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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. I like Miller, I do, but regardless of slotting 10 in a reserves game still doesn't convince me he has all of a sudden turned the corner as a player! If he comes in, it has to be for a tall, so who do we leave out? Johnson - no, two rucks is working well Watts - no, though not scoring a lot of goals, has footy smarts and delivery by foot well above Miller's capability Jurrah - no, an x factor who is hard to match up on Dunn - no, in great touch We are better off sticking with the setup in the forwardline we have had over the last few weeks......it is mobile, skilful and tough to match up on. Sorry Brad, barring injury, the current set up should stay for this week!
  2. Who were the slow inside players today????? I thought we ran Richmond off their feet in the end, and the commentators were constantly commenting how quick we were! I'd like to see Morton do exactly what Lynden Dunn has had to do...........go back, work on the areas of his game he is weak, and then deserve his spot in the team based on work rate and effort. IMO, Morton floats through games, and quite simply isn't strong enough physically.......Goodes highlighted that! He got plenty of early games for the team when we were terrible, and probably before he should have. Now we are building depth, he is going to have to fight for his place, not just get a game for being a pick 4 in the draft!
  3. Scwabb's communication with the members / supporters has been absolutely outstanding! We aren't hearing from a media mangager, or membership manager as the point of information from the club, Schwabby talks to the members directly! The Whiteboard Wednesday initiative is a cracker, and Schwabb should be roundly applauded for taking the time to provide such incredible insights into the planning, and direction the management of the club is heading. If I was running a footy club, the last thing I would feel like doing is being filmed each week and presenting to the members. Great work Schwabby, keep it up!
  4. My god, that is unbelievable! GO DEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Surely you jest!!!!! None of them would be delisted, and at worst, they have trade value, so wouldn't simply be delisted! Agree with original post........I've been a fan of Dunn, and our forwardline functions better with him in it.......underated IMO, and an important player for us. Bartram has been great all year, and is tough......also an important player for us.
  6. Great game, and I was suprised how fresh and energised the team looked after the late game in Freo last week......kudos to the fitness team, and the mindset of the players! Colin Sylvia.........I thought today was his best game for the club.......IMO was clearly BOG, and a true 4 qtr performance, and stepped up with Moloney pulling out! Awesome Col, just awesome! Maric I thought was good.......for his first game in some time, I thought he put in a good effort, and should stay in for next week. The skills on display, and ball movement was a pleasure to watch.......great stuff Dees!
  7. It looks awesome! A fine piece of work, and something the club and supporters can be proud of! Go MFC!
  8. It's no great loss to the Dogs. He has been ineffectual this year, and there are younger better players pushing for the spot in the team ahead of Acker. A few years ago, he may have been the difference between the Dogs winning and not winning a flag, but not now. Good move by the Dogs......if he wasn't getting a game, then he would be bleating in the newspaper every week about it in the lead up to the finals, and that's just another distraction the Dogs don't need. If he had have shut up and not made it all about him all the time, he would still be there.
  9. I like Cale, and think he will be a terrific player........the problem I have at the moment is that he lacks intensity for the contested ball, and when it's his turn to go, he doesn't! Hopefully with strength and confidence, this will change, but he can't get away with it forever!
  10. Real Demon


    He showed something early in the year, and was very stiff to have been dropped in the first place. His versatility is going to be super important, and he shouldn't be going anywhere! With his attitude and attack on the ball, I'd reather him stay in the team at the expense of Morton at the minute!
  11. Some excellent points! Watching the Tigers beat Freo tonight, it amazed me how quickly they have adopted Hardwick's game plan. It's taken us forever to learn Bailey's style, and we still labour though it week after week!!! I'd rate them in the following order at present: 1.Hardwick - has been brilliant for the Tiges, and without doubt I rate him the pick of the bunch, especially considering their list was considered a train wreck! 2.Harvey - Has done a great job this year, and has finally brought some heart to the Dockers. 3.Scott - Has been solid, and appears to be getting the most out of his cattle. 4.Bailey - We've improved this year no doubt, but have seriously trailed off recently. If both Collingwood games were wins, and the Bulldogs game a win, that would give us 7, and we would in the top 8 or just outside, which would be a good result. Can lift his rating depending on how we finish the year! 5.Knights - I don't rate Knights, and love the fact he is coaching the Bombers, and I want to see them down as long as possible! Having said that, their list is poor, and he has got them up for a few good wins this year. His all out attack style was a joke though, and was doomed to fail in today's football. Overall, I think Bailey is solid, and is still the man for the job. How the season finishes is going to be very important for him though.
