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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. I agree with Gazza, they can beat us this week. Watching our 1st qtr yesterday, and inconsistent effort from the preseason and first 3 rounds, anything is possible. Watch out Bailey if we do lose!
  2. If he has gone on a bender on the back of not being made captain, then it simply reinforces why he shouldn't have been made captain in the first place. From the reaction of the club to date, it's a genuine shock. Regardless of his personal situation, this kind of thing is just pathetic. Surely with all the leading teams training, mentors, other players in the leadership group, coaching staff, former players, president, family etc etc if he had a problem, he would have someone to speak to about it. Getting blind and taking a leak on a bar isn't showing a whole lot of leadership, or initiative is it.
  3. The flag raising has to go! Love the flag, and new emblem, and will even put up with the bugle boy, but there is only one flag we want to see raised on the MCG, and this isn't it.
  4. Agree....... after watching us today, I'm certainly not bullish about us against Gold Coast!
  5. Surely they aren't planning this for Queens Bday! They need to scrap this pre game ritual pronto! A few highlights on the big screen will suffice!!!!
  6. I don't have a problem with the loan in essence........Schwab has been a key part of the clubs revival, and arrangments such as this wouldn't be unusual in senior managent roles within organisations. Having said that, I just don't think it looks that great when the club has gone cap in hand to every supporter and backer of the club for donations to make us debt free, and we then provide a $140k to the CEO. It has clearly been done in the right manner, and is above board........I just don't think it looks that great, and the timing is poor.
  7. He's still developing, as is the whole team. Talk of dropping him is crazy. He was solid, but had little impact on the game. He's on the right track, and I expect we will see a breakout game from him this year where he slots 4 odd goals, and really impacts a game.
  8. First time I've seen him play, and that was a cracking first game...... tough, courageous and a beautiful kick! Great start Tappy!
  9. What a beat up!!!! I love the way they dredge up the past in every article like this, just to reinforce their point that Col must be a ragbag! Rip the Swans a new one Col!!!!!
  10. If supporters of the club can't get excited about a new player debuting, then who can! It's great to see a young player with potential running out for his first game with the MFC. I haven't seen Tappy play, and am looking foward to seeing how he goes on Sunday. Good luck Luke, I'll be cheering for you!
  11. Miller and Johnson or Campbell and Newton.............I think I prefer dynamic duo 1 !!
  12. There's a lot of fluff and talk coming from the club this preseason..............it's all great to read, and great PR for the club.......I hope they can back it up on field, otherwise we are going to look mighty foolish this year! Actions speak far louder than words!
  13. 1. We are still desperate for a KPF, and solid back up ruck 2. Finals this year would be a bonus.......the team still has a lot to learn! 3. Scully MUST stay
  14. This is just GOLD! Great work by a proactive, and smartly run football club! We are going to set the AFL on fire over the next decade...........get excited people!
  15. This is unbelievable! What an absolute masterstroke, and a magnificent example of terrific management from Jim, Schwabby and the club. And what a coup to have a Melbourne legend back with the experience he has gained over the past years in such a key role. We have some brilliant people running this club at the minute.........great work MFC, great work!!!!!!!
  16. mmmmmm........interesting.......I think just pick 32 will suffice!
  17. I'd take the punt and get him. It's the old risk vs reward argument, and it doesn't sound like we are giving up too much to get him. We have loaded up on draft picks over the last few years........good clubs know when hold em, and know whent to fold em, and I'll back in the judgement of the club on this one. We've seen Russian have his best year of his career at 27, so who knows, Hale may have his best footy in front of him, and a change of club may be all he needs! He is young enough to take a risk on. People thought Collingwood were stupid for bringing in Leigh Brown last year, and he turned out to be a great pick up.........Hale could be the same for us. I seen a bit of Hale play, and rest assured, he has Meeson, Johnson, Spencer, Newton, and Miller all covered!
  18. This was the coaching appointment I wanted for the Bombers.......absolute gold! As my most hated team (along with Carlton and Collingwood), this is absolute comedy of the highest order. This once great club is turning into an absolute circus! They sack a coach and have to pay him out $1M because they signed him longer than they should have, and then give the gig to a former champion with no coaching experience! They are morons! Apart from a couple of half decent KP prospects, their list sucks! Hird is going to struggle whether he can coach or not......this time around they are going to shred a club legend in the process! You would think they would have learnt from the dismal process they took last time with Knights, and now they take another shortcut and go for Hird. Keep up the great work Bombers..............I'm going to love watching this train wreck from afar!
  19. I always rated Bell, and was amazed how many time he would put his body in the line of fire, and how hard at the contest he was. In the end, it may have been his downfall with the number of injuries he has had since being with us. All the best Belly.......I loved watching you play, and the commitment you made to the MFC. Would love to see another club take a punt on him!
  20. Should be given a farewell game without doubt! We're not in the finals race now, and its not like he has only play 5-10 games........130+ games of AFL for a club is a great achievement, and I reckon he has earnt a farewell game. I hope he does play, and I'll happily cheer him off knowing he gave his all for the club while he was with us!
  21. Watt's is a kid learning to play like a man. Once he works it out, the upside and improvement will be massive, and it will happen quickly. His potential, and gradual improvement is unquestionable.........I think Watt's will end up being an absolute star!
  22. If he had played with the intensity he has had for the last 18 months earlier in his career, he would be a sure thing! Unfortunately he is only just becoming a consistent player.......if he keeps it up, he may be considered in the future. It comes down to 3 options for captain IMO.........Green, Davey, or Moloney. I think Brad Green would be a terrific captain, and would like to see him lead us next year, but I am almost convinced the club would love to be the first to have an indigenous captain, and I can see Aaron Davey getting the gig. And if he did, he would deserve it too.......has been a great leader with the yound indigenous players at the club, and has stepped up with his own game too.
  23. I'm a Bell fan too, and have previously backed him. Unfortunatelt his time is up with us with so many young kids coming through, someone has to make way. I hope he gets another opportunity elsewhere because I reckon he can play!
  24. Watching the ferocity, and attack on the ball we had against the Swans, Lions, and Tiges, the Hawks should be the ones resting players! The great thing about the team at the minute is that every player is putting their body on the line when it's their turn to go. Bring on the Hawks.........our kids have shown how tough they are against the top teams all year..........forget resting them! There's going to be pay back this week for round 1! As Bails said about the trident on the new emblem: “The symbolism of the trident is actually quite a powerful one too – even an aggressive one, because we’re an aggressive footy club, playing in an aggressive football competition. “’Checker’ Hughes coached us from 1933 and through the war years and he took on a side that was struggling. ’Checker’ Hughes turned us into Demons and went on to show the other clubs what a team of Demons could do.” Come on Dees, smash the Hawks!
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