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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Some great signs. Defence was rock-solid. Tomlinson was fantastic. Had my worries about May being out but that proved to be unfounded. Tommo deserves high praise. Maxy, best ruckman of my lifetime hands down. I’ve never seen another ruckman cause as much damage, as consistently, as he does. So adding Grundy on top of that is absurd. Couldn’t ask anymore than a 50 point win!!!
  2. Whoah, that’s the most aggressive I’ve seen Maxy. Must not like Baker too much.
  3. I can’t imagine after the week of lawsuits happening that the AFL hasn’t had a word to the MRP to be harsher on hits like this. I’d be shocked if he didn’t get a week.
  4. Stoppage clearances Dees 6 Dogs 14 Gotta fix that up on the second half.
  5. I think it’s going to be one of those rule adjustments with frustratingly unintended consequences…
  6. Looks like if it’s any ducking at al that results over the shoulders contact it’s not a free.
  7. Collingwood is the only team where I look at their best and I doubt if our best can beat them. They have a belief that they can win from any position, their speed and pressure is overwhelming when they’re on. They can turn the momentum of a game on a dime. Really, really hope I’m wrong obviously.
  8. Doesn't deserve a thread of it's own, but I'm watching the post game press conference and I can't help but ask: Any chance in 2023 we can get some room microphones to be able to actually hear the journalists questions?
  9. Did Jack Riewoldt just say on national tv that ‘we’re all flat as shark sh…it?’ Definitely accurate Jack.
  10. Well that was an annoying game with an infuriating finish.
  11. Just get rid of hands in the back altogether. Make players use their bodies. The amount of times the benefit of the doubt is given from the player behind that clearly is pushing with their hands is infuriating. Hawkins does it all the time
  12. He could still explode this year but I’ve always felt Curnow is very inconsistent. He has the potential to dominate but it feels like he goes missing for 2 games at a time then explodes and kicks 5. If it’s not ‘his day’, he’s a middle of the road forward. As much as I hate to say, when Hawkins has a terrible day, he’ll still be involved in at least 2-3 goals.
  13. Yeah great call about Dusty. The pressure isn’t off the charts and like you said, 3 years ago he would probably have 2 goals and 3 goal assists by now and Richmond is up by 30.
  14. Both defences winning and skills not really on point. Given it’s round 1, not much can be taken going further into the season. Feels like this is an ‘in context’ game. Have to wait to see what the rest of the round has to show to gauge how good/bad this is.
  15. Absolutely! He consistently makes something out of nothing. Freak level of skill.
  16. Glad someone else saw it, haha He did come back over the mark in his actual arc so I wonder if the ‘natural arc’ saved him from it being play on…
  17. Felt like they had it in their forward half for 80% of the time.
  18. Wait, he missed anyway but the umpire didn’t bring back dusty in line with the mark???? So players can choose their own line of goal now?
  19. Oh great, I’ll give that a watch. Thanks!
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