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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. A win is a win?

    Usually yeah, but we just eked out a 3 point win against the bottom team on the ladder, managed just 70 points and didn’t score a single point in the final qtr. I’m not sure how to feel about today but it’s hard not to argue the season is over. We just have to plan for next year. Something has to change and we need a serious injection of quality to fill some gaps. Review of everything please while we still have our core. 

     Next week v the lions up there… 😬

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Scipio said:

    Exactly this. May does the same thing any chance he gets, as he should. The result was just incredibly unfortunate. Moore is a genuinely good bloke and not a dirty player - this isn't a Maynard-type situation.

    Agree, Moore is not a dirty player.

    The point I made earlier, was that we are now 2/2 with HUGELY unlucky outcomes from football acts. To stars. 

    While May and Co would likely do the same sort of stuff, I don't recall the last time they sidelined anyone like this. Which just reinforces how bad luck it all was. 

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Pirlo said:

    Leave off on Moore, by the way. There aren't many fairer players in the game. Just look at how he deals with Maynard whenever that d/h loses his head on field. If you think Moore is at fault, then you have to hate Brad Miller too given what happened to Tom Lonergan.

    I agree with you. I do not believe Moore did this on purpose - sloppy mayyybbee - but I like him as a player and has shown himself to be quite fair. My earlier post about the Pies having form with us and our star players in relation to football acts (which you facepalmed - thanks) - was more tongue-in-cheek, and a causation point than anything else - in that the 'football act' - has directly brought about a retirement and now Trac, who I don't think we will see for some time. But I don't think Trac was on purpose at all. Very unlucky. But that's now 2;/2 games against the Pies where we have been very unlucky with BIG injuries to stars. 

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  4. The Pies certainly are very good at racking up the dangerous football acts. 

    First Gus, now Trac. They aren't going after our lightweights, are they?

    I wonder if Moore will dip into the wine collection and drop it off? 

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  5. I have no doubt Trac would have wanted to help the boys out when he came back on, but given the injuries, what we could see, and what they would have seen, I just don't know how the club let him back on. It's these sorts of decisions, in a season now with a few strange decisions, that impact the respect talked about by the club, and faith. 

    Not impressed, and sad for Tracc. Given where we are at and how we are playing, hard to truly state how big a loss he will be for however long he will be gone, particularly given we need to come out from the bye firing (although as I have mentioned elsewhere, if we didn't come out with fire in the belly yesterday, I am not sure we will after the bye, we have already had numerous opportunities to 'make statements' and 'atone').

    Bad news on top of bad news right now :-(

    Hope Tracc is doing OK. 

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  6. I'm not mad, I'm just really disappointed...

    Seriously though, that was pretty poor. In front of a huge crowd. In a game against a HUGELY depleted side. Where we had to atone for last week(s), and the final last year - a lot to play for but couldn't see the fire in the belly. I am not saying the boys didn't try, because I hate when that's the conclusion - but there's a different between trying - and red hot fire in the belly to win each moment. I couldn't see that today. The team look out at sea. 

    My main issue is we're considerably outside the 8 now (GWS are 28pts, good % and one game less) and DISTURBINGLY we are one win ahead of the Hawks. We've got the Roos after the bye but honestly, and I am not being hyperbolic here, they will also smell blood in the water - we are WOEFUL right now - and they will fancy themselves (the Eagles humbled us, and they been smashed by everyone else since). If you remember, and I certainly do, the Roos held an embarrassing record over us, even in periods when they were average. And beyond all of that is next year. Yeah, sure if we keep going with whatever it is we're doing (I don't even recognise this team, can't identify what it is we're trying to do and how it will win games - we have overcorrected), we will miss the 8 - fine - but Max is not getting any younger, nor is May. 2 crucial pillars. We can recruit heavily in the offseason but WHO would want to come to us right now. We look like we're going back to the dark ages. Talent out there wants to win games, not get pumped. We have a good list, with some exceptional talent - but it obviously means diddly squat right now.

    I believe we COULD still launch next year if we pick up some talent to help Max and May, but again I am just not sure how we sell the right people to join. What is the game plan? Where are we going? We're one win away from the Hawks!!! Who knows what will happen after the bye. We've already had numerous chances to 'make statements' and 'respond'.


    Anyway. Sad to see that today was our 'response'. Wasteful, confused, fire-free footy. Midfield punished again. 17th in the comp now for clearances!

    If we're looking positives, and I guess we have to for mental health, Rivers was great. JVR good, Koz tried hard. ANB. 

    That's all for now, going to grab a glass of wine and remember that there is more to life than footy haha


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  7. 18 POINTS IN A HALF!? 

    Who is this team? How have we fallen so far? Starting to think the eagles loss was not an anomaly but rather a sign of things to come. The Roos will be salivating. Why not? We can’t score, our skills are poor and the boys are clearly playing with no confidence. 

    Unless there’s a miracle in this second half where these guys remember they can play, I dunno where our wins will come from. 

    Keeping the faith, but geez it’s another tough one today. Was expecting a strong response against a depleted team and instead it’s been pretty tepid. 

    • Like 2
  8. 4 minutes ago, Brownie said:

    A few?

    Two out on the full as well. Fritsch kicking into a Howe smother with two loose forward. 

    And then the killer rebound just before the siren

    So hard to watch.

    Oh I meant the mistakes that cost us direct goals. But yeah hard to watch so far and Trac going down is just icing on the cake. The universe working wonders 

  9. Does anyone else kind of get the feeling the universe is working against us right now? 2 posters and a score review we would never get in our favour. 

    We haven’t disgraced ourselves but a few costly mistakes and misses mean we’re chasing. 

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