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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. Real Demon


    Finals are finals, and if we made it, I reckon it would be fantastic! It would be a really good lift to what has been a difficult year. Many of the kids getting their first taste of finals action would only help their development, and it would be a shot in the arm of all involved with the club, especially Jimmy. Another week of footy would be fantastic, another week in the media, and whatever financial benefit the club receives couldn't hurt. If we win the required number of games, and make it, then we deserve it! Stop thinking like losers, and start thinking like winners...........we are still in with a shot, and the players should be buoyed by the chance to make it. With all the anomalies in the fixture, we are no less deserving than any other club to make it.
  2. Hiring Pagan as coach would be some kind of gutsy move by the club, because it would fly in the face of the perception that Pagan is finished as a senior coach. Personally, I'd rather we didn't take the risk.
  3. We have to get away from this idea of just flicking players if they are down on form, or because their contracts are up, and they are looking for a better deal. Sylvia is an absolutely required player for the MFC, and letting him go for some speculative draft pick is ridiculous. Offensively, he is one of our most gifted players...............and he's isn't Robinson Crusoe when it comes to lacking defensive pressure either.....we have plenty in that category! He would absolutely rip it up at any of the top teams in the comp, and any decision to trade him or let him leave will hurt the club. How many midfielders do we have that can slot 55m goals on the run? How midfielders do we have that can go forward and actually take contested marks? If Colin isn't the player the club wants him to be, then they need to find a way to get him to the next level. He has come a long way over the past few season, and I reckon he can take another step again as the team around him improves.
  4. Probably the most sensible post on the topic to date hangon! I'd consider myself ultra bullish as an MFC supporter, and my glass is always half full when it comes to anything to do with the club, but some of the players being suggested on here as targets are pipe dreams!!!!!! Scott Pendlebury....... come on please! Judd, Warnock, Hale and Ball all rejected club advances in previous years and that was before the off field chaos was even known about!!!! We have a long, long, long way to go before big names players would even consider joining the MFC, so keep some level of reality to the suggestions. Although I do think you're a bit harsh on one point hangon....... our supporters are no more scathing of our players than other club supporters are of theirs.
  5. I saw it, and it was pretty pathetic from Sheedy, and the fact he missed out on the coaching job still kills him, and the chip on his shoulder isn't getting any smaller! Not sure Ox could say or do much though.........he couldn't have a stand up argument with a guest of the show, and when they went to the break, Ox was staring at him, and giving him the raised eyebrows, and no doubt would have said something in the break. Sheedy was a joke towards the end of his Bombers stint, and nothing has changed. Thank god we never made him coach!!!!!
  6. The comments writing him off so early were just crazy, and he is starting to show why! I watched him yesterday thinking he looks like he could become anything! Exciting times, and his intent and commitment yesterday were fantastic. Great work Wattsy!!!!
  7. Poor bugger, bad to see this happen to any player, but even worse when it one of our own! All the best for a quick recovery Straussy!
  8. It's going to be interesting to see where the other clubs go with this if Collingwood continue to show an advantage. But they also have their list management, coaching, development, facilities etc etc humming along too, and the altitude training is ready the cherry on top of the ice cream! The football arms race is on in earnest, and Carlton are now heading to Qatar for their altitude training: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/blues-swap-guesthouse-in-sorrento-for-bright-lights-of-qatar-20110726-1hylg.html It evidence continues to show clear benefits, all clubs will be scrambling to do similar things provided they can afford it.
  9. I think this is a good thing for the club. If nothing else, Garry is a straight shooter, and will cut through the BS to the crux of the issues. I trust he has a enough common sense, and the best interests of the club at heart to do the right thing. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/120190/default.aspx
  10. Agreed. I'd like 1 & 2 swapped around personally, but you're right........you would take any in a heartbeat!
  11. John Worsfold......come on down!
  12. Caro was onto it early, but it wasn't quite the story back then that it is now: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dees-magic-flickers-20110422-1driv.html
  13. Spot on...........the bickering and infighting that has been going on while poor old Jimmy fights for his life is deplorable. Keep fighting Jim!
  14. Someone told me that was reported on the 3AW rumour file.............quality brand to be associated with if true! Better than Skoda at GWS Tom!
  15. Let's not allow the events of the past week be the catalyst to slam every little thing about the club! Corporate my a**e, why because some people wearing white collared shirts drove the development of it? All the elements are drawn from the history of the club, and the emblem is terrific. So is it now open season on anything Schwab has implemented at the club is it? Get a grip FFS!
  16. The most disturbing thing IMO is that we have a playing group who consider it acceptable to not turn up and play because of a few off field issues they really have no control over. What does that tell you about their sense of pride in their performance and their the level of self respect???? That's disturbing!
  17. Can't understand the debate over whether he goes now or at seasons end. Bailey said it himself....... no matter how you spin and flip it, 186 points is an ugly number, and if he puts himself in a board members shoes, he completely understands the decision. Funny how the bloke on the receiving end sees it, but some supporters don't. No club in the land would have let the coach go on in the same situation, so not sure why some supporters think we should. Take the fact of him being a great bloke out of it, and it is absolutely the right decision!
  18. I like Nick Maxwell's stance on the captaincy, and that he believes it should be voted on each year, and that he doesn't want the job unless he has the full endorsement from the players. He also raised other players he thought would make great captains, and said he would urge his team mates to vote for who they belived was the most deserving of the honour. A very mature attitude to the whole topic, and shows he has the club and players at the front of his thinking at all times.
  19. Without wanting to go [censored] for tat throughout this thread, I think I'll just say I don't agree.
  20. Anyone who thinks this decision was just about Saturday is kidding themselves. There have been questions marks over our game style all season, and the ups and downs have been dramatic. Close games against the Pies last year, floggings this year. The Hawthorn embarassment early in the season, the ongoing inability to beat Victorian teams, and teams around our level like North. A 26% winning percenatage in nearly 4 seasons.............and then the game on Saturday...............surely no one is suprised. If the administration suspected it before, Saturday proved he wasn't the coach to take us forward.
  21. Great call..............he absolutely isn't going in like he used to over the past few years, and that is the most galling part. He should be going in harder than ever now he is the captain, not backing off, and waiting for the kids to do the grunt work!
  22. As others have said, it had to happen. Results like yesterday cannot be allowed to slide, and this does hurt the players in some respect as many of them claim to be supporters of his, and declaring support for him...........now they all individually face earning the respect and support of a new coach all over again. I've really like the way Bailey respresented the club as coach, and it's tough to see what appears to be a terrific bloke get the bullet. But after the West Coast game this year, he had lost me, and longer term this is the right call for the club.
  23. Spot on! Maybe all this pay dispute talk with the AFL has emboldened a few of the players, and has them thinking it is them that call the shots at club level! It is the ultimate in contradictions for the players to come out and say they are right behind Bailey, yet deliver a performance like Saturday.
  24. It was all pretty high level stuff though, and dealt with overall strategy, and wasn't person or role specific from what I saw. It was a good tool to give members a greater insight into the workings of the club, and as an original way of engaging members, I liked it!
  25. I agree, thought from the outside he was doing a terrific job! And anyone bagging Whiteboard Wednesday is a bit harsh. You can argue maybe he shouldn't have done it, but the content was terrific, and very insightful, and I enjoyed watching them.
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