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the fork

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Posts posted by the fork

  1. Thanks for your opinion.

    Now are you in for the bet for the benefit of the Club?

    Thanks Rhino, but no thanks mate. As I have stated all along I remember Meesen getting two years, not willing to state this as fact, like yourself.

    It seems the maximum benefit the club could receive out of this is me being correct and Meesen only being with us for one more year. (Joke, have not written this fella off yet!)

  2. Nor have you provided any factual evidence beyond "I think" so yours is a bad case of pot calling kettle black.

    Are you prepared to bet $200 payable to the MFC as a donation if you are proven wrong? I am.

    I am offering my opinion based on what I remember and am offering it as my opinion.

    Unlike yourself I am not stating "I know", rather "I think", as you have pointed out.

    You are offering your opinion as fact.

    Boiling the kettle black! Get off your high horse Rhino.

  3. My information comes from a contact close the Club who has been correct on a number of matters. Your choice. No doubts on my side.

    Well for what it's worth I think he was originally signed to a two year contract, therefore he has one to go.

    I chased this issue up a few weeks ago and the hysterical Meesen baggers were unable to provide any evidence that he was contracted until the end of 2010.

    Instead of appearing to state fact and correct others Rhino, you should do a little more than rely on a chat with a mate.

  4. Both Newton and Meesen are contracted for 2010.

    Someone would trade for Bell??? 4th/5th rounder??? Doubt it.

    Fair Dinkum we are yet to put this puppy to rest. It is my understanding that Meesen was put on a two year contract.

    Even on the Demonland PLAYER CONTRACTS thread that was pinned for a while we have his contract until: October 2009.

    I am willing to be corrected but Meesen has ONE year to go on his contract.

    Please view:


  5. My hope is the Club does not have to do this as firstly, it can't afford it and secondly, the connotation is that having to spend buckets means there are serious side issues.

    Rhino, I enjoy reading your posts and value your sensible input to most of the genuine discussions on Demonland, but I am having trouble tuning into your tone on the drafting of a player that may well need specific attention in Jurrah. You seem very unwilling to accept that players from remote areas and different cultures deserve any specific considerations at all.

    Your comment on another thread suggesting that individuals from an aboriginal background deserve treatment no different to players from other non-mainstream (whatever the hell that is) cultures shows a lack of knowledge of the circumstances in which people like Jurrah emerge from. Mate if you will allow me to generalise for a moment, communities in remote Aboriginal Australia are places of extreme poverty. Communities throughout this region have been massively underfunded since their establishment in the 1960's. As mentioned English can be a fourth or fifth language, each house may have up to 20-25 people living in them, staff turnover and attendance in schools is a huge problem as are lack of job opportunities, access to health and other basic facilities. This is not to paint a negative picture of these communities, they are amazing places, full of incredible people with stories of a life few could imagine. Stop for a minute and imagine what it would take to work your way through such disadvantage and be drafted to the melbourne football club...

    When a club drafts a player it automatically inherits all of the pro's and con's that player possesses and a responsibility to provide a supportive environment with issues like the potential costs (time and financial) considered. So when you mention due diligence it surely must also apply to what the club must provide after draft day.

    I don't want to make a big deal out of this Rhino, I want this thread to focus on the inspired decision made by our recruiters on this potential great player for our club. I also just want to set a supportive tone for Liam amongst the supporters, not an expectant one with no consideration of how far this young man has come already. Here's hoping this leads to great things, I mean we just found out that a community of 600 in the middle of the country has adopted the red and blue!

  6. Fork you from up that way? 4th or 5th language is astounding! I would have thought 2nd or 3rd at most.

    Great to hear some new supporters coming onboard, especially over the filth. Maybe a few of the heartland memberships can end up in the hands of some of the little fellas now hopefully following Jurrah and the dees along with a few jumpers or twenty!

    Lived in nearby community for two and a half years and in Alice for the last three. Still live there, have seen heaps of footy throughout the region and am stoked with the Dees bold decision to draft Liam.

    People from Yuendumu speak Walpiri primarily, beyond that Pintupi Luritja, a bit of Kukatja, some Pitjantjatjarra, maybe a bit of Arrente and then English.

    There is a community nearby (150kms) that has a very strong family connections to Yuendumu called Nyirrpi (population approximately 200), their local side is the Nyirrpi Demons, they will be stoked with Liam being drafted. Plenty of room for the Dees to get out to these areas and contribute and bring a few more fans on board.

  7. What a lot of people have to understand is that for people from remote regions of the NT and WA, English can be a fourth or fifth language.

    I hope some cross-cultural training is provided for all in this scenario.

    It is true that a huge part of the mob from Yuendumu will now follow the Dees, they are football mad in this region, will do my best to recruit a few new members!

  8. Feel as though I can add a little to the discussion regarding Liam. He has played for the Yuendumu Magpies, possibly the proudest, most professional indigenous club in Central Australia. The game in the centre is a vision of the future; quick, skilful, offensive. These guys play on dirt ovals, with perhaps 90% of players in bare feet. The word up in Darwin is that he has been dominating, a very skilful, fast, strong marking forward that is capable of having an immediate impact.

