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Everything posted by Yencks

  1. im not entirely convinced i think this basically confirms that we will not pick up patrick heenan as a rookie pick, who i was hoping we'd get
  2. but as it is not a part of the actual National Draft, if they dont want to go to GC, they could say so couldnt they?
  3. so is there any chance he can come to melbourne next year or is he too young (assuming GC dont take him as an underager) ?
  4. this is all i can offer in terms of video footage just go to the one minute mark i think he kicks that goal
  5. i'd rather may have seen him play 8 games live and everytime he takes a screamer we all jokingly say, "if he kicks this, he will be better than buddy" and he always does so yeah...hes gonna be better than buddy
  6. there u go 10/01/1992 DOB someone might be able to find before me
  7. thats the one i am at school with him and yes, i rate him higher than jack watts (probably a bit of a bias opinion) but i dont think he can go into next years draft with the new rules someone was telling me so will probably be one of those underage players that the gold coast can pick up il find out on monday but he is a superstar...BOG for a schoolboy match on the MCG and did not look lost good at finding space can take a very strong contested mark good solid body booming kick indegenous heritage and very competitive...really bleeds for the jumper
  8. reading is the future of this league...just to randomly put it out there
  9. kitson from reading=bate from MFC
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