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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. That is gold! Could watch the Bennell goal and Nathan Jones goal over and over! The build up to the Jones goal with the quick hands highlights just how much our skills have improved as a team over the last 18 months.
  2. Great call.......would love to see Beamer as captain, or even Davey for that matter......I think both could do the job well!
  3. The most well known, and arguably successful sporting clubs in the world in Manchester United haven't suffered from being known as the Red Devils. It's a non issue for us IMO! Definitly should not be changed.
  4. No longer on our list.......who cares?
  5. He'll get his spot when he earns it.......not before! If he's as talented as everyone expects, then it's not a matter of if, but when. The reason Watts isn't playing in the team at the moment is because of Jack, and Jack alone. I love the the way the club is handling him at the moment.........don't get ahead of yourself young fella........you'll play when you've earnt it!
  6. I'm no great fan of Brad Miller.......but I'd rather see him playing forward than Newton or Martin. If Petterd goes out, we need a forward back in. Miller has had one game this year..........a game we were flogged by the Hawks, and our midfield was a joke! Service to the forwards was deplorable in round 1! Since then, quick ball movement has given the forwards a much greater chance, and there have been plenty of easy goals scored on the rebound. Don't be suprised to see him get another chance, and based on no more than a hunch, if Petterd is out, I reckon Miller will be back this week.
  7. I've got nothing against Kelly Underwood......just not a pleasant voice to hear calling the footy. Sam Lane on the other hand I reckon I could handle!
  8. Beautifully said! Please........someone be dumb enough to challenge this.......I need a good laugh!
  9. I think if he deserves a game, he should play, but if he hasn't done what's been asked by the coaches, or they believe he's not ready, then he shouldn't. Simple as that.
  10. Really dumb to start getting into Jared after one game back anyway. Let's just see how things unfold over the rest of the season before calling time on a player. A number of players were poor on the weekend, not just Rivers...........Garland and MacDonald both looked average on Saturday too.
  11. Great post..............the club has the right people making the right decisions.........supporters need to learn to back the judgement of those dealing with him on a daily basis. And we need look no further than Scott Gumbleton to know that key position forwards can take a little longer. He's been with the Bombers 4 years, and is only starting to get a regular game and contribute now.
  12. North is not that bad a side........they are as honest as the day is long. They turned up ready to prove a point.........we've been getting all the kudos for being a young team on the up, yet the team they put out on the weekend was younger than ours. The gameplan they adopted appeared negative, but all they did was employ a tactic aimed at nullifying our run......good coaching and a good tactic.....and they still scored over 100 points, so it wasn't that negative! Our inability to break through what North was throwing at us was the problem. They have some terrific young onballers who are hard at it, at their defenders, while not big, are quick and versatile.......they look like a team of no names because they get little press. Credit where it's due.......they were harder at it, played the ground better than us, and outsmarted us on the day. They deserved their win, and out blokes are going to have to learn from it, and be better next time.
  13. Thank god we don' play home games there..............nothing beats the "G" and the occasional trip to Etihad just re-inforces that.
  14. I've stated it a few times on here before.......we've lost little with McLean leaving. He was surplus to needs, and his request to leave was a good outcome for us.
  15. The problem Rivers has is while he was out injured, Garland has snuck back in and taken his spot! From what I can see, they play similar roles. Apart from Garland being younger (which is an advantage) I don't see a lot between them on field......I think they are both solid 3rd defenders. We just look too slow with both of them in the team. I rate Rivers though, and way to early to start thinking about who we trade etc.
  16. I was shocked how few fans North have..........they've come off a good win, and for a home game, the support they had was terrible. They should have taken the Gold Coast offer..........I cannot see them surviving long term.
  17. I don't see Garland or Rivers as being suitable to be honest. If we were to say we were going to persist with one there over the other, then it would have to be Garland, but I can't see that happening. We appear to have a problem here.........they both appear to play the same style of game in the backline, and with Warnock and Frawley pencilled in each week for the key positions, we don't need 2 3rd tall defenders out there. I like both of them........tough call for the coach what to do here, but barring injury, someone is going to be put out here.
  18. Not much in what he said to be honest! Certainly not much to get riled up over. We've exploited the draft extremely well.........luck didn't play a part. The club never hid its intentions when it went down the youth path........senior players made way for youth, players were traded for draft picks etc. Regardless of the semantics of who has and hasn't played, I think he is making the point that it's around the time you would expect to see the bottoming out coming to an end, and the team starting to head back up as we are. We weren't going to stay terrible forever!
  19. Agreed........it seems as though he didn't quite realise what he had until it was gone! I'm sure he'll always be welcomed back to the MFC in the future!
  20. That's funny......good job! How about Jared Rivers - Aquaman??
  21. If he left simply because of the coach, then I definitly don't want him back! And considering Trapper has this to say about Danners last week: The closest thing to a regret that he has is failure to perform to expectations - his own and others' - at Melbourne, particularly for the Demons' then coach, Neale Daniher. ''My form was probably a little too up and down when I was there - probably still too up and down now,'' he said. ''Neale was fantastic to me. The whole Melbourne Football Club was fantastic to me but 'Danners' really helped me out a fair bit, always had faith in me. If I could turn back time I would re-pay him a bit more, but I can't do that. All I can do now is try and get as much out of my footy as possible now.'' Then Thompson hitting the road solely on the back of not liking the coach becomes a lot less plausible!
  22. That's a great initiative by the club! Obviously helping the improved MCC numbers!
  23. It's great to see the improvement in the players, and have them rewarded for the effort they have put in........there would have been some dark days over the last few years where they probably wondered what they had got themselves into! I also love the fact that the club had a plan and a vision, and is sticking to it. The future is bright on the back of good management across all areas of the club as much as anything. There are still considerable off field hurdles to jump over, but we are on the right track. The best analogy I can come up with for the club at the moment is that it's like a dorment volcano that is steaming and starting to rumble that is about to explode! The club has sold us hope, and I've bought a truckload of it!!!!!!!!!!! GO DEES!!!!!!!
  24. He is a class act Cameron Schwab.........I love the passion he has for the club!
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