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Posts posted by Whispering_Jack

  1. Yours truly,

    Barry Miller

    I think his father's name's Neville, not Barry and other than that it's a bit over the top with sarcasm but you're on the right tram. Don't forget that Bradley played an impeccable game in a final at Subiaco last year and the Weagles need another tall forward. Perhaps Barry or Neville could persuade them to take the player only and leave the draft pick with us.

  2. If I were him I wouldn't see hawthorn to be all that unappealing... They should be successful for the next few years, they play at the G and the travel time to trainings isn't huge from his bayside home (compared to say carlton).

    No self-respecting footballer would want to be seen in front of thousands wearing that brown and gold outfit. It's a definite turn off. Judd is leaving a club with a whacky cartoon character on its jumper - that's bad enough.

    Memo to start a thread about doing away with our away jumper - it must be changed if we're to entice Judd to the club - it clashes with Rebecca's dress and also has a whacky cartoon character on it.

  3. If nothing else works then you have to go for the coincidences, trivia or the supernatural.

    I read in the HUN today that one of his Companies is called "Three Zebras". There's obviously a subliminal connection between Sandringham, the MFC and Judd. I don't expect him to play for the Zebras but let's not forget that the Dees do a lot of their pre season training at the Sandringham ground which is apparently right around the corner from mum's place. Surely, that's more important than the $$$'s and the draft chocies when a player makes up his mind what club he's going to play for?

    Any other of these 1%ers that the club can hang it's hat on?

  4. According to the Herald Sun it's possible that we have been proactive as a club and that we haven't been waiting for Juddman at all - DEES TRY TO TEMPT JUDD.

    "DON'T confuse Melbourne's silence on Chris Judd for lack of interest in the superstar, who grew up barracking for the Demons.

    The club has had an advisory group in place since January for precisely what eventuated in Perth at the weekend.

    While it's not quite the "Deliver Chris Judd Committee", it is a high-powered group of businessmen assembled to lure any accessible big name to the club, and to hold those already there.

    It comprises MFC chairman Paul Gardner, former Melbourne Cricket Club president David Jones, political powerbroker Michael Kroger, Seven network executive Ian Johnson, the club's general manager of list management and recruiting Craig Cameron, and a property developer and lawyer whose names are not known."

    It's great to read this news but one wonders where have the captains of industry who support the club been in recent years? I know this is ancient history but during our golden era we used to have fantastic support from the business end of the community but it hasn't been apparent in recent years. Hopefully, this initiative can be expanded beyond the life of any negotiations to get Chris Judd and will mark a concerted effort to bring us to a point where we can compete on all levels with the likes of Collingw&%$!, Carl&%$!, Essen&%$! and the interstate clubs.

  5. I endured Waiting for Godot while I was at uni many years ago and you can call me a "primitive" but like a lot of this art house stuff that was a play where nothing much happened and it bored me senseless. On the other hand Waiting for Guffman was really quite amusing and I now welcome Waiting for Juddman as the final leg of the trilogy. Well done Randy!

    We Demon fans have spent most of our lifetimes waiting for something to happen and it seems that nothing ever does. Juddman hasn't arrived yet and we've been waiting a long, long time for him to come.

    The question is why should we ever wait for good things to happen to us? We have the power to change the course of history and influence Juddmen to come to Melblaine but that won't happen if we sit around waiting. In the case of the latest Juddman it might already be too late and it could be true that Carlton is well advanced with negotiations and that it could already be a done deal. I'm nowhere near sold on the idea of getting this Juddman at the cost that is likely to be involved but we will no doubt debate it and put in some sort of offer.

    Be that as it may, we need to make sure that in future we won't be left waiting but instead that we take positive steps to ensure that the next Godot, Guffman or Juddman comes to us. That means building up our club in every way possible so that we are considered the first port of call for a wandering Juddman and that we can develop our own as well. It's an outside chance but maybe he could be #85 in the next draft! Or maybe he will come in the form of players we already have who are waiting to be developed by the new coaching regime.

