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forever demons

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Posts posted by forever demons

  1. 1 hour ago, drysdale demon said:

    I agree Baghad, the players and coaching staff do speak to supporters at training. Between 1987 and 1997 I rarely missed an in season training session and the players often spoke to me along with a few other supporters who regularly attended training. Among the 20 or so regulars was the Ox's Mother Mary who always spoke to everyone around, another Lady by the name of Marie was a regular attendee along with her daughter who later married one of the players { Todd McHardy I think was his name.}My daughter who attended together with me became one of the stats group for the under 19"s, reserves and seniors whilst Northey and Balme  were coaching and she was given knowledge that was not available to everyone as was I by some players.

    who the hell is todd mchardy

  2. 9 minutes ago, sue said:

    agree.  The only possible criticism is that he should have taken responsibility to kick the goal rather than looking downfield to see if anyone was a better option.  And if there was someone there and he didn't pass it and then missed the goal, we'd never hear the end of it.

    we arnt hearing the end of it ,imagine if it had have been dom tyson ,dl have gone into melt down

  3. 15 minutes ago, TGR said:

    Next to Richo, probably the worst overt body language in a footballer I have seen.  Never salivated over him, unlike many here.  Has special talents, but will never be the complete footballer IMO.  The gap between his best and his worst footy will always be massive.


    As far as reported mental illness goes, I reckon (no stats or facts for a change), a third might be bonefide.  A third have massive resilience issues; and the other third are looking for a cop-out.

    When prominent people stuff up in the modern era, mental illness is invariably connected.  I don't doubt mental illness exists, but it has been used too conveniently as a get out of jail card....for those that stuff up, and those that have no resilience.


    Resilience must be indirectly related to CO2 in the atmosphere and smashed avocado.  Our ancestors would eat us for dinner.




    pTGR (Gen X)



    spot on,get on the [censored] ,party party party,oh no caught out,play the mental health card

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  4. in my opinion may should have never got charged for standing his ground,some responsibilty must go to the other player to be aware of whats around him, he clearly wasnt watching what he was about to run into.In my playing days you knew you were going to be belted so you stayed aware and protected yourself or took avasive action.I cant remember too many concussions back in the hard days of afl/vfl the players played hard but fair tough footy,with occasional exception,like Mathews whak on bruns,the players knew to be aware of what could happen on the ground[what happens on the ground stays on the ground]would love to hear jeff crouch opinion of todays players.he umpired some of toughest players of all time

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