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the fork

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Posts posted by the fork

  1. The fro-mullet! Nice...

    From where Liam is from that style is par for the course with a little pizazz. Wait til the peroxide is applied then will see something to really write about!

    Loved his game. Confident, hard working, as somebody mentioned well weighted kicks to his teammates advantage. Can't wait for his next game.

  2. After all the frustration of last night, I was reflecting about Steph Martin. Here is a bloke who played KPB, KPF, Ruck and also was on Monfries at one stage (I think). I don't think I've seen a player used as much across so many roles in one game and I though the did bloody well. Given his realtive youth, inexperience (with footy in general and at AFL level in particular) and the speed of his improvements across the last two years, he may well develop into one of our most important players.

    Couldn't agree anymore. You can tell that he doesn't have all the skills yet but the intent is there. I think he sees the game very well which is a wonderful platform to work from. Hopefully a 200 game champion. Most importantly he plays with a lot of heart. Good on you Steph, he and Jurrah/Watts the only highlights for me last night.

  3. Just wondering if the scores of 'supporters' that advocate losing who seemed to have swamped Demonland are satisfied with the way we lost last night? Did it fulfill your request for a loss in the appropriate way? Were you comforted by the fact that the figures are looking good? Because to me it feels awful and Picks One and Two aren't going to fix what we saw last night.

    If your satisfied by our club losing games then don't complain how they lose them.

    We are not setting up for the future right now. We are tearing the hearts out of our young fellas and I feel empty.

    If you advocate tanking, you are a tanker.

  4. It's amazing how people see the game differently.

    How anyone cannot find it reasonable not to mention James Frawley in their lists amazes me.

    Just want to make a very public note that in what was a generally insipid performance he was a rock in defence. Surely one of our backines sure things for the future (which after last night feels even further away).

  5. Hahahahah go have a cry

    Moton10, I'll chime in a call you a gutless wonder as well. Not willing to stand by your original post? Mug. Racist. No, not racist? Then re-post your original post and tell us what you really think. This man has come further than you'll ever go.

    Go Jungurrayi!

  6. Liam was happy with his game and that the team won. However, he was shitty about the umpire robbing him of that mark in front of goal in the last quarter, and he was angry at himself for not bringing down that one handed screamer and for hitting the post in the second quarter. He reckons he should have finished with about 6 or 7 goals today, but he was happy overall. He must be close to a senior call up now. I thought Jetta was terrific today, so it would be great to have them both get promoted

    Rudeboy, happy to read of Liams exploits today and heR that he is so hungry. I would have thought that the club would have been waiting for him to develop his engine and body a little more before even considering him for a game. Judging by your comments you don't agree. You honestly think he is close to a call-up?

  7. Not sure if this has been posted here before, but there is now a Liam Jurrah Appreciation Group on Facebook. Already a fantastic 375 members, would be great to get a heap more, so if you're into it, join and show your support to this young man who is fast becoming a source of inspiration for young people throughout the region in which he lives.


    Also just wanted to throw in my genuine thanks to Rudeboy for the support you have offered Liam. From what I sense you have really put in to this young man and I just really want to thank you, not simply as a Demons supporter, as this as you know, goes way beyond football. Also for the updates here on Demonland, you cut to the chase and give us factual, concise information as well as silencing the regurgitators on here who take as fact the after thoughts of sloppy journolists.

    Great to see Jungurrayi ripping it up at Casey, can't wait to see him in the Red and the Blue. Go Dees!

  8. It's great to see the passion on here we have for young Bennell. I love the kid. I had a perfect view of his goal on the run against Geelong, such poise, such balance.

    Reading this I was reminded of draft day last year, November 29, when his name appeared and we all said... who? Bennell?

    How quickly things can change.

  9. What exactually would we get out of it?

    If true this is our future. Not just the foreseeable or the longterm this is the security of our club within the AFL. I don't want to get carried away but if this comes through as it should our board should be owed congratulations of the highest order.

  10. Meesen will be gone at year end(paid out) and we will rookie/draft a ruckman than.

    We still haven't gotten to the bottom of this have we Rhino? I still believe his contact ends at the end of this year.

