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the fork

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Posts posted by the fork

  1. Ok. You identify the poster(s) who have written off Clarkson by replying to their posts and/or highlighting instances of such comment. And I'll refrain from questionning your post in an "apparent"(IYO) pig headed demonlander fashion.

    Vague generalisations of such nature of posts regarding comments on Clarkson & Malthouse I believe are distasteful, unless you can hold them to to account by replying to these examples you speak of.

    It's not about you and me HT. I have not the time or energy to provide specific examples but I am sure you can empathise with the thrust of my arguement without too much effort.

  2. And James Hird repeatedly said last year he wasn't going to coach Essendon. Now look.

    Honestly, if you find it unbelievable, good for you.

    If the offer to Clarkson is true, it's a good move at precisely the right moment before anything is penned with the Hawks. Surely it must be worth some consideration, former club, 5 year lucrative offer, Lyon, Viney , Connolly - all acquaintances. But it would be hard to let go with what he has helped build and the superstars available on the Hawthorn list as well as Jeff on the way out.

    It would be a great coup in netting a visionary coach who has his finger on the cusp when it comes to tactical game plans. Although it must be said, he has benefited from the quality players and good recruiting at his disposal.

    HT you're missing my point in a typically pig-headed "Demonlander' fashion. I am saying it is unbelievable that people are writing Clarkson off immediately whilst continuing to entertain, reasonably in my view, the idea that Malthouse might coach us.

  3. Clarkson, for me, is the man. The coach we must have.

    I find it unbelievable that some people say it wont happen, whilst others bat on for pages and pages about Malthouse who has stated publicly that he will not be coaching another football side next year.

    Clarkson has said nothing of the sort and the exact type of tough, unrelenting mongrel our club needs. Malthouse however, the living personification of arrogance, lives on in your hearts as the coach we must snare.

  4. One thing to add, has anyone seen the replay of Tapscott's hit on Shaw late in the 4th in front of the MCC Reserve? From what I saw from the replay of the screen at the ground it looked like he might come under scrutiny from the match review panel.

    Either way, was great to see him back his strength a couple of times in the game.

    My favorite moment of the match.

    Shaw took an age to surface and when he did he was a very ginger 80 year old, meanwhile Tappy was off raring to get the ball.

  5. Howdy Demonlanders.

    It all seemed to be too good to be true. I'm currently in Melbourne, my better half arriving from Alice on the Thursday afternoon, the Best & Fairest, a great night acknowledging an improved season, a great table with good Demon friends...

    Then it all goes wrong, horribly wrong. My dog (In Alice) indulges in her daily routine of chasing the kangaroos over the road from our home and in the process severely damages her eye and has to have it removed... I'm devastated, really shocked, my dog only has one eye.

    Anyway... the outcome of course is that my partner can't use her ticket, I have a spare and a bill from the Vet you would not believe if I told you.

    Anyone need a ticket? It's on a great table with a few Demonlander's and should be a great way to end season 2010 and at the same time you'll be helping me get out of a bit of financial strife!

    Send me a message if you're interested with you telephone number and I'll get in touch.


  6. Having just watched the game, what stood out to me was not Sylvia, nor McKenzie, nor Jamar, but Watts. His running, second/third/fourth efforts, more running, pick ups off his feet, quick hands, blocking, and even more running were highly commendable. I really liked his effort. Still has to work on his kicking, though I'd say some of those turnovers were nothing more than a byproduct of his being knackered.

    Sylvia and Jamar were visible stars, with McKenzie doing really well in the clinches.

    Bennell, Wonaeamirri and Jurrah all did a couple of nice things, but Bennell, as per usual, faded in and out, and didn't make the most of his opportunities, Wonaeamirri didn't get much of the ball but applied good pressure, and Jurrah didn't get in many contests at all and had very little influence.

    A couple of people here have given Watts votes and comments like titan's above have just woken me from a slumber that I forcefully placed myself in sometime ago.

    I told myself, a few months back, not to expect anything from Watts for a couple of years. Here he is in his first serious year of AFL gathering comments like those above. It's great, I'm happy, excited for the future and just wanted to share the love.

  7. just feel compelled to vote today, what a ripper!

    6. Frawley - What a player! The footy brain compliments the footy skills, few Full forwards are going to have the ability to play defensively on him.

