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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 1 hour ago, RyanD said:

    Didn't get it. Excellent. 

    If you have GA membership, these are the instructions...

    As a General Admission Member, you have exclusive access to your seating area from 5pm Tuesday 20 April, until 9am Wednesday 21 April.


    If you miss this redemption window, you can still access a free ticket any time from 1pm on Wednesday, during the public sale.


    How to get tickets:

    1. Log-in to your Ticketek account
    2. Click ---- SELECT DATE ---- and select Club Members & Public Reserve
    3. Enter your barcode(s) into the box provided and select Unlock Tickets. Enter each barcode on a new line. A maximum of 6 tickets can be redeemed per transaction
    4. Click – Select a seating type – and select Melbourne allocation or General Seating 
    5. Do not select Best available (Any price)
    6. Select General Reserved to access a $0 ticket on Level 4 OR select a specific seating area to purchase an upgrade to a reserved seat on Level 1 or 2

    7. Use the drop-down box to select your ticket under Upgrade: Adult Club Member

    8. Select Next to view your seat

    9. Enter the name and mobile number of each member or guest attending

    10. Select Go to Checkout to finalise your order


    Made an error?

    If throughout the process you need to go back or change your order, we suggest you clear your browsing history before attempting to redeem tickets again.


  2. I went to the game expecting a solid performance and a good win.

    I spent the first three quarters wondering if we had again gone early with the talk in the press, whether the players had thought they just needed to turn up, whether we'd again got sucked into another hype bubble.. etc

    I'm glad we got our [censored] together in the last, but the fact I was stressed at what should have been a stress free game tells me that I dont trust them yet, and I still can't be completely sure what we are going to get.

    • Like 2
  3. 58 minutes ago, willmoy said:

    May will not play, no need to rush him back in

    If the swelling was the main issue and the swelling is fine (it already looked a HEAP better a couple of days ago) then I see no reason why not.

    They said 2-4. Next Saturday is a day short of 2 

  4. 1 minute ago, Chook said:

    I'm only watching on TV, but I could see them only bringing in Wiedeman next week. Ben Brown moves awkwardly at the best of times, but he still looks a little bit off. Wiedeman is moving like a Ferrari or a Jaguar, while Brown's moving a bit like a ute with a trailer on it.

    Nek minnut, Brown crumbs off the ground, 360 spin and shot on goal! Only spoiled by being slightly offline.

    In all seriousness, I think he has an awkward look at the best of time. He, Weid & Bedford all look ready imo.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Deemania since 56 said:

    P2J - if you are there, can you PLEASE let us know on DL what is happening during the match? Here in Sth Aust, the promised free to air 7Plus is not producing a broadcast. Only for VIC residents.

    Deemania since 56

    Do you use a VPN? If so, try connecting to VIC server, then opening 7Plus again.  *Might* work...  ?

  6. 40 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    if you enter both at same time it works on lowest common multiple, so you would have to wait till his allocation time

    i had this same issue round 1

    sorry, just saw he is AFL member, so I don't really know. the above was for club member with free guest tickets (e.g. digital member)

    Maybe it'd be the same as what you said but just in reverse. He is AFL, I am club with home game GA.

    I'm lowest denominator, so wait till my allocation time? 

    I'll try next week and see what happens  ?

  7. Question for AFL members, but for next week...

    My friend is an AFL member and he wants to come to our game next week vs Richmond.

    I have a home game GA membership.

    How would I get us seats together?  Take his barcode and then enter that along with mine, when my allocation is available? So 5pm Tuesday?

    Or would I have to wait for public release time the following day?

  8. 2 hours ago, dl4e said:

    An interesting conundrum. Pakhenam line trains this weeekend will be running buses from westall to clayton so I usually go to belgrave to get the train when this stuff happens.  Would have to leave at 3/4 time probably to get the first bounce at the G and make my way up to level which will take 20 mins. Might consider it though.

    If I go to watch the game at Box Hill, this is what I'll be doing.

    The VFL game is also live on 7, so I guess could try watching last quarter via 7+ app whilst on my way to the G

    • Like 4
  9. 48 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    My mate was buying tix as a non-member just now.  selected a seat on ground level on the wing - $60 each! I dont think we can expect many people to be at this game

    he then selected general reserve and got seats behind the goal for $27. it said only one seat per purchase but he bought two and it let him

    Strange all round

    Other than the "only one seats per purchase" and buying two, everything else is normal.

    The L1 tickets on the wing are $60, which is what they are for that particular area (bays M8 to M15)

    The tickets your friend got for $27 are general admission, which is also normal for any GA seating section.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Any idea why they closed every level 4 area aside from the MCC on one of Melbourne's wettest days of 2021 so far, last Sunday?

    They open up L4 if there is more demand for seats than there are seats available on L1.

    There wasn't, unfortunately.

    As L4 tickets are available this week, I assume it'll be a bigger crowd than vs Cats


  11. OK, I'll try....

    Log in to Ticketek

    Click on our game

    In "select date" drop down select "Club Members & Public reserve"

    DONT click on ticket and pricing info. Instead enter barcode/s in box below, where it says "Hawthorn and Melbourne members, please enter your barcode(s) here, one per line"

    Click on "unlock tickets"

    Seating type use drop down and select "Melbourne allocation"

    My membership is GA so from here I select "General reserved"

    Up the top of there'll be two $0 tickets you can select from. One for Adult reserved seat, one for Junior 1-5 years reserved seat

    Enter number of tickets wanted via drop down

    Down bottom click "next"

    If you like seat, click on "go to checkout" and proceed.

    If you don't like seat, click on "cancel" and start again. You'll return to to the part where you need to enter barcode.

    • Like 2
  12. 28 minutes ago, ArtificialWisdom said:

    That's is the smoothest process as I've had so far. In and out in under 60 seconds, my favourite up the top in level 4. And I didn't have to pay the processing fee which I have had to for our home games.

    Enter Barcodes -> Melbourne allocation -> General Reserved -> Checkout


    Yep, same. It wasn't hard. I really don't understand what all the confusion is about.

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  13. 13 hours ago, Nasher said:

    How would either of them have known? They were at the G, May was in hospital and Lever in particular up to that point had been a bit preoccupied with something else. I doubt they had anything more than guesswork or third hand information to go off. Goodwin certainly didn’t know with certainty in the press conference.

    Lever didn't know.

    Robertson said it all in his post match on ground interview with Lever.

    Verbatim... "May is ok, just a cut, getting stitches"

    Saying that out aloud on the mic for everyone in the ground to hear, leaves it pretty easy to assume he'd had a call or an update re May.

    Next time should probably keep his mouth shut as we've obviously found out now that he was completely wrong.

  14. 1 hour ago, Wadda We Sing said:

    I think one thing may be there seems to be no general admission anymore so far this year and the cheapest tickets at the G are like $65 when i looked it up....thats a pretty big jump in 2 years. Pretty sure it was 30ish 2019. I also think no gate sales on the day would be having an effect, if that is still in place?

    GA tickets are $27. Entire top level except MCC was closed (as you no doubt saw if watching) and there were heaps of gaps down the bottom, so should have been tickets available today. Online though, not at gate

    Maybe you were looking in wrong spot? 

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