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Posts posted by rpfc

  1. 16 minutes ago, Demonstone said:

    A conger pictured earlier today.  They're more commonly associated with NRL team Parramatta.



    Nonsense word that ruined my post.

    Also, I have milk. No need to go up to the shops

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Chook said:

    Do you think the Dees are the real deal or not? If yes, then you want Geelong to win. If not, then you want Brisbane to win.


    I do two things; drink milk, and conjure the forces of good in this world to down Geelong and smite their ashes.

    And I’m all outta milk…

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, old55 said:

    You've somehow come to the conclusion that miraculously Max is going to be able to sustain 75% ruck gametime week-in week-out from here on in and that Grundy is going to play the majority of his gametime forward.

    You've further claimed that this has been poorly communicated by the club.

    Guess why?  Because that's not what's happening and you, like others, seem unwilling to take Goodwin's clarification at face value.

    Yes it's true that the Max forward experiment has not been as successful a hoped, but it's not being abandoned in favour of your model above. Grundy is going to play a bit more forward, a bit more effectively.

    There wasn't a perfect solution when Jackson decided to leave, Max can't ruck 75% gametime anymore and we're in the flag window.  They had to conjure out of available opportunities and make adjustments as necessary on the fly.

    We're far better placed now than if we took Lobb or McStay who were the only other alternative.


    I guess we will find out the splits that Gawn and Grundy play in time.

    Im not to blame for the mixed messaging and splitting hairs by AR and SG.

    I never wanted Lobb and McStay. The opportunity cost was ongoing TPP commitments. But that’s done until 2027 so we should make the most of Grundy now.

    Think we’re done and I have refuted the ‘hysteria’ label enough for adjudication:

    Season 5 Episode 20 GIF by The Simpsons

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, old55 said:

    Look I get that you're a lifelong office bearer of the Consolidated Key Forwards Union and you see this as a demarcation dispute and a personal affront to your hard won skills.  Grundy is just going to play a bit more forward, a bit more effectively, that's the aim and it's reasonable.

    Ok then. I think that I have been quite measured with what this means for the FD, Max’s future, for 2024 and beyond, and for Brodie to have a future in the team this year. 

    I have critiqued that the FD brought in someone with known forward deficiencies and have reversed course on which ruckman would play predominantly ruck.

    I have maintained that Max would be best placed learning to be a ‘forward who rucks’ over time. 

    I have said this year is this year and that 2024 could look different with the role we have for Grundy.

    I have laid out the role and the base level craft Brodie would be taught by me if I had the job to get him functioning in this forward line in 2023.

    I don’t think that any of that is histrionics and the thing that some struggle to get past is that I am happy to own the critique of the initial decision to recruit him if this is where we are at 17 games in, and also that we have been disjointed in our communications on this situation which doesn’t help the situation (forward craft, no VFL, predominantly forward, not making him a forward).

    Also, I am in the ‘guys get dropped’ union too - so give me some credit.

  5. 27 minutes ago, old55 said:

    How do you calculate that 75% bench and forward for Grundy?

    When together they have been sharing the ruck about  50:50 and Max has played more minutes forward because he has played 75% gametime vs Brodie's 65%. A total nett gametime of 140%.

    If this nett gametime continues and Max increases to even 60% ruck and 15% forward, and Brodie decreases to 40% ruck and increases to 25% forward you're still way off 75%.

    I reckon they'll each play between 15 and 25% forward and this move is to maximise Brodie's contribution in that role.

    Gawn just played a game indicative of his role and he played around 80-85% in the ruck didn’t he?

    So where this number of 40 mins each game for Max to go forward would then set an expectation that we simply won’t meet. Gawn is not going to spend 33% of gametime forward. Especially not after these recent decisions to drop Grundy, and with his performance on Friday night. 

    • Like 1
  6. I think Goodwin has created a bit of a strawman there. We are not comfortable with Max playing a third of the game forward (10mins each qtr as stated) because he struggles to play that role atm and impact games. 

    Brodie, if he plays in 2023 in finals, will be forward or on the bench for at least 75% of the game. So what role do you call that? ‘We are not turning him into a forward, we are just teaching him forward craft.’

    Great. But for this year, to play finals, he is a what first? Anyone? Anyone?

    He is a forward first. Like JVR is, like TMac would be if they were back up. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, A F said:

    But the majority of their back half chains in the third for example (4 of 5 goals from defensive half chains) seemed to start from stationary plays. So the press doesn't come into effect. The zone sits there, but there's no press. 

    When Brisbane would gain possession in the back half, it seemed they were able to find a short option that the zone would then muzzle. The kicker or would switch back again, and Brisbane players would find themselves in metres and metres of space on the opposite wing.

    They'd then move the ball along the wing without us getting anywhere near one of their players and certainly nowhere near the ball, and kick goals. Coast to coast. It happened more than once. We rarely give up in a coast to coast goal in a 10 game stretch these days, let alone 2 or 3 in the same quarter.

