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  1. Not sure why there's no thread about this on here yet... https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6306057/amp/Jack-Watts-text-scandal-AFL-star-messages-phone-leaked.html&ved=2ahUKEwjnoZmdpaDeAhUbTI8KHYLaCzwQFjACegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw05n6H7PIDz_JGhs13X-cEs&ampcf=1 DEMONLAND EDIT: THE MATTER OF JACK WATTS IS CLOSED FOR DISCUSSION I'll add that the reason the matter is closed for discussion is mainly because discussion on this issue invariably degenerates into unsubstantiated rumours that could result in legal action against the owners of this site and the offending posters. I'm not willing to take that risk nor do moderators need to be constantly moderating gossip, innuendo and such during the offseason.
      • 3
      • Haha
  2. Does anyone know when theyre flying out?
  3. If people are worried about sharing their barcodes for fear of loosing out on a gf ticket then why not just buy the tickets for those who need them? We have instant bank transfers now between different banks or paypal notifies of payments instantly. Could go on the website book the tickets and have the money transferred before paying for them....
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