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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. Most nights (seriously) I drift off to sleep dreaming of us making finals and god forbid winning a GF and part of it always ends up with me dreaming how fing mad the celebrations will be. Considering how mad this place is... half of Melb will burn if that beautiful dream ever eventuates.
  2. Just a fellow poster but he has been on the money on a couple of predictions around the club this year including roos coming onboard.
  3. Totes loyal
  4. Exactly, giant purple dills and their minions "reporting" this kind of info.
  5. I really think we need to be careful here....
  6. Seriously pull the pin gnf.... no need for us to know until it is done on Thus and we have the players or not then you can spill further if needed.
  7. No names and no teams! ! No leaks ffs. Would hate for a leak in here bring down a deal with some [censored] reporter putting it on the front page on Tues and everyone gets cold feet.
  8. Way of the mark? He was spot on but MC blindsided him.
  9. Or he needs to get his frequent flyer points up and at least he ain't on the melatonin. ..
  10. Again where is the AFLPA and their managers who cry for them and freedom in contracts but seem deaf in all of this still.
  11. I am at a loss as to why players are not exercising their rights to leave and leaving Ess high and dry. Even Ryder who wants to leave seems to be soft peddling it by having port look for a trade. The unkowns are too great and the lack of care the club continues to display is astounding.
  12. Guessing the bumblers gave him more years and more cash too. A ss covering time.
  13. I totally understand we need to make the club better to win more games and the is Trenners going to be good enough line but we pillar Frawley and Clarke for not buying in and Trenners sure has. We can't expect it on one hand and then trade it out on the other. The outcome good or bad wont be know for some time and history will be the judge.
  14. Yet we canonize the great man Robbie and are happy for Trenners who has shown us loyalty in his short career to be traded?
  15. Interesting. And I had misread the age article, assumed the beams to lions was almost completed.
  16. Why are we chasing him if his old man is so ill and he will spend a heap if time at home in qld?
  17. Someone on the Trenners thread is stating Beams is close to trade to us. Even if it happens how the hell would it work with his old man so ill. He should be traded or sit out until he is able to give 100%.
  18. So the 5 team deal with Beams to Brissy the age noted is not happening?
  19. Christ this trade period is out of control. Is he, isnt he all over the shop.
  20. That age article seems to debunk the Beams to dees dream.
  21. Now that is interesting!!! Swap you Dangerfish for him... The a article also states Beams is close to going to Brisbane in a 5 club deal with HL coming to Dees and MC going to Cats.
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