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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. How much pull does Goody have with the Ess players, besides Milky I wonder?
  2. The AFL is not the only Aust sport going through drug issues. The main players look to be using the same trick as Hird and Co, blame the authorities through the media. It's a beat up, it's not true, they are out to get us, we'll take it to a higher court. http://www.theage.com.au/sport/horseracing/racing-the-truth-about-cobalt-a-toxic-drug-20160121-gmb3w1.html
  3. Have you seen his quads... And in the wind beneath his wings.
  4. might have to jump on him for Rising Star...
  5. True WJ but I think you'd rather the option of having that extra okayer for the season, whether to develop or to be getting game time. ha I would not be wanting 12 players, no. 1 is hard enough to find at this time of the year but there it still gives you options.
  6. We have a flash footy dept that has a knack for picking up "outside the box" players over the last few years (Vanders as example) so I think it is only fair we get the same "rules" applied to Port, Saints etc.
  7. We should be lobbying the AFL hard, in conjunction with Port and the Dogs to bring in another player not just an upgraded Rookie.
  8. You think he is ahead? He should have quit years ago.
  9. That's what I was trying to get at, how is there getting around it when you can train. But Bing do they train with another group of riders paid for by the Riders Association?
  10. Would be interested to know how athletes from track and field who have been banned get around it as a comparison.
  11. Is Crowley signed yet?
  12. He did it the only way he knew how... Needled
  13. "According to Robinson, Hird deliberately administered himself with Melanotan II, a substance with a similar sounding name but very different use. Melanotan II is a drug used for erectile dysfunction and as a tanning agent. Robinson told ASADA both he and Hird took Melanotan II for vanity reasons, as Melbourne was heading into its summer months.... The AFL's decision to redact the side-effects, ostensibly to protect Hird's privacy, has had the effect of publicly humiliating Hird. A Fairfax gossip columnist used Google to fill in the blanks and discovered one side-effect of Melanotan II is a painful, prolonged erection. No penis pun was spared. Twitter did the rest." http://www.news.com.au/national/asada-omitted-james-hirds-drug-testimony-from-report/story-e6frfkp9-1226702422158
  14. She had no record of that question although James was sure it was on the list he provided.
  15. Oooohhhhh haha brutal comment.
  16. Harder and harder to enjoy "the game" as it is meant to be, a game.
  17. http://m.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/tim-lane-cas-decision-gives-cause-for-comfort-20160116-gm7axr.html The comments Lane highlights again from the previous ASADA head about the AFL just re-emphasise the majority of thought on the AFL brand at this point.
  18. I find it funny all the Dons mates I have laughed or said what a bad move it was in getting PJ mainly based on the Knights scenario when that has ended so well for us and so poorly for them.
  19. PJ was the man who was in charge when Knights was coach and then gave him the 3 year extension. Only for Turd to shuffle in the back door on him.
  20. This stood out more than anything to me... If i were one of those wealthy backers I would ask for all who had been a part of the program who are still at the club to resign before they received any cash and want to understand what the players really may have known. "HIGH-PROFILE SUPPORTERS The Australian Financial Review reported on Wednesday that Essendon is preparing a war chest from wealthy business backers as it faces financial crisis. The Bombers are stacked with high-profile and powerful supporters, including former chairman and stockbroker David Evans, who suffered a physical breakdown after a falling-out with Hird when he tried to negotiate with the AFL on a deal. Subsequent chairman and former managing director of Toll Holdings Paul Little was appointed to fight the charges. Little stood down at the end of last year after Hird resigned in August (after controversially being brought back on a two-year contract following his 12-month ban from coaching in 2014). Newly appointed chairman Lindsay Tanner, Dr Ziggy Switkowski – who conducted the 2013 review into the drugs scandal – former federal Treasurer Peter Costello and Hird mentor, News Corp chief executive Robert Thomson are among other high-profile supporters." Read more: http://www.afr.com/business/sport/james-hird-and-essendon-board-to-blame-for-sorry-saga-20160115-gm6ldr#ixzz3xNikQjc1
  21. Ess mate sent me this, at least he has a sense of humour. http://insidesauce.com/top-up-candidate-james-hird-open-to-playing-for-essendon/
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