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the fork

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Posts posted by the fork

  1. Could the MFC very cheekily pull off this..

    GWS approached offered picks 2 20 and Jamar for pick 1. They're happy.

    In the meantime, MFC on the blower to Collingwood, we take 10,11, Sidebottom for number 1.. Pies get prized possession in Boyd and we get a good midfielder and good picks.

    It is widely understood that GWS don't want or need what you suggest we offer them. They don't need picks and they don't need Jamar if they're getting Mumford.

  2. I didn't read it as sinister.

    I saw it more as Lyons being contracted is happy to stay in Adelaide. Adelaide are happy to keep him. Both have the potential to move but it would take a good offer to both and in-particular Adelaide for it to happen.

    You're right, he played it pretty straight, I just read a little subtext into the: He's happy, not going anywhere brush off. Time will tell.

  3. Apparently Lyons manger said he is most likely to stay in Adelaide?

    Yep manager is Lucas who stated that he more likely to stay, but I sensed he was just playing a litle bit of hardball on behalf of Adelaide (being a contracted player I'd suggest this is in Lucus' best interest). However I think he, like Adelaide is looking for a little more. Adelaide wanting a better pick and his client wanting a little more cash to jump ship. I think Lyons wants to come but is holding out for us to increase our offer. I think when we have a clearer idea of our compo for Slyvia we will be able to solidify our offers to players like Lyons.

    • Like 1
  4. Don't think I'd bother with Greenwood, if we secured the rest.

    Vince, Lyons & Michie may be enough.

    Might not even need Cross (but I want him).

    Not sure we have that much room on our list, either.

    Maybe you're right but there's always room for midfielders and I reckon we have plenty of room. Bail and Nicho could go and mod wouldn't bat an eyelid!

    • Like 1
  5. Not sure we'd be able to get Greenwood with pick 72.

    Any news on him by the way?

    Last I remember hearing they we're looking to get him out of their system. If they snatch Dal Santo I reckon they'll be looking for salary cap relief wherever they can find it and Greenwood would provide it. If we've just scored Michie at 54, Greenwood at 72 aint absurd!

  6. Thoughts? Go on... rip in.

    Pick 2 - Best Available (Sheil, Freemen, Aish)

    Pick 20 + Sylvia Compo (37) - Bernie Vince and Jarryd Lyons

    Pic 36 - Best Available

    Pick 54 - Viv Michie

    Pick 72 - Levi Greenwood

    Pick 90 - Upgrade Mitch Clisby

    Daniel Cros - FA

    • Like 1
  7. We seem confident that Lyons, Vince and Mitchie will move to the dees. What happens with pick 2 is anyone's guess...

    FWIW I think this would be an excellent result. I can't see us spending much, given that this is generally considered a relatively week draft, or going backwards with these players coming in. I would think we will either pick up Cross or pursue a mature age VFL/WAFL/SANFL mid to compliment the young gun we snag with Pick 2.

  8. What I think people need to remember is we are in a position where we just have to trust the new regime at the club. We have to back the judgement of Paul Roos and the people he is in charge of to make the best decisions possible on behalf of the club. Prior to PJ and then Roos coming on board we were in a world of trouble. Perhaps as bad as we have been since the merger situation. We have nothing left but to have faith in the people and the club NOW and hope they get it right. Of course this does not mean we can't have an opinion but geez, just roll with it!

    How many Swans supporters would have thought the recruitment of Richards, Kennedy or Mattner was a good idea at the time? How many of them backed Roos in when he plucked Shaw from the Pies? Michie is a risk but one that I am willing to take, because Paul Roos is. Call it blind faith if you like, but what other option do we have?

    • Like 11
  9. Jay Clarke sprouting on KB's show on SEN that we requested Steven Motlop and Mitch Duncan for Pick 2.

    Says we'll hold Pick 2 and take Kelly and suggested that Wells would have laughed that deal off.

    I know, I know, Jay Clarke, just passing on what I heard that he heard...

  10. I heard Denham this morning on SEN mention that were now looking at Dom Tyson. I then heard from somebody else that this is right and it involves Blease and an exchange of picks. Has anybody else heard anything about it? From memory Tyson is coming off a knee, but he can play. Was keen to head to Richmond I believe after his first year at GWS.

    Thanks for confirm this Warren. I heard this on SEN and have been waiting for someone to mention it all day. I didn't catch much else of what they said but said he was being looked at closely.

  11. I posted a few days ago on the rumours about St. Kilda being in trouble and, despite the positive spin the Saints have put on their trading of Ben McEvoy, I can't accept that the trade spells anything else but that they're in a bit of strife.

    So I'll add another rumour to the mill.

    There's another big one to come from St. Kilda in the next few days.

    If it's Stevens for Pick 2 I'll kiss you Jack.

    • Like 1
  12. Seems to be a lot of murmurs about pick 2 and Sydney

    Where theres smoke theres usually fire

    Dan Hannebrery to the MFC thanks

    Nah but wait, I've read elsewhere, on good authority, that it's Jetta and Rohan being considered. Just can't remember where...

  13. The Adelaide List Manager just told Damien Barrett on Trade Radio that 'Rory will not be going anywhere'. Definitely time to close this thread.

    I heard this as well and agree, aint gonna happen.

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