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Demonic Power

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Everything posted by Demonic Power

  1. Cripps - nice guy, gun player. Happy for him. Suspended for 2 weeks, then let off. I said at the time there was some degree of AFL favouritism for the poster boy at play ... and also said, as a big Brownlow favourite, the AFL would have been keen to avoid another Chris Grant fizzer. Someone on here argued against conspiracy theories - I do too. It's not conspiracy - but it's human nature to want to reward your favourites, ( umpies do it, school teachers do it, we all do it :-) ) AFL insiders want to protect the photogenic, clean cut, golden boys who keep the brand shiny and the mega dollars rolling in. Most importantly, the AFL were super hopeful Carlton would play finals and bring in bigger crowd$ ... so I still suspect there was a degree of bias at the tribunal.
  2. Ball was punched, so no way Cripps wants to chest mark, take a long time to land from so high up and immediately be gang tackled with so many Lions close by (directly in his sight - he knows they're coming.) Feet off the ground, late to the contest, hip to the head, which is meant to be sacred. Lions 5 goals up - Blues only 2 points well into the 2nd quarter with their season on the line. Run of play was a tsunami against them, so the Captain decides to make something happen - and it worked a treat - fight breaks out (Lions players close by sure it was illegal) stopping Lion's momentum and Blues score the next 3 goals to get right back into the game. Callum Ah Chee is seriously concussed and is out for 12 days. Some degree of brain damage - very likely. Carlton's Greg William's can't remember his own wedding now and sometimes can't recall his children's names. Shaun Smith has ongoing issues related to concussion greatly affecting his life. Many other players have similar problems and who can say what will happen with Ah Chee in years to come. It's a business - everyone's invested - one of the most photogenic and popular star players and likely top 5 for the Brownlow is very much needed to flesh out 3 hrs of boring awards TV. If suspended, each time Cripps picks up votes, which will be often, its anti-climactic - he can't win. Fantastic player in an average team ... he could win it = total fizzer. How does the guy who came 2nd, wearing the medal, feel? Go make a big speech, son, but don't mention brain injury. AFL want Blues and their large, expensive-finals-tickets buying supporter base, back filling seats after many years out of finals.
  3. Players have punch ons all the time - at all clubs - and will continue to do so as long as they have testosterone in their young, cashed up bogan brains. It's no big deal. Having a drink with a meal is not going to affect the state of May's concussion in any significant way. Sticking too rigidly to any made-up rule is foolish. This is such an over-reaction. May and Melky are still good mates. Why should a momentary rush of blood mistake punish the whole tribe! You need a nuanced approach to all forms of justice. There are far more effective ways to discipline May - a massive fine, community service, get May to talking with the whole team, pledging to do better, counselling and so many more sensible, mature options. Suspension is incredibly dispropotionate for a momentary lapse. May has made great contributions as a leader and role model on and off the field for years now at the Dees - he's been a great indigenous role model, he captained an AFL club for years ... and what gets the most attention? A brief spat in a restaurant. Don't punish the whole team, club and all the supporters by dropping the player we've been missing the most! The assumption that a suspension to May is inevitable is narrow-minded, inflexible and illogical. The coaching staff and leadership group need to question their own out-dated system of player guidance. This sort of Primary School teacher - head prefects/leadership group, "young boys won't behave unless you smack them hard", holier than thou - think we're doing the difficult but right thing (when you're doing the opposite on both counts) - punishment is illogical, psychologically flawed and doesn't actually work. Did a total of 23 weeks suspensions turn Dermott Brereton into an angel overnight? May is 30. Do you expect him to change dramatically because of this one week suspension? The penalty may sounds tough, disciplined and "professional" to people that don't examine it fully - people who are comfortable with simplistic approaches to human psychology, who say things like "culture starts at the top", "there's no choice - he has to be suspended". It's simplistic and lazy thinking. This suspension is counter-productive in so many ways. May would play a blinder on QB - to redeem himself - in front of a big crowd and TV audience. Then you'd see him move on, with his head held higher and be energised to do better on and off the field. Now he just stews for a fortnight - having been already effectively 'suspended' for 2 weeks by an accidental concussion. Your consigning him to 5 weeks between games. Has anyone contemplated the fact that concussion can lead to irrational behaviour? We need to discipline him and work with him in a much more considered, mature and professional way. He's a tough, commited player and a decent guy - but human, like us all. He lost his temper. I lose my temper more than I lose my sunglasses or umbrella! And imagine if the leadership group re-asses their decision and come up with a better plan for Steven - and the Pies hear May is free to play now. Let's turn this into a positive (we need it right now!!!) and not shoot ourselves in the foot / cut of our noses to spite our own face.
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