongue in cheek about the betting plunge, and what did Roos know about it, and he just laughed it off and said nothing has changed since last week. When they talked about the game later in the show, Roos rattled off Frawley, MCDonald, and Garland saying we had a solid backline combined with Clark, Dawes, Hogan and Watts up forward, and it was really just the mids that need work. Mike said to him something about Roos having looked over the list, and again Roos just laughed it off. I've thought since he was originally asked about the job, and refused to categorically rule himself out that we will get him, and after watching him again tonight, I still think we will. He's on the couch with two MFC supporters, they must be into him to take the job!
  8. A clear change in direction by the new coach................build them up, and highlight the positives, instead of tearing them down Neeld style. No surprise Sylvia given a huge pat on the back publicly..............club knows they need to keep him, and this is a clear attempt to let him know he is valued. Craig said he he has been fantastic the last 4 weeks, but he has only been back two after suspension.
  9. Let's not fall into the same trap as we did with Neeld and Craig believing they were such hot property we had to act fast in case another club lands them. Eade isn't being chased by anyone, we can take our time to get the right coach this time!
  10. I feel sorry for him ever being recruited into what has proven to be a rabble of a club..........the admin at the time were idiots for appointing him. That said, he did his best to hang himself too. Pretty simple and clear KPI in coaching...............win games of footy. Rebuilding or not doesn't absolve you of that responsibility and he knows it. I reckon he's actually relieved to be out of it anyway, and is probably quite happy it's all over.
  11. After seeing Roos just now, he's not a definitive no. I reckon he is toying with idea, and has quite possibly already been sounded out to do the job. Would be an unbelievable appointment if we could get him.
  12. Yep...........Eade is definitely a candidate based on his comments. Over to MFC to determine a target list.
  13. Can't see any upside here. Needs to sleep on it before backing up so soon................surely will deliver a few whacks.
  14. Just read on Twitter..................Mark Neeld to appear on Footy Classified tonight. That will be very interesting viewing............I wonder if he will be as cool and calm as he was at the press conference today, or may drop a few bombs.
  15. Robert Walls has run his eye over some of the list, and I reckon a lot of it he has pretty right: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/melbourne--who-should-stay-and-who-should-go-20130613-2o6u9.html
  16. Yep.........like both of them............solid citizens who have a dip week in week out.
  17. There are pros and cons for Kennett, and if asked to vote, my initial thought would be I would vote him in. But after further consideration, the biggest concern I see is not the foot in mouth issues he is famous for, the arrogance, or the self promotion. But more if in 3, 4, or 5 years down the track, if he can't make it work, we then have an outspoken non Melbourne president coming out telling the world there is no other choice, the club must merge. And make no mistake about it, Jeff's only interest is self interest....................if he couldn't make it work, he would send the club to oblivion to protect his reputation. He's too loose, we're too vulnerable, and the risk isn't worth taking.
  18. Gary Lyon should have shut his mouth last night, and sounded like an idiot saying MFC are playing a dangerous game with the decision made to retain Neeld. His fingerprints are all over this, and the only thing I was to see expressed from Lyon is contrition!
  19. Agree completely! Scapegoating Neeld for all the clubs ills at present is craziness. He has made some rookie mistakes no doubt, but what is happening on field is a reflection of the club as a whole................we are a circus, but a bloke who has been there 18 months shouldn't be the one incinerated.
  20. Absolutely! Hook, line, and sinker!
  21. Include Frawley in the outs for next week! http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-06-02/more-bad-news-for-demons-frawley-hurt
  22. Exactly, and coming off a road trip to Freo, today was always going to get ugly.
  23. I went, and stayed until the end. Knew it was going to be a bloodbath, but still enjoy going, even while we are struggling. Looking around the ground, it was clear MFC supporters had stayed away...............I thought some form of organised protest had taken place..............clearly just many knowing we were no chance, and not wanting to sit through it again which is understandable.
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