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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. Devils 4-3 to take 2-1 lead. Series will go to 7 though.
  2. GGAAAHHH!!!! Another tied game deep into the last period! 3-3 Devils v Flyers! NHL postseason is the best postseason on vurtually any sport in the world.
  3. Got a feeling that who eve coems out of the East will get done easily in the Finals, some massive series on the East side
  4. And there it is Rangers in 3OT!
  5. ggaaahhhh I hate being at work, another OT game!!! Come on Rangers, I don't really support Dev's or Rangers but would love to see them playing off in conference finals even though the Flyers look the better team than Devs.
  6. Shattered I am not able to watch too much of it all and missing tomorrow morns game. Rangers and Devils through. Can Dev's keep it close after such a long 1st series? Flyers looking really good overall. Watched 1st period of Coyot's game they are playing well too, and the Kings.... look out.
  7. Devils tie it 3-3!!
  8. Loving what I have seen so far, was hoping the Pens got up but the Flyers hit them hard and Giroux was huge. I lived in Colorado for a couple of years and was there when they won the cup with Sakic, Roy etc but don't really have a team but think this is the best hockey I have seen. Quick question that has always stumped me, espcially with the concussion issues of late, but why so they wear what are seamingly such flimsy hats? They have some huge guys (Canucks have 2 guys on there roster under 6ft, the Rangers have 3 fwds 6ft 5+ including a 6ft 8 guy) skating extremely fast in a confined space on a bloody hard surface yet the hats look like they give no protection at all. Always wondered why. ps have no idea who will win the finals but bring on more of the great hockey!
  9. But they also need to realise they are professional sports people, there job is to train the way the coaching staff say and play the way the coach tells them too.
  10. RB does have an inside line to LJ remember.... Maybe Neeld and LJ's version of events are different....
  11. Ah fantastic to see the positive diagnosis. All the best for the future and it stays away.
  12. I'll be interested to see how he goes against ruckman like Ryder, the supposed new breed of ruckman. Slightly shorter with large leap and moves around the ground like a tall midfielder.
  13. FANTASTIC news Two Sheds! I think we are all pulling for you to come through this. Puts a spring in your step to read it has been so positive for you so far! Cards
  14. Geebus H Christ! That is bloody horrible! I have absolutely no idea what you're going through or what to say to you. The only reference I have is my old man getting "Jack Dancer" a few years ago. Hard enough but I just can't imagine being the one with it. Plenty of sympathy but no real answers and bugger all options. All I can say is I hope you have lots of people around you who care and love you, to be there for you and for you farken live it as much you can.
  15. Went and saw Wake in Fright, cracking movie. Great take on the outback, strange people and loosing yourself in it in a bad way. The Tracker is probably my fav Aussie movie.
  16. Never in doubt. I was there for the tie against Spartac Moscow at White Heart and he was dragged at half time after two goals were scored from some glaring mistakes.
  17. I'm off work for two weeks with a hand injury sustained playing footy and need to do something besides hang out here. Anyone got some good moves/DVD's you have seen recently, not really worried about genre's just something that you liked I can have a squizz at. WOuld be much appreciated!!!
  18. Nope Pies being so "tough" on there star players is front page I would think. How good is that! We would all ove to be in a position to be able to donate that kind of cash. They are great men!
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