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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. I've cursed Cale Morton at games when he hasn't gone hard enough, but also cheered him when I've seen him show courage and go back with the flight to take marks when he could have been crunched. My observations on Cale are that he looks like a guy who went through underage football on the back of his talent alone. He is yet to reach the required intencity / physicality for AFL football, and still tries to get by with just talent, but I've also seen signs that he is trying to change this in his game. You also don't see many other players in the AFL like Morton.......with his height, athletiscsim, and skill, but also with such a light frame. Trading him after 4 years sounds great, but for what?????? Some speculative draft pick???????? The guy has talent......why would we just dump him and run now??????? Does Colin Syvia ring any bells? Should we have dumped him after 4 years because he wasn't up to it. After 4 injury interupted seasons, it would be absolutely foolish to cut him loose now. And why are the football experts on here implying that 4 years is the cut off point for either making it or not making it????? Every player is different, and requires different time frames to develop. Brad Miller lasted a hell of a lot longer on our list than what some are proposing Morton does, with a hell of a lot less talent! Cale shouldn't be going anywhere at this stage IMO!
  2. RIP Sean Wight............a great player, and someone I loved watching play for the Dees as a kid growing up. A sad day for his family, friends, the MFC and supporters.
  3. I'm sure he's not sweating either, but this article is the first that has really put focus on his character, and how he will be perceived should he leave based on the comments he has made previously. I'm expecting no response to this from the Scully camp at all, but interesting to see a closer scrutinity and focus on his character should he leave.
  4. The heat is really getting turned up on Tom now: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/why-melbourne-would-call-tom-scully-a-traitor/story-fn6cisdj-1226075236053
  5. What do you suggest then hero??????
  6. Good call, senior players no where to be seen again! Our leaders are still in the nursery, and it will be a few more seasons before they can show the way. All other parts of the club are changing, as is the culture............just have to be patient for it on the field.
  7. Bingo! The meat tray is yours!
  8. Spot on, and I'd be able to live with myself too if my lie helped further secure the financial position of me and my family.
  9. There's no reason not to get a deal done with the MFC if he plans to stay. The constant speculation takes his focus away from his football more than contract negotiations would. What else is he going to say other than he hasn't spoken with them? If he came out and said he signed he would be treated like a leper at the club, and probably wouldn't be playing seniors. Very easy to come out and say at the end he wanted to stay but he couldn't say no to the money on offer. He's gone, and as Schwarz said, time to turn the attention to compensation!
  10. If I'm a player in the last year of a contract, correct me if I'm wrong, but would I not want to try to get a new long term contract locked in as soon as possible? He already knows he is going to command big money, and his value is high. What happens if he goes out on Monday, and injures his leg in a similar manner to say Trent Hentschel resulting in a long term question mark over his ability to come back from that injury? Is holding out until the end of the season then a smart ploy by him and his management? Seems to me to be a pretty big risk to take, unless they already have a contingency plan in place.
  11. Really just two pathetic and sad human beings. Nixon is just a grub, and the girl needs a clip around the ears.
  12. And now Marc Murphy has re-signed with the Blues for 3 years........over to you now Tom!
  13. It's mindless, brain numbing entertainment..........but I still like it. Garry dancing in a Yo Gabba Gabba outfit last week was comedy........which I'm aware says a lot about my intelligence and maturity, but I still found it funny.
  14. Very true, and I wonder what Bucks would rather have now........some extra coin, or a premiership medallion.
  15. The pot of money GWS are able to splash around is finite. A heads of agreement would have outlined the terms should he later commit, allowing GWS to continue with their pillaging knowing what they already have potentially committed. And Tom and his managment know what they have locked in should he decide to take it later on, as opposed to GWS coming back saying they have signed 9 others players, and the deal they originally offered they can no longer do. He would get out of a heads of agreement easily if he wanted to.........it's a statement of intention, not final commitment. No club is going to attempt to have a HOA legally enforced to make a player play somewhere he doesn't really want to.
  16. Absolutely spot on! I hope like hell he stays, but to expect some unwavering loyalty from him when he has only been at the club for just over 18 months is unrealistic. And let's not kid ourselves, he is no less a chance to win a flag with GWS than the MFC........their window may open a few years after us because they are behind us in development, but like Gold Coast, they will be full of talent with the best kids in the country heading there as well, and he is still a kid himself.
  17. Didn't he say something similar about Bruce resigning?
  18. I'm actually suprised to read this thread...........while certainly not what I would call a fan, I haven't minded Darcy since he went into the media. He comes across as a fairly unobtrusive sort of bloke, and while he may not be the greatest commentator in the world, he's certainly not the worst either. I haven't heard his radio show with Eddie on Triple M, so I can't speak for his work there.
  19. Showed unquestionable leadership in the backline on Friday night, and really lead by example. Outstanding game!
  20. Jordie's a freak, and a genuine star in the making! Outstanding recruit for the MFC, and just a pleasure to watch a bloke prepared to do the hard things and get his hands dirty every time he plays:
  21. Both were great, and it's amazing how the whole mindset of the players was switched on. At on point I remember Morton needing to show real courage going back with the flight, and he didn't flinch! I rate Bennell.......pace and skill are fantastic, and he was very important last night, especially with Grimes and Davey out. Well done to both of them!
  22. Great news........go Jimmy, you're a star!!!
  23. Spot on mukau! Actions speak far louder than words!
  24. I love the way Stef Martin has stepped up, and really taken on the responsibility of being number 1 ruck with the Russian out. Great improvement, and says a lot about the man..........great work Stef!
  25. It's a fluff article put out by the club to keep the content of the site regularly updated, and the supporters engaged. Good to debate it, but I wouldn't get too hung up on the comments...........the club can't come out to slam a player for their games, as much as sometimes we may like them to.
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