    Whatever happens, let's not wait around, let's make things happen instead. I think that's what Randy's story is about.

  6. Ben proposed to Becky on Saturday and she accepted.

    The Demonland family is so pleased for both of them and are absolutely delighted to have Becky defect from the Bombers and become as part of the Demonland family (sorry Ash).

    They are a truly comfortable unit; happy, in love and looking forward to their life together.

    No wonder he's been so silent on Chris Judd.

  7. There is one issue and an important one......he needs to clear a detailed medical assessment to ensure he is OP free.

    The Club should be pursuing this with regard to above.

    Right but ... the trade period starts on Monday 8 October and ends at 2pm on Friday 12 October.

    Judd has some sort of a groin injury. I've read many contradictory reports that suggest that it hasn't even been satisfactorily diagnosed yet (and I'm leaving aside his ankle problem which hopefully will go away in time). According to the newspaper reports (WORSFOLD: WE'LL LET JUDD GO)

    "And the injured star is investigating overseas medical procedures for career-saving surgery to repair his ravaged groin."

    What guarantee is there that he will have that overseas "career-saving" surgery and then be able to get a medical clearance for that "ravaged groin" within four weeks for it to be considered by the clubs that will be involved in the coming trading frenzy over him?

    Absent that medical clearance, who would underwrite the massive cost of getting him to the club and what would it do to our plans of list improvement by targetting our areas of weakness if instead, we put all of our eggs in one basket and finished up with a Stephen Powell of 2001 or a Brent Moloney of 2006/7?

  8. Melbourne has a reputation for being very conservative.

    That's because our supporters are just that. Weak and conservative.

    Unlike you Hannabal I'm surprised at how negative supporters are on this thread, I know I shouldn't be but I am.

    Hey morons, a trade might not work (one dodgy basket, give me a break; trade our own Judd - year they grow on trees), just like not all pick 4's turn out to be good players - let alone stars.

    The upside is huge.

    Just a pity that most of our supporters are as spineless of some of the teams we have put out on the field in recent times. That said, at least the team reflects those that support it.

    Yes, we are a conservative lot in general but sometime's what you might wish to call "conservatism" is the appropriate course of action to take.

    Hannabal pointed out that we need to become relevant. So there's a perception out there that we're conservative and irrelevant.

    But how do we change that perception when we're effectively asset poor and not making enough to tread with our heads above water let alone compete with the West Coast Eagles and Collingw&%$’s of this world in so many areas of the industry?

    I'm not convinced that we would necessarily be any closer to winning a flag if we went into hock and paid the high price to get Judd (in terms of draft picks/players, salary cap considerations etc) before we got our house into order. We need to work our backsides off to improve the club in so many areas before we become relevant; not follow others like sheep and rely on a quick fix to win a flag.

    A Judd would be a nice addition to the club but we've just appointed as coach a person well known for his work in developing young footballers. That's been one of the areas where we've failed over the past decade - too many players have never fulfilled their promise or potential. So with the new coach and a new approach to player development who knows? We could have two or three youngsters within our system ready to become the next champions of the game. I’d like that even more than getting Judd at his currently bloated high price to the club.

    If you look at which clubs are still left in the race for this year’s flag, then you’ll see that I’m vindicated in what I'm saying.

    In any event it still is very much a moot point. John Worsfold said in today’s West Australian - EAGLES SET SIGHTS ON JUDD AFTER LOSS - that he’s very confident that Judd will stay. If he does, then he has the perfect opportunity to have a clause in his new contract that allows him to go to the club of his choice at the end of the contract period. If we put in the necessary groundwork now, it would not surprise me if we weren’t in the box seat in two year's time to get Judd back into a red and blue jumper and a much more reasonable price in relative terms than what he would cost us today.

  9. Is it just me or should the words 'mighty magpies' be banned from this site ?? lol

    You're absolutely 100% right. With apologies to bobby mckenzie I feel it my duty to do something about the name of the thread.

