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Demon Tragic

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Everything posted by Demon Tragic

  1. He needs to look up at the trouble he is running into. He often calls for handballs that run him into trouble. However, I always prefer the player that wants the ball in his hands, there is plenty for him to learn, but plenty of potential. Take the game on and break the thick defensive lines teams put up in today's footy.
  2. When did this forum turn into a spelling bee? Who gives a toss?! FWIW Carro needs to see out his contract at Casey Fields, his skills are poor but his effort in the reserves could help develop youngsters.
  3. Perfect summation! You don't have to be winning to be any of these things, it's an attitude we need to carry with us at all times. We get that right, the victories will take care of themselves.
  4. I never though I'd encounter another person who had his head in the sand as much as AA! Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
  5. Add Stef Martin, Col Garland, Cale Morton, Addam Maric, John Meesen & No.1 draft pick to that list. Genesis Fitness should offer us a group discount!
  6. No-one's saying we shouldn't enjoy the victory. My son, mother & brother-in-law all went along and enjoyed the win enormously. That being said, no-one should ever accept that sort of umpiring performace ever again. It was worse than West Coasts performance! The Braun decision was by far the most ridiculous non-decision I have ever seen on a football field! You know the umpiring is poor when the home side, who won convincingly, give the umpires a razz on thier way off the ground. There is no way Jeff Geischan will accept that hopeless performance from the umpires. If you want proof, see how many of those umpires get any of the following 1) a game next week 2) a finals game 3) a contract next year. If you think the umpires were okay, you're on more drugs than Ben Cousins! I haven't seen a crucifixion like that since the passion of the christ!
  7. Well done Brock! No point trying to cynical about his motives, just accept it for what it is, $10,000 from a passionate supporter. Whether he can afford it or not, $10K is a hell of a lot of money from someone who is not obligated, for any cause.
  8. The free kick was there. There's no rule preventing the player from falling forward. There is a rule preventing players from pile driving into thier numbers. There's no doubt that Monfries contributed to the contact by falling forward. The umpires are fully aware of that, they cannot do anything other than give the free as there has been no rule passed to prevent diving. It's not the umpires task to pass that rule, that directive needs to be discussed by the rules committee.
  9. Saw a bloke called Michael King for South Croydon. The kid looks like he's four years old, but he can move (mature age recruit?)
  10. A few names I noticed from the under 18 carnival. Ranga Edwickrama - excellent pace Tom Lynch - Strong marking forward, presents well and would be the perfect foil for Bate (dead set ringa) Tom Scully - Small forward with reasonable pace, silky skills and plenty of nous. Clinton Garlett - Pacy and versatile, can win his own ball. Ryan Harwood - Again excellent at winning his own ball, found space and delivered the ball well. Aaron Cornelius - Exellent overhead mark and great pace on the lead, reminded me of a junior Robbo. The best for mine was Michael Hurley. It's not very often you see a dominant BOG display from a full back, but he owned the game he played at Casey Fields. Keep your eyes out for him.
  11. The question is worded well enough for most Demons supporters to cotton on to why they are asking!
  12. Boggles the mind!!! Some of the same people who complain about Sylvia not putting in a consistent effort, want the team to do what they are complaining about Col not doing! I don't care if we win or lose, I want to see every player giving their all with a total commitment to the new game plan. Taking risks and backing themselves into the contest. Running in numbers with courage and conviction, breaking the lines and backing our depleted forward line to win the one on one contests, rather than kick it around the 50m arc to an uncontested player. If we do that and aren't good enough, so be it.
  13. I think we need to judge him on the rest of the season, not just last week. If DB can turn it around for him, then great. If DB can't get any development out of him then trade him, straight swap for Warnock would be good. Imagine Sylvia running around Tarrants feet! Who knows what would happen more importantly, who knows when!