    5. Sylvia - I like the Chapman comparisons. Strong, hard at it and everywhere including the rucking contests.

    4. Bruce - Much maligned but O'Keefe's stats tell the story.

    3. Mc Kenzie - Jordie plucked the ball from a few impossible contests today. He ran and tackled like the champion (I don't use that word often) he's going to be.

    2. Green - It's like he's waited his whole career to play this role, forever thankful to this great clubman for sticking with us in our darkest hour.

    1. Bartram - I like Clint and he played possibly he's best game for us today.

    Reason for edit: Forgot Green! Jamar out, Green in.

  8. I am so certain that Maric will never make it that I bet with my mate that I'll buy him a trip to Fiji...the kid has no chance. That being said...I hope he proves me wrong

    Welcome to Demonland. We look forward to your expertise in player development and list management. May I encourage you to cast your learned eye over our entire list and make similar ridiculous comments and bets with your mates.

    I mean if your so sure about Addem Maric, who at this stage is an unknown quantity, you must be spot on in your qualifications of more seasoned players. Think of the life you could live off the simple bets you place with your mates!

    Enlighten us...

    PS. 'I hope he proves me wrong' - How do you expect us to believe this statement? Your saying 'I hope I get to buy my mate a holiday to Fiji'? Don't attempt to skirt your statement, your saying he wont make it full stop.

  9. A bit of a sideways observation I'll admit but I can't help but compare Maric's place in supporters minds to Pettard's not so long ago.

    Injury held back Ricky's development whereas it seems that Maric's has been a mixture of injury and work ethic (admittedly I have only come to know of this through this forum.

    Glad he's contracted for a while yet, keep a few off his back. I would like to think we have a real sleeper on our hands.

  10. From The Age:

    Industry suspicions that Carlton over-spent in giving Melbourne draft pick No. 11 for Brock McLean last season were given more credence yesterday when he was axed for the match against his former club.

    The 24-year-old, who played his 100th match last week, was omitted with fellow recruit Lachie Henderson in favour of key forward Jarrad Waite and defender Ryan Houlihan, who return from suspension and injury respectively.

    The player snared by the Demons with that No. 11 draft pick, Jordan Gysberts, has retained his place after a sound debut last week.

  11. The Weather in Darwin is normally cooler and less humid this time of year. All the papers, T.V, locals were talking about how they could not believe the weather. The trip will not normally be this taxing on players, it was bad luck.

    Anybody who attended to the game would not be asking this question. Awesome trip. I'm sure everything that they experienced travelling to Darwin the will enhance the team culture, and have long team benefits. For a young team to play in those conditions and fight for a one point win will build confidence and character.

    Agree Thomo. Anyone who was at the game would agree it was a fantastic thing for the club. We were in the paper and on the TV everyday we were up here, with the clubs NT connections being spruced at every opportunity. It was massive PR, for however , a very small population, but I would argue, a very important population. With the current team, we have an opportunity to get a foot in in the NT like never before, the new Essendon if you like. Those at the game would have seen Tiwi mob covered from head to toe in Demons gear, screaming their lungs out with the rest of us. Being on the boundary and seeing the players having their photos taken with local mob was special. For the supporters and the players as well.

    I agree the game was every taxing on the players however it was freakish weather, not normal for this time of year. As has been discussed if the timing of the game could be modified there would be no issue, the plusses would far outweigh the negatives.

    For the record the Dry is the best time of year to play footy. The season up in Darwin runs during the wet to accommodate players from southern leagues who play, which the competition relies on. Also impossible to play cricket during the wet, if it wasn't played during the Dry it wouldn't exist.

  12. Bate & Bruce are confirmed outs.

    At Alice Springs airport, on my way up north. Melbourne plane just arrived. Big Official Melbourne entourage on board. James Strauss the only player on board. Liam also, not sure if he was already here though. CC, Schwaby, Don Mc Lardy the notable others. Strauss' presence would suggest he's not playing. No big Jim. Raining and quite cold here so possibly not good conditions. All about to head to Yuendumu, great for the community out there.

    Also those making the trip should attempt to watch the pre game matches. See how footy is played in the top end.

    Cheers. Good to see a bit of red and blue in Alice today. God I hope we win.

    Go you Demons!

  13. That would be an outstanding way to deal with what happened on Saturday IMO.

    I would love to see Bailey and co. drop some underperforming senior players, who are not helping our cause anyways.

