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Katrina Dee Fan

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Posts posted by Katrina Dee Fan

  1. Just read a report on Fox that Tom Fullarton from Brisbane has requested a trade to Melbourne.  A tall key forward/ruck, could he be the answer to what we've been looking for to replace Grundy?  What would we trade for him?  What do we know about him?  He's 24 but only played about 19 games at Brisbane.

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  2. On 9/26/2023 at 2:05 PM, Deebauched said:

    100%  expect Pies supporters  to boo Brayshaw everytime he gets near the ball in the KB game next year.

    I hate booing.  I never boo at the football.  I will, however, hold an exception to that rule for that dog Maynard.  Can't stand him.

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  3. I just had a call from Wendy at AFL, good news, the ban is being overturned at Casey Fields.  She told me she and Nicole Livingstone just got out of a meeting with MFC, who were true to their word to fight this ban on our behalf, and they're announcing overturning for Casey Fields at this stage only.  I'd like to think I played a role in this!!

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  4. 49 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Honestly, I think the best solution to this is to play AFLW games as curtain raisers and/or straight after the men's games on the main AFL grounds.

    There's now 18 AFLW games and having them play to the same audiences as the men's would be great.  It's a big commitment for people to attend x2 separate competitions when they play at different days/times & venues.

    Ever since they got rid of the reserves, the pre-game entertainment at AFL games has sucked.  Conversely I always loved watching the end of the reserves games and I'm sure I'd likewise enjoy watching the AFLW games, if not more.

    I could not disagree more.  The crowds that go to AFLW are a very different crowd to AFL.  Many fans attend AFLW over AFL because it is a totally different crowd.  Last Thursday's behaviour by Collingwood supporters is a clear cut example of the kind of behaviour that AFLW fans seek to avoid.  The players also don't want to play second fiddle to the men, they certainly do not want to be regarded as "the reserves" competition.  There are a lot of AFL supporters who treat AFLW as second rate, and still mock, degrade, etc the competition, fans and players. Why would you want to subject AFLW players and fans to that?


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  5. 51 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    There’s a couple of areas that lend themselves to having chairs at Casey. 

    Wouldn’t be hard to have a couple if designated chair areas.

    The problem is, the AFL didn't communicate this to clubs.  Melbourne weren't aware of this until yesterday, leaving them no time to make arrangements for Saturday.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, layzie said:

    That's awful. Hope he didn't get too personal but that might be wishful thinking. 

    Yes, he did.  The worst was his attempt to get him off some boards, not only the Olympic Park Trust, but the Parks Victoria board.  Uncle Alan is one of the most calm, reasonable, professional, intelligent person out there, that scum doesn't hold a candle to him.  I remember Dad asking him what's it like trying to reason with McGuire, the response Uncle Alan got was "Like trying to reason with petulant child who's been told he can't have a lollipop".  Apt description of him.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:

    Eddie m a a complete [censored].

    Won't put his head on the line and play himself 

    I have my own reasons for hating that man.  My uncle was chair of the Olympic Park Trust at the time of Collingwood trying to name Olympic Park the Bob Rose Oval, and it was my uncle that told him he couldn't do it.  That man went after my uncle professionally and personally, and for that I think of him as nothing more than scum of the earth.

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  8. 53 minutes ago, poita said:

    I understand and sympathise with your situation, but the issue may be what some people decide to do with their chairs.

    At a ground like Casey Fields with limited quality viewing areas, you only need a few groups to bring half a dozen chairs and spread them around a couple of picnic rugs, and suddenly what would be standing room for a hundred people is taken up by 15 seated.

    Maybe that's not a huge issue if Melbourne are playing Gold Coast, but it would be against one of the big Victorian clubs.

    I don't know why they would view chairs as being potential weapons - you could say that about bins, eskies, paraphernalia used by the cheer squads, footballs, etc. 

    I get by reading this you haven't actually been to an AFLW match at Casey, because if you have, you'd see in the last 7 years it hasn't been an issue.  It wasn't even an issue earlier this year at the men's practice match against Richmond.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

    As the biomechanics guy said once Maynard was airborne he was like a frisbee with legs, nothing he could, no control of his body. I mean see this all the time in the Olympics, you know on the high diving tower, the floor routines in gymnastics, the high jump all the time. You know once a strong, trained athlete leaves the ground all they can do is curl up into a ball and hope for the best!

    Just wondering why the frisbee nonsense wasn’t challenged, there were options and Maynard was in the best position, arms out in front, just before he chose to turn the shoulder that did the damage. I believe He would have stayed open if he was about to collide with a team mate. 

    I find it disturbing that Maynard got away with multiple inconsistencies that the AFL simply did not challenge.

    Firstly he stated he did not project forward, that he was standing on the one spot.  Then he stated about an hour later that he did project forward but no more then 1 or 2 metres.

    Secondly he stated the ball hit his hand, when the vision showed the ball passing his elbow, no where near his hand.

    Then he stated he leapt from a standing position with both feet on the ground, when the vision showed he leapt off one foot while in a running motion.