  14. Very disappointed he could only muster up 2 goals against Port in Round 22! Had me won until then.
  15. Isn't it amazing what happens when you let a player settle into their correct playing position?!
  16. Vlad & Mike Fitzpatrick are going to Beijing - AA will be sulking at home cause he didn't get an invite. FWIW I know people who work inside AFL House and they hate him with a passion too. The only reason Vlad appointed him is he didn't want someone directly below him that was good enough to take his post, I'd say he's proven his judgement to be pretty spot on there. I think the only person who likes him is in his mirror!
  17. How would they decide who gets what home game?
  18. Big fan of Caro, the way she reports the news and the way she commits to research in her journalism. Caro will research the facts and then use them to develop an informed opinion. Muck rakers like Hutchy form a biased sensational opinion and then find facts to support them (no matter how reliable the source). Whilst you're talking about Footy Classified, get rid of that illiterate fool they replaced Carey with. He adds nothing to the show and he is painful to listen to.
  19. He wasn't swinging his head, he was looking for Christopher Wayne Hudson in the crowd, he needed a lift home.
  20. Think it's very unfair to label DB mediocre. Daniher would have done better this year because he would have encouraged the selfish play that has been rotting away good players for years. It would see us win be more competative, but would never see us to a premiership. It'd be fair to say the bad habits entrenched during Daniher's reign were difficult to kick for alot of our older players in the first five weeks, as such our performance suffered immensly. Since then the players have been alot more focused on executing what can be a very hard hitting, fast and exciting style of play. No-one who went to the Fremantle game could deny that and our performances against Hawthorn & the Pies also prove that. Many of the Collingwood supporters (who I am unfortunately related to) said that we smashed the pies in the middle. Our tough in and under players do a magnificent job of winning the hard ball. I have noticed some of the following positives from our season so far and think they should be considered into any performance assesment of DB 1. Cale Morton's emergence as a future elite midfielder 2. Austin Wonaemirri's rise as an excitement machine 3. Brad Miller's improved performances as a permanent CHF 4. Brock McLean stepping up to the plate as a future leader 5. Nathan Jones working harder than ever to shake the number one tag 6. Colin Garland's steep improvement as an impressive backman 7. Matthew Warnock starting to stamp his physical presence on games 8. Brad Green starting to play like he should have for the past 6 years 9. Martin, Zomer, CJ and Maric's form at Sandy I am very pleased with the manner DB uses Sandringham as a conduit to good form & experience. I hope he persists by leaving those players at Sandringham a little longer. Whilst they would learn from a senior game, exposing young unprepared bodies to the rough world of AFL has more potential to damage them than improve them just yet. When their bodies are right, I'm sure he will blood them. Taking those factors into account along with the hit of losing over 1000 goals from our forward line(one who was the most inspirational player I have seen wear the red and blue in my 28 years as a supporter), I think DB has done an excellent job with the list. His media profile leaves an awful lot to be desired. His speech in press conferences is littered with cliche and rhetoric. He needs to improve in this area, however considering the horror start to the year we have has, I can understand the instict to go into your shell a bit. CC has been magnificent in filling in the gaps DB leaves behind. For mine DB gets a 7 for the first half of the year, I get the feeling that will improve markedly in the second half. CC gets a 9 for the show! The real question I have is what has our CEO been doing? For a person who was supposed to bring marketing glamour to the club, I haven't heard a word!
  21. Any chance we can give the guy time to prepare his submission and present it via the appropraite avenue eg: board meeting? I know we are all driven by a need to know everything and know it NOW, but we can't always get our own way. Jim has done a fantastic job at playing his cards to his chest and little information of any substance has been leaked to the press. That shows a little more dilligence than he has been credit for on this forum. I for one am looking forward to Fridays news to see the finer details of Jim's plans, then I will pass judgement. Seems like a few of you in this forum have already made your minds up.
  22. Outs: Robbo - very sad Bell - not showing enough Yze - enough said Dunn - Doesn't cut it Ins: Davey - if fit, if not Maric Rivers - badly missed Morton - better off for the rest, will relish a game at the G with 50,000 Holland - Can do the job on Rocca whilst Rivers sweeps or provide a foward target for small forwards
  23. Will take my son along - that's 2 thus far shooter!
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