  12. Wel'll get 4 more wins this year.......Bombers, Sydney, Tigers, North Melbourne. We won't finish on the bottom of the ladder.
  13. Talk about a beat up! Anyone who saw what Kelly did as arrogance, or somehow disrespectful to the MFC is surely kidding themselves. You watch any game of football, and nearly any game when the winning team sings the song, someone is stuffing around, trying to be funny.......fingers in ears, messing up each others hair, drinks getting splashed around etc etc. I'd say for a team that has been as successful as he Cats in recent times, they have been remarkable humble, and respectful of their opponents. Let's not be so simplistic as to look for a petty meaning in every little thing we see players do!
  14. Well done to Miller.......thought he played a great game! Risk taking by the mids and quick ball movement makes all the difference........that's why we got away with playing such a small forward line for our early wins. The advantage with Miller is he creates a contest, bringing Bennell and co into the game.
  15. I'm no fan of Lethal, but seriously, his comments should be taken with a grain of salt. Hopefully it spurs young Jack on. He's nothing like Sheedy........Sheedy is senile......Lethal has just expressed an opinion we don't like......I don't think he was grandstanding, just offering his opinion.
  16. Grant Thomas just said on Footy Classified he think Watts will be a terrific player, and said if you watched the game on the weekend and Jack Watts wasn't Jack Watts the number 1 draft pick, you would say this kid has some real talent, and will be a player. Expectations of him dominating now are unrealistic. I thought he looked good on Saturday........he's just going to take a little while to develop.
  17. If Miller has earnt his recall, then he plays......simple as that! It's all very well to say he isn't part of the future, and that we should play forwards who are going to be part of the future, but half of them are injured! We need forwards playing forward..........this whole resting ruckman thing doesn't work for us!
  18. There's nowhere to hide on a footy field.........the boy is going to have to stand up for himself!
  19. Agreed we were outplayed......agreed it wasn't the sole problem of the coaches or individual players, but poor team play. Don't agree people want too much from this list. What we want is what we have seen them deliver already this year....ferocious tackling, quick ball movement, and some genuine sense of urgency and passion. The hallmarks of what made us competitive at the start of the season...........and that is quite simply a mindset / attitude issue.
  20. Nic Nat hype by the media is a joke. He's a great athlete no doubt......but his output is completely out of whack with his inflated profile at the minute. I would have Watts over Nic Nat in a heart beat.
  21. With the Bombers having issues at Windy Hill, what we don't want to happen is for them to swoop in and get a deal down at Docklands that may scuttle any ambition we have to move there. With them as tenants of Etihad, it's a good fit for them! http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/the-battle-of-windy-hill/story-e6frf7kx-1225867222935
  22. Today was a shocking performance..........young team or not, there are no excuses for how we played. I can't quite get my head around the whole "wake up call" comments.......what a load of crap.......surely being pummelled by the competition and being the worst team in the AFL for the previous 2 years is all the wake up call that was required! It's not even the fact we lost, but how we lost..........West Coast is a very ordinary team, and we simply didn't work hard enough.
  23. With new teams coming in, if decent players can't get a game with us, then expect to lose a few.
  24. I wouldn't be dropping Dunn.......certainly not for Watts at this stage. Dunn can play a range of roles, including as a "run with" player.....his flexibility is more appealing than what Watts can deliver at the minute. Hughes deserves another week, and shouldn't be dropped. We'll need 2 ruckman for Cox and Nic Nat, so adding Watts for Dunn takes away a player we can rotate through the midfield. With our midfield run and ability to run out games this year, putting in Watts for Dunn would weaken the team this week, not strengthen it. If West Coast went in with just one ruckman, then a PJ for Watts swap is a better option, but otherwise, leave the team unchanged.
  25. I've gone with 9-12th, thinking that some of the younger guys will tire before the end of the year. But anything is possible.........making the finals this year would be huge!
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