    Then he stated Brayshaw changed direction and that he was in Maynard's way.  As the player with possession of the ball, it was Maynard's responsibility to not be in Brayshaw's way.  What get me though is everyone was in agreement that Maynard was airborne before Brayshaw kicked the ball.  If that was the case, then that is proof it was not a smother attempt in the context of Maynard's testimony that Brayshaw changed direction - for Maynard's version to make sense, he would have assumed the ball would pass by the left of him, so how could he argue it was a smother attempt if he assumed the ball was not going to go anywhere near him?

    So many holes and he got away with it.  And the AFL in the "wisdom" didn't challenge it.

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  10. the league in its infinite wisdom has put a ban on people bringing chairs to AFLW matches over some made up scenario which has never happened of someone being able to throw a chair on to the ground.  I spoke to the MFC membership who initially didn't know about it, but then came back and confirmed that this is indeed the case.  

    What a ridiculous decision, it seems the AFL is trying to make the AFLW fail by limiting attendance.  I for one, a paid up AFLW member at the club, would be excluded from attending due to chronic tendonitis in my ankle meaning I cannot stand for that period of time without feeling immense pain.  I have sought advice from my physio who has provided me with a letter stating I need to sit.  The club is aware of this, and they told me they will fight against this decision to allow patrons to bring chairs, but they won't be able to do anything before Saturday's game.  

    What are everyone's thoughts on this?  

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  11. 8 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I’m not angry anymore. It’s worse… I’m apathetic. I couldn’t care less what happens now. If we lose on Friday, we lose, whatever. I didn’t even feel this abject despondency during our dark years.

    It’s taken a long time and you’ve done it by attrition but nice going, AFL, for finally breaking my spirit. Quite the feat, too; an eternally optimistic key member of the cheer squad with psychotic levels of devotion… what a scalp.


    I have to admit I feel the same. I'm just about done.  I will always support our teams, but as far as the industry is concerned, but I'm pretty much almost done.


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  12. 1 hour ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Goodwin said this morning he is going in for a scan (presumably a brain scan). Not an expert but as I understand it they will compare that scan to his base former scan.

    Frankly if he was unconscious for 2 minutes as reported in the media he won't be  back for the prelim and why would you risk his health for the GF.

    My understanding is scans are protocol for concussion cases.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    You honestly think the reason we lost purely because of the incident? You think Simon Goodwin and the rest of the players are all sitting there blaming the the loss to Angus being knocked out?? Yikes...


    I think it had an adverse psychological affect on the team, yes.  They were fired up, they were angry and upset, and I think it caused them to lose their momentum, which they didn't get back until the last quarter.  Gawn was one of the few who played his usual brand of football, a lot of them, including Trac, including Viney, didn't.  That is a very key reason they didn't make the most of their opportunities. 

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  14. 15 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

    Sadly he had a game to forget. I wonder whether he too affected by the damage to his mate...

    I have no doubt of that, not just him either, all of them.  That incident is the reason we lost.  I said it that night, and I maintain it.

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  15. I have been left so angry and upset since Thursday night.   

    I'm angry at Maynard who did this to an apparent friend.  Jeez, if I had friends like that, who needs enemies?  I'm angry about his crocodile tears, about his decision to charge (I maintain it was a charge, not a smother, given he went at him full pelt, feet off the ground before Gus even kicked the ball) then turned the shoulder instead of attempting to push Gus, which would have had a totally different outcome.  He is a dog, and I don't care who I upset by calling him that.  From now on I'm referring to him as The Dog.

    I'm angry at the Collingwood filth for chanting "Collingwoooooood" while Gus was unconscious on the turf, for cheering The Dog every time he went near the ball, for daring to complain about Viney remonstrating with The Dog (jeez, if they're more outraged by Viney pushing and shoving than they are about The Dog's act of flattening Gus, their values are screwed), of trying to excuse the chanting and cheering as a response to The Dog being booed, of not showing one ounce of concern over Gus, and for their putrid behaviour on social media. They vindicated my pure, unadulterated, visceral hatred for The Filth.

    I'm angry at the media for not only putting this down to "a football act", "what could he have done differently?" but then in the case of Tom Browne and Tom Morris, putting the blame on Gus.  Those two can join The Dog category.  They deserve to lose their journalism accreditation for that piece of filth.  That's not journalism, that's equally a dog act.

    More than anything I'm upset for Gus, the impact this has on him, and the fact this could have longlasting affects on his future wellbeing.  I would be very surprised if he does play football again, and I would not be surprised if he decides to pull the pin on his career after this.  He is an intelligent man, he'll make the right decision for him.  I just hope his health will not be adversely affected by this dog act.  But if he does decide it's the end of his career, I hope to hell he sues the [censored] of The Dog.

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  16. If nothing else, last night vindicated my pure, sheer unadulterated hatred for the filth.  I can handle losing a match, although that was one we shouldn't have lost (I maintain it was lost the moment Maynard went through Gus), but what I can't get over is the despicable crowd behaviour.  The cheersquad doing the Collingwood chant as Gus is stretchered off.  The filth cheering every time Maynard went near the ball.  The hoards of ferals that descented on our cheer squad baying for blood at the end of the game.  Hearing about a friend of mine (not in the cheer squad) being king hit and then descened upon by three filthy thugs after she called them out for cheering Maynard, leaving her bloodied and bruised, and the security doing stuff all about it.  The group of thugs tormenting a child outside the ground at the end of the game, leaving this kid in tears, terrified.

    I hate them.

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