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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Enforcer, you've reminded me of the last few minutes of the Bulldogs match in '07. We hit the front late in the match and yet no player directed the troops. Dogs kick a goal, Brad Johnson goes mental and calls all Dogs players to the backline.
  2. I'll go on record as saying I can't wait until this God forsaken priority pick no longer exists.
  3. Their lack of football knowledge has deserted them?
  4. Maybe I meant I was joking, so hard to tell at this hour of the....morning/day/life...
  5. If Walls is mentioning it, we must stop it. I'm not joking.
  6. Melbourne - 24.20: 164 13.66(points p/q) Opposition - 52.48: 360 30 ROUND 1 3.1 - 4.2 Loss 7 points (quarter), Loss 34 points (match), 21% (of the margin) ROUND 2 2.2 - 6.4 Loss 26 points, Loss 53 points, 49% ROUND 3 3.1 - 6.7 Loss 24 points, Loss 57 points, 42% ROUND 4 3.4 - 4.1 Loss 3 points, Won 8 points, 27% (of possible margin) ROUND 5 1.3 - 1.1 Win 2 points, Loss 17 points, -11% ROUND 6 2.1 - 3.9 Loss 14 points, Loss 43 points, 33% ROUND 7 3.0 - 4.5 Loss 11 points, Loss 8 points, 136% ROUND 8 1.1 - 3.4 Loss 15 points, Loss 7 points, 214% ROUND 9 4.4 - 5.2 Loss 4 points, Loss 22 points, 18% ROUND 10 0.0 - 3.3 Loss 21 points, Loss 37 points, 57% ROUND 11 1.3 - 6.4 Loss 33 points, Loss 66 points, 50% ROUND 12 1.0 - 7.6 Loss 42 points, Loss 48 points, 88% Percentage - 45.56 Won one quarter - 1.3 to 1.1 against the Crows. In total this season we have lost by 384 points. We have lost 3rd quarters by 196, which is more than half of the total points of our losses.
  7. Our best kick in came on the stroke of half time if memory serves. Pinpoint pass to a player 50 away, who quickly moved the ball on to (Sylvia?) who was running down the wing on his own - siren.
  8. In that circumstance, assuming we still finish last, we'd get picks 1,3 and 19.
  9. We'd only be affected by W.C. getting under 16.5 points.
  10. Brad Green plays roughly his 80th consecutive consistent match, showing the most leadership of any MFC player on the field, reaffirming that he is the best player on our list as well as our best leader - make him captain.
  11. I tried to get it going, but interest was difficult to obtain.
  12. I find it narrow minded, jaded (pardon the double relationship) and conceited to claim such an arrogance above a different generation, especially when the one perpetuating the slight comes from a generation with such slender differences - whose generation probably instigated the need for immediate reward and who feel than generalisations can be justified on the basis of "experience." To make a generalisation, anyone born before 1987 are impatient, narrow minded supporters based on the fact that my fiancee's father claimed after 3 quarters jack watts was "not a first round pick" and also stated, midway through last year, that Bailey couldn't coach and that we were useless
  13. I'd love to be a part of it, PM me the details. Just please don't have a username that has 1958 in it
  14. I will only go there when we have a home game. It's a shithole disgrace of a ground that spits on all that our game is built on
  15. Lucas averages less goals a game against only St Kilda, he hardly dominates against us and should/will retire at the end of the season if not earlier.
  16. I only hope the Bubbledome is better...much, much better.
  17. TBH I feel Riv is going backwards
  18. Jetta a number of times in the VFL would lean on an opponent and then at the last instant, push off and take a mark (after unbalancing the opponent). I noticed last night he tried this, but against the bigger bodies in the AFL, they aren't unbalanced as easily and he didn't get near it.
  19. Does anyone know how many of our team were playing on that wretched ground for the first/second time out of interest?
  20. When the pressure was massively on he made quite a few mistakes I thought, which I agree Rogue were quite surprising I thought. Was flat footed at one stage when a Bombers player ran straight passed him for a mark, a few skill errors, one shocking grubber kick. But then also did quite a few nice things.
  21. I noted this event as a significant moment in his cognitive development (sorry, too much Primary school exam study!) What I liked is that later in the quarter he had the ball at Centre Half Forward in a pack. But rather than learn from his mistake by bombing the ball thoughtlessly into the forwardline, he steadily ran at a diagonal angle away from the contest, finding space and hitting Green on the chest. Breaking tackles isn't always about force, it's about angles and thinking one's way through a problem - this was reiterated when Green was on the wing and had Davey hot on his heel. Rather than attempting to wait for the tackle and break it, or get rid of the ball before being tackled, Green took possession of the ball and ran at an angle so that when Davey did reach him, he was too off balance to affect a tackle. Positive stuff from the young man, give him a few more weeks and I think he'll learn a whole lot more.
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