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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. With a lot of company I'm afraid.
  2. Jv needed to come back via the twos.
  3. Probably the 21 cats game circa 6 goals.
  4. Is Langdon playing? That's the first time I have seen ANB too. We look glued to the ground fgs. We go to pieces when tackled and can't stick ours. I know their flat with Max but this is an all round bad showing. Apologies to bbb and Lever but that's about it.
  5. I'm sorry but Grundy is no Max. ( By a country mile.) Has he marked tonight?
  6. I hate John Denver.
  7. Put Gus in the middle.
  8. And when the opposition are experts in ducking and dropping the knees.
  9. I'm not sure our comments here really help or hinder the boys. I think most of us are really annoyed about Max going down. Even the way we have played if Max was up it would only be 6 points instead of 20.
  10. Not to mention where they pay them.
  11. Na. We are off by 60 per cent. 2nd to the ball. Kicks to nobody. Mids ball watching. Fumbles a plenty. Umps dodgy. Spirits dampened by Max out. Soft tackles. Not enough running. Some playing as if we've lost already. But we have stopped their scoring and won the 2nd quarter. So by some alternate laws of footy we are still in it. Can c7 get rid of brayshaw? Is there a petition somewhere? Good news that Max is moving about.
  12. I think everyone of Oliver's kicks have gone straight to a lions player. Harmes needs to loft but he's certainly not alone. Bbb trying and doing very well. Jv isn't fit. Come on Tmac show some leadership.
  13. And we win the quarter. Don't know how. Gee I hope we storm back. I hate this booing bunch of brisbegas boguns.
  14. Crowd obviously used to easy frees and calling for more.
  15. I'm angry at kossie now. Needed him tonight.
  16. Lever? What r u watching.
  17. Petty having a mare in his 50th.
  18. 29 to 9 clearances against. Ouch.
  19. Why are they playing American john Denver.
  20. Petty you need to hold those. Very sloppy.
  21. Fritta and Jv not ready for this one.
  22. I hate Brisbane. I do not know why but I hate them and their booing grubby supporters. Go bbb.
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