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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. He is definitely getting better each week. Looks like he is really starting to understand the game and what is required. Keep it going Jack!!
  2. Great call DD............on field is where the real talking is done. Green is serviceable in the media.......that's all he needs to be. We need him being a captain on the field more!
  3. Perhaps they are following him, not the other way around.
  4. I think you'll find he isn't following any players apart from his own.
  5. I don't think they need to cop that when all they are trying to do is make a friendly call to get a member to renew....... especially a kid like Blease. The players and coach have been beaten up enough by the media this week without having to cop it on the phone from supporters!
  6. Pass.................I know plenty of Hawk supporters who do not rate him. No more compromises.............aim for the best available!
  7. The great thing about the way the club is run now as opposed to previously, is that decisive decisions and actions are much quicker to happen. Previously, the bus would have been allowed to hurtle out of control for 3 quarters of the season before anyone batted an eyelid. Now, seeing some early worrying signs, it's all hands on deck to understand what is happening. This can't end up being anything other than positive, and if the end result means change is needed to improve the situation, then so be it. It's great to see the club being proactive! This adds no more pressure to Bailey than he was already under.
  8. I love the way some hang onto the Collingwood games last year like we achieved something. We lost and drew! The last game was nearly 12 months ago!!!!!! Forget that crap....... we're talking about now. They aren't the same side we ran close then and neither are we. We are the team that has been downright humiliated in 2 games so far this year.......made to look completely inept, and playing a game style Bailey started with this group years ago. And this 2nd quarter crap against the Hawks as some ray of light is a mirage............watch it again........I have.........it wasn't us playing over the Hawks, but their complete lack of intensity in that qtr that made us look like rockstars! They played in the 2nd half, and what sad pathetic joke that was. There are more reality pills on the way............King and McLure were right on the money tonight. We are in trouble.
  9. I think the club has a far more compelling case than what it did when we recruited Bailey as coach. Debt free, new facilities, stable board, young list with a big upside, record memebership, etc etc. As a result, we shouldn't be afraid to go after a big name, and with respect to a Laidley / Viney combo, we shouldn't accept second best. If Mick Malthouse walked in the door as the new coach of the club, imagine what that would do to the club as a whole, and the players in particular. To a young and impressionable list, the impact of Malthouse taking the reigns would be enormous.
  10. Forget Laidley! Let's aim a little bit higher with out expectations than him. A hardly flattering stint with the Roos, and now part of the Port Adelaide rabble............I can't see the appeal myself. And Viney as coach...........I rate Viney highly, but just think it needs to be someone non Melbourne, and with proven success, and that can build a strong culture. Malthouse or Roos for mine!
  11. Couldn't agree more! Actions speak far louder than words..................and I'm tired of the standard rhetoric rolled out every time we are embarassed. It's like being beaten up by the media, and having the weight of the football world on their shoulders is the trigger for the players to turn up and play, and it's as though this has become part of the culture of the playing group!
  12. The stats were shown comparing our 1st qtr against the Eagles and the Suns against the Bombers which were: Score MFC 0.2 (Down 31 points) Suns 0.1 (Down by 93 points) Clangers MFC 10 Suns 8 Tackles MFC 13 Suns 20 Inside 50's MFC 3 Suns 9 Contested marks MFC 3 Suns 1 Contested possessions MFC 30 Suns 29
  13. If it was anyone besides Jimmy Stynes saying it, I'd be worried if I was Bailey.......he's safe for the time being!
  14. The next 4 weeks will sort us out. Adelaide at the G North at Etihad St.Kilda at Etihad Carlton Friday night at the G Back that up with a Friday night against the Bombers, and Queens Bday, and we will know exactly where things are at. Cheap talk, fluffy media pieces, TV appearances, backing the coach publicly, etc etc will mean absolutely nothing. Actions speak louder than words, and if the team doesn't fire over this period, then the team will seal the coaches fate.
  15. The club gets little media profile on these kinds of shows, so in the first instance I'm happy our captain got a chance to be on the show. Cut him a bit of slack........... he seemed pretty nervous, and overall I thought he was okay. Always tough to do that after a loss..............but certainly there was too much rhetoric and spin from Green...... much of which was a rehash of what Bailey has said after the match. It's all up to the players now............time to shut up and let the footy do the talking!
  16. I doubt they'd be too fussed...........it's not like they gave up anything to get him, and he has starred for them this year.
  17. The new logo is outstanding! IMO the best one we have had, and a fantastic initiative by the to put some genuine thought and meaning into it!
  18. You've got the job! Bye Dean!
  19. You're right.........some good points. How good would Queen's Bday be with Mick V Bucks, Dees V Pies..........I'm drooling just thinking about it!
  20. Very good question! $1M per season, and his say on the FD structure / staff just to start the ball rolling.
  21. No sure I quite get the people suggesting we can't afford Malthouse. We can't afford not to get a coach of his quality! Surely the spark it would add to the club in sponsors, members, and press would outweigh the salary we would have to pay him. I think he needs to be our number 1 priority.
  22. I thought Watts was good last night........the most pleasing thing was his intent.........he looked like he wanted the ball, and worked hard to win it. Keep it up Jack!
  23. Wise words from Healy........he saw it coming! If Bailey thinks this style of game is going to break presses on a regular basis, he is delusional. 4 years to get it right..............it doesn't work!
  24. They won't renew his contract. Tougher decisions have been made by the new admin to date than not re-appointing a coach who comes out of contract, and has underachieved. IMO............the questions they would be considering is who replaces him, and when and how to do it.
  25. And that makes it even more damning!
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