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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Cmon guys we should be 7 goals up easily
  2. Finalllyyyyyyyyy Tiges sound like they’re about to tear the roof off at the umps.
  3. He’s fitting in nicely and doing his role immediately. All the little things.
  4. To be fair, this is the first in form team we’ve played this year, so we haven’t had to put up with an immense amount of pressure thus far except Gold Coast I’d say. Dogs Port GWS Essendon GCS was probably the hardest game We’re absorbing all of this, just not converting as well as we should. Go dees!!!!
  5. So no holding the ball, then no push in the back. Got it.
  6. Just keep locking it in boys. The goals will come.
  7. And I support each of them in this endeavour.
  8. Great post about Longmuir. Agreed. Freo move the ball quickly, they hit their targets, their backline is in sync with each other and most importantly they play team footy. They really took Carlton apart and Cripps was the only player that could stand up just because of the player he is, everyone else was nullified. How ordinary did they make Carltons forward line look? Confidence can do wondrous things for a team and Freo look like they’re invested in this game plan. They play Geelong down at GMHBA, will be a good barometer of where they’re at.
  9. Excited to have BBB and Weid in the same forward line - could be the dawn of a very destructive duo if aggressive Weid comes to play. Interested to see what Dunstan can do and looking forward to seeing sparrow in the middle for a whole game. Dees by 23
  10. It’s a weird feeling watching non-Melbourne games in this era. There isn’t another team that currently looks really threatening to us. Bloody love it!
  11. He would be a very good mentor to play under. Just gets the job done every week and makes the most of his talents with hard work.
  12. Ahhh right. And if that only happens to 3-4 good players on your list, that’s probably enough to see a drop off.
  13. Huh, that’s a great stat! I wonder if it’s a collective thing like loss of belief in game plan, or an individual loss of belief, is it an emotional grieving type thing? Does the coach make changes that hurt team play as an over-correction? All of the above?
  14. I for one welcome the new Android league. ROBOT AFL WOULD BE AMAZING.
  15. All fair points! The implantation has been botched for sure I think, if every time I’ve seen players raising their arms was given 50 thus far this year… the 50 count would be doubled or tripled. I think my position here on out is: I’m happy to reset this weekend and if umpires punish that behaviour the same for every game, then I’m fine with the rule and interpretation. It HAS to be even across rounds and only at when it’s directed towards an umpire. The issue of arm raising seems to be it’s directed AT the umpires. So from this, players can show frustration, but it can’t be directed at umpires. Look away from the umpire, shake your head, give out an angry ‘grrreeereghghgg’, just don’t do it directly at/facing the umpire. If it’s consistent and players aren’t penalised outside of these parameters, I can see it not being an issue by the end of the year and supporters will adapt knowing that those are the rules. There will still be grey areas, but hey ho, as long as they continue to be defined as we go. Hard game to make rules for as there is so much subjectivity. That’s just me though, I can see the point of view from other people.
  16. I’ve been reading this whole thread and I don’t know where I stand completely yet, but for what it’s worth, here’s an ex-pro umpires perspective and I think it’s valuable especially from a ‘gaining advantage’ angle. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-20/record-setting-umpire-backs-afl-s-crackdown-on-dissent/101002852
  17. That should be weeks but it’s Hawkins so de nada
  18. Yeah exactly, other teams have to work so hard just to get it into their fifty… and when they do, our backline is able to absorb the pressure. The field kicking out of the backline is sublime too
  19. Was paying attention to the GWS connections across the ground tonight at the game. We make sure there is a contest and and support at a rate that I don’t think I’ve seen before or rarely. We make sure there is a contest and support like 90% of the time outside of our own forward 50. It’s unreal to watch. Our backline acts in almost complete unison. Every player knows what the other is going to do. I went with my father who’s been a dees supporter since the 60’s, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Moments I’ll treasure is watching the way we play live and just giving each other a wry smile. No words needed. We are incredible.
  20. Oh man Jamie Elliott out again! Love watching him play. Been around for 10 years and only played 139 games.
  21. Watching us play these early games that have been scrappy, it’s making me realise that our game plan is purpose built for playing finals. We’ve been grinding out the wins even though we haven’t really gotten out of 2nd gear it feels all year. But we saw last finals what were like when we get into our rhythm. Bloody excited for the rest of the year.
  22. Would love to know what his half marathon time is.
  23. Just get the 4 points and I’m happy 😃
  24. I’m kinda fascinated in what Geelong are going to do in the next few years with their list. Hawkins, Higgins, Smith, Selwood, Blicsavs, Danger, Thouy, Stanley, Rohan, Ceglar, Menegola, Duncan and Stewart are all over 30. Even Cameron and Guthrie are both 29… And the players they have coming through that look alright (not superstars): Parfett Ratugolea Close I don’t think Geelong are a destination club after last year (If Im a 25 year old free agent and I want a flag, I’m going to Melbourne/Brisbane/Sydney/Bulldogs/Carltonbefore I even consider Geelong), soo do they go to the draft? With 13 senior players dropping off left right and centre of the next couple of years?
  25. A few boys out there playing like they’re rock stars…. Go back to basics and get the win at this stage as this has turned into a losable game
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