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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Starting to cloud over i reckon mate. Me and Benno will be there in an hour, fkn pumped. Got my Wheels t-[censored] cut jumper on, ready to rocknroll
  2. Food for thought indeed. You have been pretty lucky in a few games this year too. I suppose it's why I like you most out of the "big four," but probably to your downfall, that the Reds' just don't seem to have that arrogance about them. Perhaps giving too much respect to their opposition when they should be going for the jugular.
  3. Not too minor though. How bizarre though. He hasn't had enough time to change anything tactically except possibly one thing, confidence. He's either come in and said perform or you're out, which i doubt, or he's come in and built the players up, letting them play more freely. Just goes to show how much a bad patch can kill your confidence.
  4. Davo, mate, never make me read a Carlton website again...
  5. Haha, knew you'd pull Beckham! Yeah, I guess it's probably a matter of personal opinion (and bias, both for and against). Don't think you can say he didn't hit it well though, i thought he seemed to try and get his leg across sharply to try and put top spin on, also didn't seem to middle it so it would curl, basically he seemed to try and punch it. In short, I don't know how to put into words what i think he was trying to do, I also don't think he could do it again with 25 attempts. But not many people could anyway. It was a bloody good strike, the game's over, let's move on. How do you see the round Diablo?
  6. You're missing the point Eastie. I think BBP is saying that if we can't replace him with anyone on our list, why give him to another club so they can use him for their services while we pick up the tab
  7. How many delicate goals have you seen hit from halfway? I think you're talking bollocks. Zeb, the way you're carrying on you sound like you've just lost the league. Then again, maybe that's why you're grumpy. Ah well, back to business tonight. Can't see us stopping the Reds unbeaten run, look for a Robbie Keane brace. The dream Hull run could come to a second crashing halt in the space of 4 days. You'd think Arsenal would get back on the winners podium at Stoke. Interested in the Everton/Fulham matchup and the West Brom/Blackburn games, could be season defining for some of those teams. Portsmouth should dispose of Wigan, who seem to have lost it, and I can see the Middlesbrough/West Ham game producing a few goals. Now, don't be surprised if not one thing I've said there comes true
  8. Bentley post match after being told to enjoy the result - "I feel like superman at the minute"
  9. I wonder how CJ would fit into this thread if this was another club's website
  10. Cool thanks mate, recruited from a village of the nation's top mods?
  11. Which could be where he's going
  12. Roulette, I hear you concern, but our club cannot be blamed for this in my eyes. There are other forces at work I feel
  13. Personally I don't know what our options now. I.e. I don't know if we can boot him and still replace him on our list etc. If we could replace him, I'd happily pay him out to get another youngster into the Red and Blue. If not, then let him rot in the Casey Seconds. Sorry if that sounds harsh, just feeling angry at the lack of any loyalty in the game. I want my club to have respect again, but we'll get there. Being heavy handed with a player like Nathan Carroll could help with that, If I was coach I would not tolerate a person who was so detrimental to my club's culture.
  14. As Rogue has said, you can contact the club directly, but i'll happily put it forward if you want. No harm in adding emphasis. I think it has a very good community feel to it, and i like the idea. Obviously it would need to be worked through more, but a very good start. By the way, North Fitzroy Fete Sunday the 9th of November from 10 am, great day
  15. Ha, funny the things you don't notice. Can i practice on one of yours? The good thing about this whole situation is that our membership tally has gone through the roof. Out of interest, how did moderators become moderators in the first place? PM would be cool
  16. Or send it to their editorials
  17. Does anyone know the go with Carroll now that he's still on our list?
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