  10. That leaves me with the Dees. I've got no real clue as to our club's mindset. If it were me I'd be going hard. This club needs to lift itself out of the mire. We need to become relevent. This is the greatest opportunity confronting Melbourne in 40 years. Now I know some supporters won't see the benfit and think I'm exagerating. They're wide of the mark. Yes he'll cost a lot, but imo, there'd be an extra 3-4000 members annually contributing over half a million dollars revenue. And amagine the marketing opportunities for merchandising, sponsorship, etc. Currently, most clubs have a membership churn rate of about 25% each year, but I suspect that will be substantially less with Judd on board, as well as previous members coming back - new ones too. So they'll be big bang for our buck. But as stated, I've no clue what this historically conservative club will do, or what we're able to do. Is it realistic ? I don't know, but in my view we should go harder than anyone. With retirements and delistings our cap should see us in a position to compete.

    It's a nice story but I think the club might have other priorities ahead of getting Judd on top of which we've been there and done that before.

    The Judd option is one that involves putting all of our eggs in one basket and regrettably, we are not very well placed to that at the moment. We need to get our house in order, to stabilise our finances and build our list from the ground up (or at least from the position where it's at now) before we can go for a great white hope to get us across the line.

    Getting a star player like Judd won't help us much if there's a problem with the foundations of our team. We went down that track in the early '80's at great expense when we got Kelvin Templeton and Peter Moore but had very little around them with which to produce a successful team. It took another five years to make it to the finals and by that time Templeton was gone and Moore wasn't good enough to make the side.

    I personally hope Carlton get Judd. It will be money well spent from their point of view and in three or four years time they will be back to square one.

    Judd was a Demon fan when he was young, there are some sentimental stories going around about his continuing attachment to the red and blue and the influence of his idol Garry Lyon. But sentiment won't get him. Cold, hard cash will and we don't have enough of that. Winning against the Bulldogs and the Blues in Rounds 19 and 22 respectively did not help either.

    I hope we concentrate on developing our own players, trading and recruiting wisely and building our club under the new coaching regime.

  11. Collingw&%$'s progress is a tribute to the volume of money and resources available to the club. They seem to be streaking ahead of the field in terms of player development and their cash situation allows them to recruit from places where less financial clubs can only dream. That kid Martin Clarke is the most advanced Irish player ever to come out here (and to think we pioneered the recruiting of Irishmen! :wub: ). They boast that they have the best of the NSW scholarship players and they've got some good top 10 draft picks still to come into the side in future years. Another example of how they use their financial position to advantage is that their chartered flight home is travelling at lower altitude because that's supposed to aid recovery (I suppose they can afford this because they rarely have to worry about travelling interstate so they've saved on having to make many flights over time). The people brawling at St. Kilda should note as should the MFC. Get yourself in a position of strength financially and then you can spend on the things that give you the winning edge.

  12. Dean Bailey has already sent a clear message about the standards he will require at the club and that is that they are going to be a hell of a lot higher than in the past. It's tough on the players who have gone but he's acted swiftly and decisively.

    We're on our way!

  13. Few people selected Port Adelaide as a likely finalist at the beginning of the year but from the opening game of the season when they beat the Dockers in Perth, the Power have been one of the teams that have surprised the pundits. A lot of things have gone right with Port including their recruiting.

    Port’s drafting post 2006 went like this: -

    Rookie Elevations: Greg Bentley, Tom Logan

    National Draft: Travis Boak (5), Paul Stewart (23), Nathan Krakouer (39), Robert Gray (55), Justin Westhoff (71), Ryan Williams (83) and David Rodan (86).

    Pre-Season Draft: Adam Cockshell (4)

    Rookie Draft: Alex Lee, Gavin Grose, Nathan Batsanis and Peter Hardy.