    Bailey making enough noise about the fact that he's only 22 makes me think he'll get one more year or be dropped to Rookie status.

  11. Thanks Distance Demon. If you'd like, send me your email address, we can see what can be arranged.

    Andrew... Thanks.

    Mate your the envy of all Demons supporters. So many times over the past few months we've felt so helpless waiting for some good news on the sponsorship front. You have been in a unique position to really make a difference and you have.

    I really feel amongst the supporters here and on Demonology that there is going to be some genuine good will expressed between us and our sponsors. The past few difficult years, I feel, has galvanized us as a supporter base and as a club. So Kaspersky's support and that of Hankook's has really come along at a very special time. From all reports Kaspersky Lab delivers a fine product, I look forward to using it in the future.

    It's also wonderful to hear the Kaspersky and the Melbourne FC share a vision and values for the future. Surely a good basis to work from over the long term. Again thanks mate for your effort.

  12. I can officially announce that Liam Jurrah has just entered the stadium here at Casey Fields along with the Casey team and including the Demon contingent. As they warm up Aussie's looking particularly good with his slim body and new haircut.

    Conditions are completely different to last week with a hot dry wind blowing from the north.

    Casey reserves lost 9.12.66 to Box Hill 16.9.105.

    Thanks KC, would love some updates on Dees players throughout the match if you could?

  13. Rudeboy,

    Thanks for putting Liam up. Your support is invaluable in assisting the young fella settle. I have heard similar things about the support Liam is receiving and it's just terrific to hear. I ran into a few people from Yuendumu this morning, some in Demons gear, they are pumped!! It would be so exciting to have a young man from central Australia playing not only for the Dees but in the AFL. Thanks again mate, we appreciate your support.

  14. A new deal is imminent.

    Not a second, third or fourth tier sponsor, but one that will add cache to the club. If it comes off.......and it should.....another may jump on.

    If that happens, then some on this forum may be laughing on the other side of their faces.

    Rather than showing discord to potential sponsors, maybe......at least for a couple of weeks.....it might be worth our while to swallow our pride and just show what a united team.....supporters included.......we really are.

    However right or justified some feel on this forum, right now they could be causing irreperable damage.

    Just think of the message we all got last week on this very forum from Hankook. Anybody can join this forum and don't forget that.

    Sounds like pretty good advice to me i'va, cheers.

  15. It's up to him now. It's up to Colin Sylvia to actually make the decision if he wants to take his career seriously.

    I've ran out of support for him, in my house he's on his own.

    He broke the team rules... again. It's not a matter of how seriously. He told a lie and he must be punished.

    Disappointing to see people continue to give him slack. Because he keeps taking that slack and will continue to do so until he is a shadow.

  16. Hi Demon fans,

    I'm with LD Wholesale Tyres, the Hankook distributors in Vic/Tas and new major sponsor for the MFC! Thought it might be a good idea to join the number 1 Demon forum in case any of you have any questions regarding Hankook or LD Wholesale - where to get them, which tyres to choose etc

    We are very excited about the opportunity to be officially involved with the Demons and look forward to a long and prosperous association.

    Hope to se some of you at family day on Sunday and at the G throughout the year!

    Go Dees!

    On behalf of not only Demonlanders, but all Melbourne supporters I'd love to welcome your company to the club. Your sponsorship has come at a unique time in the clubs history. We're a proud group of battlers and this is the die-hards coal face. Hankook has just adopted a group of very thankful group of loyal customers who are very grateful that you have decided to sponsor the greatest football club in the world.

    Go Dees!

  17. Most of Deegirls 'on the money' were news any footy fan who voraciously reads anything associated with footy could have said.

    Unless it is on the MFC board, why does everbody believe it, which still means that if there is no other LTI, Spencer would return to VFL once Jamar is fit 6-8 weeks.

    And the knives come out for Jamar who is immediately retired.........'loyal' supporters one and all, I am surprised that some of the MFC players can actually run onto the field with all the knives and barbs sticking into them

    In the past she has been spot on. She announced Mc Donalds appointment three weeks before he club did. What's your basis for such a bad view of Dee Girls info?

    I think people are just excited for a young prospect to get an opportunity.

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