    Bruce and Miller will be top of the list, but I wouldn't be upset if Davey, Bate and Moloney were dropped either. We can't keep accepting the shocking performances that our senior leaders put in every week. It is completely unacceptable, and worse of all, it is teaching the younger players that there are no consequences for not playing as hard as you can.

    If ever you were going to make a statement, now is the time.

    It's not possible that the only players leading from the front on Saturday were those with less than 50 games under their belt... in most cases, less than 10!

    Couldn't agree more Jaded.

    The softly, softly approach is not going to work.

    I think we've been extremely lucky over the past two seasons to avoid media pressure. Bring it on I say, the hasty signing of Bailey and those responsible, need to be examined.

    Pressure created something special in the Adelaide practice match, lets see more of it.

  14. Well said. Maybe Robbie57 felt he needed to get it off his chest.

    welcome Robbie57.

    fork, E25 is entitled to his opinion and you may not see it, but he did contribute to this thread. I think you're being a bit precious. Perhaps you could contribute to this thread.

    spare me mate G to W. precarious to suggest that E25 contributed to a this thread. just because what R57 has said may not be ground breaking doesn't mean he deserves one line tough man spats.

    E25 I owe you an apology, I have mistaken you for someone else. you are one of the junk time posters (106am...?) I scroll past time and time again. sorry about the confusion. if attacking first time posters with something positive to say is your thing, knock yourself out.

  15. Robbie's opening post is passionate & I don't necessarily disagree with anything he said, but it's not exactly groundbreaking.

    Do you really think any if what he said hasn't occurred to those running the club..?

    If it hasn't then we are already well beyond hope.

    Enforcer have I missed your cynicism previously or is someone else posting on your behalf? Lets trawl through the topics you've instigated and judge how 'groundbreaking' they are. Your coming across as a right spoilt little guttersnipe. Contribute constructively or rack off, posts like yours on this thread are dragging this site toward somewhere nobody wants to go.

  16. Some good points on here, the jury will be out for me though for some time. Racist posts again deleted overnight, a little reminder of the types that continue to make their way here.

    I too have found great company amongst most posters on here. I really enjoy reading demonland on occasion. It's just those sunday roasts that occur when respect seems to fly out the window.

    I'm glad to have stimulated some debate and some smiling pride. To the poster ‘fatty’ who suggested that the ‘preciousness’ that players receive these days is unwarranted. I would suggest so too is the slander.

    If your yelling something over a fence at least it’s coming directly from your mug. Part of what is said on here by individuals would never be delivered face to face.

    Off topic just wanted to share the following gem delievered during the Dees vs Bombers match a couple of weeks ago:


    im starting to get very nervous about Jurrah, this will be 2 very bad games in a row for him


    Are you here [censored]? Jurrah's getting into it.


    no mate, just going by the lack of posts that don't have his name in it...

  17. That's flat out garbage.

    I have never felt more connected to my club, never cared as much and have never known as much as I do now. For our many fans interstate and overseas, this site is a dead-set necessity. I don't know what kind of fan I'd be if I hadn't stumbled on this site.

    Saying it doesn't help the club is nonsense.

    I agree that this site is a good thing amongst supporters, I would argue that it is not a good thing for the club.

    Dan I understand you personally feel closer to the club, you feel more informed, importantly you are encouraged you to pay your membership and stay vocal. I too think that supporters banding together on here is a genuine positive.

    Looking holistically however, the slander, the baseless rumors, innuendo , the bloodletting that happens often on Demonland and other online forums does more harm than good.

    I know for a fact that the MFC players are encouraged not to read this site. As a member of this site how does that make you feel?

    Is it not a contradiction that players that wear our jumper are kept from something you believe to be helping them?

    If you a Melbourne Football Club player, the father or brother of a player, would you feel supported by the gutless slander that some players and coaches of our club receive on here?

    These are the people at the core of our club, the ones that, along with the supporters, really matter.

    The financial support we offer our club is vital, but I would say so is supporting it and it's players in a respectful manner.


  18. It's too late Demonland was gutted by an army of keyboard heros way back.

    There's a reason clubs and players despise online forums. I'm sure some people are convinced that by posting on here you're actually supporting the club. On rare occasions we have banded together and done great things. But on the majority, online forums including this one are places for hysterical slander by people who puff their chests out the moment they log on.

    Strausski anyone?

    Watch how quick this conversation flops and this thread sinks to the bottom of the pile beneath an amateur tirade of premature assumption waiting for our young players under pressure.

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