    These players replaced Matthew Bishop (delisted), Stuart Dew (retired), Ben Eckermann (delisted), James Ezard (delisted), Josh Francou (retired), Adam Kingsley (retired), Aaron Shattock (delisted), Peter Walsh (delisted), Gavin Wanganeen (retired), Elijah Ware (delisted) and a couple of delisted rookies.

    The net result was that 12 new players were introduced into the club in the one year.

    Interestingly, although they had been reasonably active in previous years, Port Adelaide didn’t make any trades during the exchange period last year.

    Obviously, a lot of other things have gone right for Port but they made some good recruiting decisions this time a year ago. To have players gained from picks 71 and 86 and a rookie elevation in the team that’s made it to a Preliminary Final is a handy effort.

  14. TEAC OVAL (Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne Melway 2J E1)

    Tram: Route 109 – from Box Hill via Balwyn, Deepdene, Kew, Richmond, Victoria Parade, Collins Street and Clarendon Street, then via reserved track to North Port.

    Bus: Raglan Street stop bus route 232 (North Altona); route 235 (Fishermans Bend) and route 238 City Terminus (Flinders Street).


    The Bentleigh Club

    Yawla Street, Bentleigh

    Thursday 18th October 2007 commencing 7pm

    $50pp includes a three course dinner

    Drinks at bar prices

    For further information & bookings contact the club on 9598 8629

  15. I guess this is directed purely at the Sandy watchers amongst us, and specifically those that watch the twos.

    I've automatically got Heath as a delist because after two years he can't seem to cement a regular spot in the Sandy ones, but I wonder if like many others that isn't pulling the trigger too early. I understand that his 06 was ruined by injury... I also understand that some players take a little longer than others... so for those that have actually seen him play. Should he stay or should he go now?

    (If he stays there will be trouble, if he goes it will be double.... God bless Joe Strummer)

    Omitted from the Sandringham team to play North Ballarat on Saturday and didn't even make the eight players from which the final interchange bench will come. That's close to a delisting in my book.

  16. In Barry's absence, here are the teams for Sandringham's cut throat semi final on Saturday:-


    Sandringham vs North Ballarat

    Saturday 8th September

    TEAC Oval (ABC TV) at 1.10pm


    Backs Bode Lamb Monaghan

    Half backs Ferguson Warnock Biddlecombe

    Centreline Garland Summers Dunn

    Half forwards M Newton Crowe Buckley

    Forwards Poyas Sautner Valenti

    Followers Neaves C Liddell C Johnson

    Interchange (from) Dean Gilchrist Hughes M Johnston T Johnston S Martin Martyn Paterakis


    Backs A George Moloney Goodes

    Half backs Feery Searl Sharkey

    Centreline J Spolding Grima Roach

    Half forwards Harding Urch Whyman

    Forwards Campbell Cartledge Thomas

    Followers Stephenson Lower Clifton

    Interchange (from) Chester Clark L George Gregg Hardy Limb McConnell Peace Riggio Schultz

    Coming into the Sandringham side are six handy players at this level - Bode, Ferguson, Dunn, Newton and CJ from Melbourne's triumphant Round 22 winning side against Carlton and Chris Lamb back from injury. It's a much stronger team on paper than last week.

  17. He sounds like he's really committed to the MFC, he'd have to be to leave his family in Perth. I'm really pleased with this appointment, and i think the board has done a great job at the the best people to take Melbourne forward.

    Jesus Christ! I just want 2008 to come!

    It sounds very impressive to me however, I think I've heard it all before. I can even remember when Denis Jones was appointed coach back at the beginning of 1978 thinking how impressive he sounded when he outlined his plans. He sounded like a good bloke and he seemed to have some good ideas but there was just one simple catch ... he couldn't coach. Times have changed since then and the process of selection and appointment of coaches is far more detailed but it's worth remembering that we shouldn't get our hopes up to high at this stage only to be deflated in the cool light of day as 2008 unfolds. As far as 2008 is concerned I'll do what every good footy fan should do - take it one week at a time. :rolleyes:

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