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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. 2 hours ago, DubDee said:

    I can't find any details either.  it would be at least 30 mins before kick off so we'll have to plan to get there by 6:30 i reckon

    apparently the largest fireworks display ever at the MCG is on at half time

    That really going to offend the “no noise at sporting events brigade”. 

    • Haha 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Bates Mate said:

    Anyone got any idea what time the flag raising and festivities start? It's a Wednesday night gotta plan some stuff. Can't find anything on the website

    6.30pm from the email


    AFL history is about to be made and you’re a part of it, xxx


    On Wednesday 16 March, our 2021 Premiership Flag will unfurled at the MCG, featuring the surnames of our loyal 2021 members.


    Get to the ‘G before 6:30pm to witness the historic moment of Club greats such as Ron Barrassi and David Neitz carrying the flag on to the hallowed turf.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    He was in beast mode.  Wide, wild eyes.  Sniffing like a bear eyeing its prey.  He had the sort of look that says: Over my dead body do we lose this game.  10 out of 10 from each coach in the BnF.  Unanimous 5 votes from 5 judges for the NSM.  Its not the first time we have won on the back of his efforts and I'm sure it won't be the last.  He has found his 'beast mode'.

    Jack Viney was the momentum changer, Petracca kept the momentum going.  He was involved in everything after Jack's intercept.

    Funny his eyes started glazing over and going back into Beast Mode even while he was talking about it. 

    • Like 4
  4. 41 minutes ago, Bimbo said:

    I am so glad someone else is sharing the blame.  I have worried for decades that it was just my voice Jim heard which caused him to run through the mark.

    Who was on the mark? They should have shifted over to cover Dipper, the person on the grassy knoll.. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

    Just watched it then.

    I found the ‘history lesson’ segment spanning 1964-2013 a bit eyebrow raising as there was one glaring distortion by omission (the merger didn’t stop exclusively because some nebulously defined ‘good people’ prevented it) as well as some historical revisionism by others appearing on camera. I won’t go into specifics besides that and won’t elaborate here if pressed as now is not the time to do so. I’ve pretty much forgiven most people from the past and there’s no point resurrecting  those arguments.



    The "good people" part really jumped out to me as well... good Hawthorn people haha.

    • Haha 1
  6. The images of the players coming off after the  “merger game” against the Hawks, the jacket Balme had on…. Makes me miss me Dad, he had the full length jacket the same as Balme and a Dees tracksuit he would wear to games.

    We’d walk from Fitzroy to the G and stop off at pubs on the way, I was an embarrassed 18yr old and he couldn’t give two fks. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Jaded No More said:

    If we never win another flag in my lifetime, my biggest regret on my deathbed will be that I couldn’t be there to experience that joy in person.  
    I hope like hell we get to see it again live. 

    Same…. [censored] I hope we get to see one in the flesh. 

    • Like 2
  8. 19 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    So I’m watching this with my husband who is a recent arrival to the Melbourne supporting club thanks largely to me refusing to marry him if he didn’t get serious about AFL and Melbourne… when that Geelong loss was shown and then that stat was mentioned, he turns to me and goes “how is it possible to be this bad?”

    He has no idea. Bloody bandwagoner!

    Two of my mates are Dees members, a Liverpool lad and a Kiwi… they just can’t believe the shot we fans went through in those dark years. Seeing the family name let alone there names on the flag is so amazing.

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  9. 56 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    This is not so much merch/memorabilia as it is a shameless cash-grab…


    They slug you an extra $2 per bottle for the addition of a few words of your team’s song on the label. 

    The cheek of these money-grubbing fat cats!!! 😡


    Meanwhile, at mine…


    And I don’t even like tomato sauce. 😆


    Lol the money Heinz would have paid for to use the branding… and WCW at her finest haha.

    • Haha 2
  10. Ah man, the further time moves the more this starts to hurt, again strange as I never met the man but he (and that team) is tied to so many great life moments with the old man and mates. 
    Rest in Your Usual Self, it looked like a sh it load of fun.

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  11. 34 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

    Another Pert fail... ;)


    Fail!!! Didn’t you see we’re actually paying them for the extra year, in fact Pert is paying some out of his own pocket!

    Glad to see with Mahoney gone there is someone in the club getting bent over. (The talk of Mahns/Dees getting bent over each trade period was silly,).

  12. 3 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    Things I’ve learnt today 

    1. Give the umpires an inch and they’ll invade Ukraine with power 

    2. No May and Salem without Petty and Rivers as backup = no good backline 

    3. Poor discipline is always costly. We were arrogant and messy especially with setting up in the middle. That’s inexcusable. 

    4. Nobody got injured. Big win!

    5. Williams the most over paid player in the comp?

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