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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Come on boys!!!! Gonna be a slog but just have to concentrate on winning the next contest.
  2. Players thinking the game was won before the first bounce. Then getting shocked when we’re being dominated.
  3. We’re mentally shaken. Dees minds aren’t on the game
  4. This is a big call, but I reckon there’s a few boys out there that just thought this game was going to happen. Our effort looks 95% whilst Brisbane’s looks 100% and that’s the difference. Have to switch on and get hungry otherwise this could easily be a 10 goal loss.
  5. Man our mids are so fumbly!!!! What is happening? We look like Brisbane did last wek
  6. We look off. Playing behind the pace of the game. Their players look like they have an extra second compared to us. Where’s the pressure especially in the forward line? Looks like our boys are waiting for someone else to apply pressure
  7. WHAT WAS THAT!!!!! Kicked it to 3 of them
  8. Come on boys!!!! Mcvee is going to be a player! Looks so calm and like he has so much time
  9. Yeah same. The thought of both Geelong and Brisbane being 0-2 seems unlikely. And yet I think we’re going to win, haha. Cognitive Dissonance is a hellava thing.
  10. Ohhhhh yup true. Henry and Kolodjashnij in at least and this is a different game.
  11. No Stewart as well? Backline looks very penetrable without him
  12. Big preseason coming up for the blues. Next March isn’t far away. Back to back to back.
  13. What’s the farmland down at Casey like? Asking for a Cameron. I mean, friend.
  14. One reason I hate Geelong is how commentators bang on and on and on about how ‘Hawkins is so good in these ruck situation up forward’, which is usually the precedent for an explanation of what he does even though EVERYONE that follows AFL even a little bit knows that and has heard it a billion times. WE GET IT HE’S GOOD IN THE RUCK UP FORWARD
  15. Calling it. Game done. If Jeremy Cameron ends up at full back kicking it straight to the opposition, it’s game over. Geelong look helpless edit: I bloody tipped Geelong so hopefully this changes the momentum and I’m wrong.
  16. If Cameron gets a long term injury, the cats are done. The goals he kicks from beyond 50 consistently are ridiculous. Only reason they’re in the game.
  17. This is true. If there’s anybody deserving of nepotism, it’s the best boy Jobe.
  18. Stewart’s ability to win 1v1, absorbing repeat entries and intercepting capabilities being missing in this game really hurt the cats defence. They don’t have a replacement and it’s showing.
  19. Yeah he doesn’t really offer any insights? He just points out the obvious that everyone can see is happening. Daisy is legitimately the best special comments person IMO. She teaches me things about the game.
  20. Nice 9 meter kick paid a mark to set up that goal there.
  21. Was actually a great tackle considering there’s literally 50cm height difference between Motlop and Dekoning
  22. What do you mean? He almost took his chest off.
  23. Curnow and Mihocek kick 500 goals between them.
  24. It’s all connected Wodjathefirst… it’s all connected…
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