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Deemented Are Go!

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Posts posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. 1 hour ago, Wadda We Sing said:

    My mom is a filth supporter, mainly cause her grandad played for em, but I hear your pain.

    Yeah well, what can I say, I'm a rebel. 

    It was a rainy day at the top of the old northern stand at the G, circa 1987. Melbourne were thumping the Filth and as a five year old sensing Dad's discomfort, declared I now barrack for the Dees. 

    Fast forward six years and he still hadn't bought me a Melbourne scarf or beanie. I had to go to 'footy day' at primary school wearing black and white, but reassuring everyone "it's ok, I actually go for the Dees". 

    To be fair, he took me along to plenty of Dees games, but I suffered many boring afternoons at Victoria Park. I would amuse myself by collecting 'cash-a-cans' and climbing the scoreboard with other kids. 

    To this day, I still don't think he's forgiven me.

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  2. 6 hours ago, special robert said:

    Were you at windy hill when he kicked those 4 or 5 goals in the last 1/4?

    Every one a torp from outside 50 that when sailing through more than post high!

    Must have been like the 80's. 

    I reckon they went 70 metres .....we did have the windy hill wind blowing our end.

    Finest example of multiple goal long kicking I ever saw .

    Hon. mention for Malcom Blights unbelievable torp goal at Prices Park and that one from G Lyon from inside the square at the G.

    I was there as a little tacker. My Filth supporting Father still says is the best game he's ever been to!

  3. 1 hour ago, praha said:

    Lloyd and Dunstall are not journalists. They are good for insight into the league, but they are not journalists. 

    There are no good football journalists. 

    Don't Mistake special insight and opinion for journalism. 

    Caro used to be good but she succumbed to the pressure of Fairfax's push towards gotcha jernalisms to help get the company outta the red.

    Indeed I use the term loosely. 

    Perhaps media 'personalities' is better

  4. What with all the season and ladder predictions being flung around this week by journalists and pundits alike - personality (or lack thereof) aside, who's opinion in the media do you take seriously and why? 

    For me, I think Matthew Lloyd offers insightful, balanced and usually accurate analysis. I also mostly mirrored his tipping in the second half of last year and finished 2/100 in my workplace competition! (cheers Lloydy, $450 big ones!)

    And it's hard to go past Brad Johnson's Nostradamus-like call on Fremantle at the start of last year. From memory, he was also pretty spot-on with tracking the Demons' progress through last season. 

    Dermie, on the other hand, micro-analyses everything to an inch of its life, but can't seem to see the forest for the trees.


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