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Everything posted by torpedo

  1. Funny that you should mention that, as for mine Watts's career has always looked scarily similar to that of Brendan Goddard and this is the comparison I always use when Watts haters slag him off. If you look back at Goddard's career you would probably say Watts is about on par with where Goddard was in his 6th season, he didn't really establish himself as a top shelf player until his 7th year.
  2. I understand some people arent in a position to donate, lets not pretend thats 90% of MFC members though. There are plenty of members amongst those other 28,000 who havent yet donated that have a spare few bob to put in, those under pressure from rising living costs, etc only accounts for so many. If we had raised the same amount of money and 10,000 had donated I'd be much, much happier about the situation.
  3. Sorry HT, included your post in error and didnt notice, Ive amended it. I agree with you that some people that havent already donated will donate, such an obvious point doesnt really need to be made. The bottom line is on Sunday there will only be between 500 - 2,000 people there, the majority of whom are diehard supporters who would have already donated. Come Monday there will still be at least 25,000+ 'members' who havent donated a cent, which is pathetic.
  4. I'm behind the club 110%. How many people do you realistically think are going to turn up to this event Sunday night? You may call it 'negitive' but if you think there will be anything even slightly close to a majority of our members there you need your head checked.
  5. Nothing in my post suggests that, Im not sure how you could possibly read that into it. My frustrations are aimed at the 28,000 members who are unwilling to donate even $5 or $10 to date. I'm sure Sunday night will be another fundraising success organised by the club, no doubt it'll be due to the same people giving again though.
  6. Its an absolute disgrace. Everyone keeps banging on about $2.7k, that all came from the 150 night, its $650k - thats the pitifall amount our members & supporter base have come up with. Imagine if they only raised $1m at the 150 night, would everyone be happy with the disgraceful effort of our members then?
  7. I think its been getting pretty good publicity, great ad in The Age today promoting our future with our 3 Rising Stars, been ads in their consistently all month. Its had a good run on The Footy Show and its been mentioned in the news, you cant expect the news to promote our cause to hard other than to comment on newsworthy events like the good results from our dinner, there supposed to be independent media. Most football followers are well aware of it and there the people who will donate. However when my old man rang to order a copy of the Norm Smith book from the MFC he told them if they could arrange a copy signed by Jimmy Stynes & John Lord (# 4 after Normie had it) for my grandad whose a Normie fanatic he'd be willing to pay a substantial price / donation... he never got a call back. You here stories like this all the time. He was going to make a donation regardless, makes you wonder how many opportunities like this go begging though, it would not have been difficult to arrange. Bit of a catch 22 I guess, professional administrative staff cost money and we dont have any, you have to spend money to make money though.
  8. Yeah its a great effort by the 150 that came up with the first $2.1m and the handful of members that have bothered to donate the remainder. Pretty dissapointed to be honest, I expected at least $1m from the members, thought the dinner might get some momentum going and push it even higher, it seems to have had the opposite effect. Hopefully theres 20,000+ odd members holding off until closer to late August to donate.
  9. Article in today's Age on the NSW / ACT U18s: http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/youn...0444439215.html Doesn't mention Teddy Strudwick however lists him as our only NSW Scholarship player, as opposed to other clubs who have up to 4, a couple of famous footy names in there too. He is listed as being part of the NSW / ACT U18s squad: http://www.sportingpulse.com/assoc_page.cg...sectionID=54973 Good to hear they got through to the Div 1 playoffs, hopefully some reports on him become available after those games.
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