    The Jurrah family is a very proud, well respected family in these parts.

    It is wonderful to see so many aboriginal boys coming to the Dees, big hopes for Liam.

  9. You got to be kidding when you think this game was good

    To me it was clangerfest with a positive and gutsy final result for us

    Were you there fox?

    As far as atmosphere and passion goes; it was amazing. I remember a moment when I was on my feet, screaming with my fists in the air, sure I was all alone. I glanced sideways to see a sea of red & blue of all ages doing exactly the same. We were a pack of ferals that day, electric and anyone who doubts the passion of Mfc supporters would have been shaken to be amongst us.

    I believe that when we return as a force, we'll see a mass awakening, like what we glimpsed on that day.

    Got down the boundary at the beginning of the game to cheer Stef Martin on for his first game, like to think some of my positivity got in his ear and urged him on.

  10. One of the few games I got to this year, due to being an interstater. Dad and I made it along, not expecting much and boy what a game we got!

    Was on the wing for that chase, on my feet screaming my lungs out with thousands of Dees supporters around us, one of the great moments in my football watching life, as was the end to the game, gave me great hope for the future. Willing to hang on for as long as it takes.

  11. Im mates with Straussy and going out to get his no. today

    mate pass on our congratulations to Straussy and let him know that there is a dedicated, passionate mob of supporters at Demonland who welcome him to the club and wish him all the best.

  12. So did Bennell and Jetta play at the same club?

    From the first article in my post above:

    Neville Jetta from Bunbury Bulldogs along with Jamie Bennell, Frank Quartermaine and Clinton Garlett from Carey Park Panthers are among the nation’s top young footballers and have attracted interest from AFL clubs in what is expected to be a strong year for the draft.

  13. Brogan's updated List

    Tom Lynch has been strongly tipped as top-20 selection now and the word is the Saints could be the club for him.

    Melbourne and West Coast will also be massive players in the backend of the top 20.

    Expect Ryan Schoenmakers (although he has also been linked with the Swans in recent days) to be a 15-20 selection.

    Lewis Johnston still seems a selection in the teens, although No.9 can't be discounted for North Melbourne, considering the Bombers are right into Sidebottom at No.5. Geelong and Melbourne will be eagerly-awaiting to see where Johnston fits into the equation.

    Sam Blease also looms as a No.13-No.17 pick with Melbourne certain to have a look at him closely, if he is still available.

    Dayne Beams, Jordan Roughead, James Strauss and Nick Suban seem the others most likely in Melbourne's mix.

    1 – MELBOURNE – Jack Watts

    2 – WEST COAST EAGLES – Nicholas Naitanui

    3 – FREMANTLE – Stephen Hill

    4 – PORT ADELAIDE – Hamish Hartlett

    5 – ESSENDON – Michael Hurley

    6 – CARLTON – Chris Yarran

    7 – BRISBANE LIONS – Jack Ziebell

    8 – RICHMOND – Tyrone Vickery

    9 – NORTH MELBOURNE – Steele Sidebottom

    10 – ADELAIDE – Jackson Trengove

    11 – COLLINGWOOD – Daniel Rich

    12 – SYDNEY SWANS – Mitchell Brown

    13 – ST KILDA – Tom Lynch

    14 – WESTERN BULLDOGS – Ayce Cordy

    15 – GEELONG – Lewis Johnston

    16 – HAWTHORN – Phil Davis

    17 – MELBOURNE – Sam Blease

    18 – WEST COAST EAGLES – Tom Swift

    19 – MELBOURNE – Ryan Schoenmakers

    20 – WEST COAST EAGLES – David Zaharakis

  14. Well said Jack. I feel quite the same about DB, he has had a firm agenda since arriving. Throughout this year it has been difficult for us to see where that agenda was taking us. But the scale of overhaul we are currently going through (rebuild) was never going to look pretty on the field straight away.

    I don't have too many high expectations for next year, but i do believe we will start to see parts of Bailey's plan emerge and take shape on field.

    Whilst we digress once more to CJ, I must stop and ask, does anyone see him holding down a regular spot in the carlton backline?

  15. Ok, in the past three weeks we have considered the recruitment of two players with injuries to their knees.

    I'm still having trouble understanding the logic behind most on this board refusing to even consider Prismall with Pick 35, who was a proven mid at GEELONG.

    And the frenzy to spend Pick 17 on a bloke with two serious knee injuries who has played barely any footy for two years at junior level.

    Can someone please tell me what I'm missing and I'll go away...

  16. Hell, I'm taking this quite seriously.

    Maybe our approach is Naitanui at 1 and two tall forward prospects at 17 & 19?

    Also willing to accept that this is Harvey throwing his own spanner in the works.

    Yep, nup, your all right. Feeling a little exposed yesterday afternoon. Harvey is a twang.

    Watts to the Dees @ 1, just as I've believed all along.

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