    I'd be staggered if Chaplin and co were happy with our zone defence and our work rate in defensive transition for the majority of the second and third quarters.

    I think this zone vs press is a matter of tense - is the ball ‘in play’ or are they just sharing short kicks that we won’t ‘press’ up onto. 

    What I saw on Kings Birthday was the Demon Press of Death but it was not aggressive in getting up to the half backs it was just allowing them no other option than to kick it long. They really struggled to do what they like doing - crowd the footy and share and drive to another contest where they outnumber and share and wave it forward.

    My coaching head sees a zone as a fwd/mid structure from a kick in or turnover that ends at the first long kick that causes a contest, where as a press is the inclusion of the entire team marking space in an extended zone. To me it’s a press, whether they press ‘up’ or not. 

    Anyway, I think we can agree that we were picked apart but that happens with these full team structures when 1 person screws up, when 2 people screw up you may as well just kick into their forward yourself… 

    • Like 4
  8. 14 minutes ago, A F said:

    As it turned halfway through the first. I think we were really on top for the first 15-20 minutes of the first and for 5-10 minutes of the 3rd and all of the 4th.

    I agree we're not there yet with our collective ability to cover the ground yet. I don't expect this until Round 20ish (ie the Richmond game).

    And that's quite possible that the short kicking game had to be abandoned by the Lions as they tired.

    It's not the short chipping game that's beaten us in the past though IMO. That's usually up one wing or through the corridor without switching. And our zone should protect against the switch, because it did on the first kick, but when the ball returned to the opposite side of the field, it was too easy for Brisbane to transition the ball without us touching an opponent.

    To me that's a work rate thing, but we'll agree to disagree I guess.

    I definitely think it is a workrate thing but it’s also just base decision making - in the second and third I just saw the Lions switch and pull it back and make the ground bigger and find those gaps in the first and second line and then run from coleman and the Irish bloke and then you are over the top of our press.

    I also don’t see the pressure numbers as a worry really, teams don’t want to play offensively through aggressive play that would invite pressure, they just want to avoid defensive turnovers with our press and so our games are a little more about possession and control.

    That all changes in finals when grounds get smaller and pressure gets louder.

    • Like 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, DemonSam said:

    High Second Rounder and I take it.

    Woey Jr. looks the goods, Brown Jr supposedly good, I don't mind 23 but is the kind of player I can stomach letting go.

    Again, he is an unrestricted FA and that is why there are three clubs in his ear.

    Hes cheap and good. 

    I still think it would be best for all to move on. We want Rivers and Pickett and pick 4/5 in there more…

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, chook fowler said:

    this is one of the sillier threads - needs to finish.


    21 hours ago, sydneydee said:

    This is my favourite thread! It means nearly every game has a bearing on our draft hand and therefore creates interest


    20 hours ago, chook fowler said:

    fair enough.

    Glad that’s over. Was enraged for 4 seconds…

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 2024 isn’t 2023. The fact remains that Max needs to make a decision- he can swallow his pride and play FF for the next 4 years and progressively build up to 70% forward and Grundy has a place at the MFC and Max extends his career by a couple years….

    Or he can continue to look lost, overbearing, out of position, and not make a fist of being a forward.

    That may need to coincide with handing over the captaincy to CP5 but if he wants this to work he is going to have to be comfortable going missing for a quarter here and there because that is what playing forward means sometimes - you see it twice in 20 mins and the best plays are the ones you create with your own movement away from where the ball goes. Natural mids and rucks really struggle to get their head around that.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, beelzebub said:

    These articles...( being generous)are absolute tripe.   I understand your stance and your query but these "writings" , scribblings are pure beat up. They're the type of rubbish the sporting globe used to produce.... sensationalised bs..   no wonder that rag got torn up and spiked on a nail in outside dunnies on building sites.

    Strangely....Grundy might have been able to do his craftwork earlier....except some bloke got injured.

    I know you have little time for the 'experiment '... but it was never meant to produce a fwd star in an instant.  You do understand it's about transition and elongation of Maxs time ?

    To be honest repuplishing this durge is no better than the original clickbaiting.


    I am aware of what they were trying to do by recruiting Grundy; they were trying to make him ruck for 60% of the game and turn Gawn into something that he may never be; a ruck with an idea how to play in the forward line.

    I am content with what the next few makes will hold for BG and for Melbourne. I am just not going to live in the fairyland that is thinking there is ‘nothing’ there or that this ‘was always the plan’ or that, laughably, it’s just a ruse to get him a couple of weeks off.

    We are providing the content at this stage. Don’t see a point in getting upset about it.

    • Like 2
  13. 6 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    If i may ask... why are you peddling this [censored] ??

    Because it’s news about the club. What are we so afraid of? If it’s [censored] it’s [censored], but we have a highly prized recruit playing VFL 6 weeks out from finals to build ‘forward craft’. It is going to generate stories like the one Andy has linked to.

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